what's for tea/supper/dinner?? what to cook

standing cooking tea tonight i came up with the idea of us lot just posting what we are going to have to eat. i realise we eat the same thing over and over again, spag bol, chilli, curry- you get the picture
i’m sure everyone must have their own most common foods that they eat and i just thought that whilst going through treatment, (and beyond) it might be useful to just have a link to click on for a simple suggestion of something to eat.

not intended to be super recipe exchange (although it might be!) or anything lavish just a bit of fun that might help. ive been on my own with my kids goin through chemo and havent wanted to cook much but might’ have felt motivated if for example the words “fishfingers and chips” had jumped out of the computer screen at me.

anyway here goes…

for tea tonight we ate…

Beef and onion in black bean sauce with noodles

(used a jar of sauce and ready cut thin strips of beef)



ready made cottage pie, peas and little potato roasties

jacket potatoes, cheese and baked beans with salad

quick cook beef steaks, peas, sweetcorn cob, onion rings and potato wedges - yum!!!

Love assam tea with breakfast. For dinner I usually have fruits or veggies, sometimes with a small amount of fish or chicken. No red meat.

Tonight I had salmon and curried veggies–a recipe a friend in India gave me. Delicious.

Planned to have Home made quiche and salad. But got home to find OH had made guess what. Linguine and Bolognese Sauce. Still I didn’t have to cook and it made a change from Spaghetti!!!
Later it is an American Lemon Cheesecake ( Waitrose) with fresh raspberries and a little cream.
But the Sparkling White wine is opened so…

last night we ate a lovely rack of pork ribs, (tesco), sweetcorn cobs and little potato roasties, folowed by cherry icecream - delicious with whole cherries in it - on offer from Tesco, two tubs for £3 - well worth it -yummy

Tonight we had a curried spag bol spiced up a bit more with a couple of chillies out of the greenhouse.

Once it goes down a bit we have some rice pudding yummm

I would like to share the foods that i would have at the dinner tonight as

cheese and baked beans
Fried Chicken
Russian Salad

Roast lamb, leeks, carrots and new potatoes.
I put the meat on top of the veg so they cook in the lamb juices… Also it’s easy to shove in the oven altogether and new potatoes are lovely roasted
X Sarah

I fancied fish today so hubby did me fish, mash and peas with a lemon and dill sauce as he is currently cooking following my op and it was lovely.

Jean x