What usually happens when treatment comes to an end?


Just looking for a bit of advice.
My mum has had chemo, surgery, rads and half way through Herceptin. Whilst she was having chemo she saw her medical oncologist every 3 weeks and the last appt was just before Xmas even though she is still having Herceptin. Whilst she was having rads she saw a clinical oncologist and she is due a check up in a couple of weeks. To be honest I got quite confused with the different types of oncologist.

I am really confused as who’s care my mum is under especially now she is only on Herceptin. At the moment she is doing well and getting on with life but If she has any concerns or issues who does she contact? No one has really explained to my mum what is going to happen now that her main treatments are finished. Is there a normal procedure on how follow up should be conducted after treatment. I just want to be on the ball about things so I know what to do should I need to.

Kat xx

Hi Kat,


Your mum is still under the care of the oncologist she saw for chemo, until Herceptin treatment is completed. Most of us are eventually signed off by the oncologist and handed back to the care of the breast clinic, so the contact will be your mum’s BCN. Also, every year for five years, on the date I had my surgery (left mastectomy) I have a mammogram on my remaining breast, then the following month I have a full breast check on both sides. This is done at the breast clinic where I had my diagnosis. Something similar will happen for your mum. 


This link takes you to a booklet that you can either download, or order a hard copy through the post:




It explains what happens after your ‘active’ treatment is over. 


Hope this helps.


poemsgalore xx

Hi Kat, pleased to hear your Mum iss moving on, it’s not easy.  I’m unqualified to answer your question re Herceptin as I don’t take it.


My cancer was triple negative and there’s no follow up treatment for it.  However I had the same treatment as your Mum, lymph gland op, chemo, lmpectomy, rads.  I have a yearly mamogram and a yearly appointment with a Consultant.  Does your Mum have an assigned Macmillan Nurse?  If so she could contact her with any concerns she has, alternatively she could ask her GP who she should contact, as they should have a synopsis of case history.


I wish your Mum the best of luck for the future.  You seem to be a caring daughter and I’m sure you’ll work things throuh together.


ETA: I hadn’t seen poemsgalore’s post, she understands your Mum’s case better than I, maybe she is on Herceptin.