What to wear when having an MRI scan

I am having a full body MRI scan on Friday and my hospital haven’t sent me any info so don’t know what to wear.
Can anyone tell me please, I would think no metal fastenings.



The above like provides a lot of information regarding what to wear to an MRI scan. Hope all goes well x

You can wear anything but as long as there are as you say no metal fastenings, infect no metal whatsoever anywhere, that’s about the only rule I think xx

I have lots of scans and always wear a sports bra with no metal fastenings,jogging bottoms without and zips and remove ALL jewellery.Hospitals do normally supply gowns but they never fit properly and tend to be a bit revealing so best to wear suitable comfy clothing.I normally wear socks as feet get cold! Good luck with scan…my last mri a couple of weeks ago was a whole body scan…usually takes about 45 minutes but it was not too bad,the keeping still for that length of time is the worse.

Hi,Hazel ,Had one this afternoon they also made sure I had no makeup on.It was my first MRI scan and it was ok .meggy-moo x

Thank you for your posts, unfortunately my scan is at 8am and we live near Biggleswade and have to go to Mount Vernon so allowing 1 1/2 hours to get there so probably will not have time for putting makeup on but really glad I know its a “no no”
What about deodorant though?

Hi Hazel ,I think deodorant is ok.I think it is things that could have traces of metal as they asked if i had any tattoos because sometimes they can heat up,mine didn’t .meggy-moo x

Got to hospital for 7.30 this morning, hospital looked very dark, there was a power cut and still not restored by 10.30 as transformer had blown so advised to come home and will have to back next week.

Oh no what a waste of time for you, I know it can’t be helped but when you are all geared up for something it’s crushing when you get turned away and have to go back. Hopefully no problems next time xx

I just feel sorry for those waiting for radiotherphy. I don’t think that they would be treated today.

Best of luck. I think the no make-up advice is because some glittery eye shadows contain very small amounts of metal. I found that I had no bras nor trousers nor skirts which were completely free of metal so it was just easier to wear a hospital gown. If you’re concerned about a gown being too revealing then just grab two and wear one with the fastenings up the back and one with the fastenings up the front.