I have had 2 lots of surgery (implant had to be removed following original mastectomy) and as I had all lymph nodes removed I haven’t even attempted underarm hair removal yet but it is starting to get on my nerves - when can I attack it and how?
Hi Coachk, I have been using a hair removal cream for sensitive skin called Nair, I do it in two stages as I have no feeling in either armpit and avoid the actual scars themselves, BCN told me not to shave. my body hair has been quite sparce since chemotherapy so it is not something I have to do often. I would ask your BCN to see what she says . cheers
I only had some nodes removed, not all but I am numb under that arm. I was advised to use an electric razor to shave underarm NOT creams as they can aggravate the damaged skin, and not ‘wet razors’ as you can easily cut yourself where there is little feeling. I find using an electric razor and the bathroom mirror is fine - I bought a philips ladyshave on the internet, quite cheaply, and it is ideal!
I agree with Milo, check with your BCN to see what she thinks as we are all different.
I was also advised to use a good quality, well-maintained electric shaver for underarm hair and this has worked fine since my hair re-appeared a few weeks after chemo finished.
I had all the lymph nodes under my left arm removed on 2003. I was never given any advice about removing my underarm hair at the time. I always use a ladies electric shaver and look at myself in the mirror whilst shaving. I have never had any problem.
Good luck
Thank you ladies. Seeing BCN next week when I have my portacath put in - guess I can wait until then!
Well the nurse said leave it as long as I can and then use hair removal cream as no chance of cutting/grazing. Guess I need to do a patch test first. I will do this on good side but is it likely that bad side will react differenly? What do you do?
I tried a patch test using a sensitive hair removal cream on my ‘good’ side - bright red blotches and lots of painful stinging so I didn’t even try on the operated side. I reverted to the electric razor. Very little chance of cutting yourself with an electric razor if you’re careful. I agree that razor blades should be avoided because of the risk of cutting yourself and getting an infection in the wound.
Best of luck.