When did you start to feel 'normal 'again?

Hi all
I have just had my last chemo treatment (April 1st) and am so relieved that it is all over now.
Just wondered how long it took for you all to feel yourself and ‘normal’ as it were.
I am 38 and have two little children, so still feel really tired at the mo, but keen to build myself up go back to being how i used to (full of energy and life!).

Thanks for reading.

Naz x

Hi Naz,
Well done on completing your chemo, I can remember feeling sooooo relieved that it was all over too. I finished my chemo in May last year but went on to rads. I was very tired through rads, but once that was over my energy levels did start to pick up again as I am sure yours will.
It must be hard with two young children, but try and have some “me time” It helps to collect your thoughts and get things into perspective. Fresh air is good too but just because your treatment is over, dont try and rush into everything straight away.
Pace yourself and in time you will have a bit of normality back in your life again. It varies from person to person but gradually you will feel more like you used to.
I still get tired but at least I dont think about C the moment I wake up any more, and now my hair is back I feel more like me again.
Good luck with your recovery.
lynn x

Hiya Naz,well done on finishing chemo,onwards and upwards now :slight_smile:
I finished treatment 2 years ago and feel quite well I do still get tired and have achy joints but that maybe due to the tamoxifen.We are all different and some get a level of fitness back soon and some later.When I think back to this time 2 years ago I couldn’t even walk to the end of the street without feeling exhausted and out of breath.Now I walk to and back from work each day I have two jobs and one job is quite a walk.You will get there to.Take it easy and enjoy the spring/summer time,and NO treatment :slight_smile:

Best wishes Mel xx

Hi everyone

Could i ask a specific question to any one further down this road than me. When did you lose your eyebrows and lashes and when did these and hair begin to grow back?

Thanks x

NAZ, I had my last chemo on Jan 6th and started to feel better about 5 weeks later - I had forgotten how energetic I could feel! bit wiped out now post rads, but had been feeling good.
I am so impressed by those of you who manage with little ones, mine were 9 and 11 at first diagnosis and 21 and 23 this time, and I do consider myself lucky not to have had to go thro all this with babes.
mrs mc, responded to your query on other thread - take care and good luck xxx

Hi mrs mc,I had 3fec then 3tax I lost my hair on fec then eyelashes and eyebrows and all other bodily hair on tax.I finished chemo in March 2008 and had enough hair to not wear my scarfs by about June and my eyelashes grew back quite quickly but I still have no eyebrows lol.

bet wishes Mel xx

Hi NAZ - congrats on finishing chemo and like daisyleaf I have nothing but admiration for you and all the other mums with young children. I finished chemo on 3rd March (6xEC) and have felt a lot better this last week as predicted by my BCN. Start rads Thurs. and just started tamoxifen so await the delights of that. Am having a course of 6 reiki at the holistic centre attached to hospital which they tell me should help improve my energy levels. Here’s hoping cos’ I feel like an old woman some days (am only 56!) Eyebrows started leaving home about round 5 but appear to be coming back now, eyelashes not gone completely, very sparse but use a lash lengthener (that white stuff before mascara) and that helps them look presentable. Hair On head beginning to push through too. All in all seem to be on the ways back.
Good luck NAZ, look after yourself. Love Marli. x

HI Naz

I am in a similar situation to you. I had surgery cehmo and rads age 39 when my children were 4 and 2. I had to stay away from home for 6 weeks for rads (although I did come home at weekends) as live on an Island. It was hard, and tiring. But 3 weeks after the rads we went to Lapland for Christmas 08 and although I probably didn’t do as many activities as I otherwise would, I did a lot.

I then went back to work part time in Jan 09 and full time from April 09.

Energy levels have varied, I would say. I was hospitalised with cellulitis in July 09 and had a hysteroscopy and d&c in Sept but after that (which showed I did not have endometrial cancer)I felt great for a while and fairly full of energy.

Now, I am knackered again. Can’t really understand why as have been getting good sleep as children now sleep well and I am not so troubled by nighttime trips to the loo or leg cramps as previously. Have new aches and pains.

I think a lot of it must be due to getting older, holding down a stressful full time job and have children who are now 6 and 4.

I guess what I am trying to say Naz is that you have to get used to a new ‘normal’. It took me some time to come to terms with the fact that I am not who I was.

Good luck

i finished E-cmf chemo in nov and started to feel more like my old self after about 6 weeks… then had 5 weeks of rads during jan/feb and they wiped me out again.

my brain now seems to be back to normal but i still feel very tired at times and have some new complaints that i never experienced before like dry eyes and poor eyesight since having chemo.

im starting work in a new post in about 4 weeks time for 25 hours a week and really looking forward to having my brain becoming more active.

mrc mc i had 4 epi and 4 cmf… my last eyelash fell out after my first CMF… i never lost all my eyebrows as they were really bushy but they thinned dramatically… my hair however started to grow back about the same time as my lashes and brows went.

i finished chemo in nov and now have hair about 2 inches long and very long eye lashes and a full compliment of eye brows… under arm hairs only really came back properly about a month ago, when i need to start shaving them again.

my leg hairs never stopped but growing even on chemo but the did slow down and become sparser and some of the thicker hairs i previously had on my body havent come back like my arm hairs arent as finer and not as dark as before.


Hi Naz, so glad to hear your chemo is over.
To think all those months ago you were considering not having any more chemo and now you are finished. Well done you.
I went back to work on a phased return just before my last chemo. I returned initially in a clerical capacity and didn’t find it too bad.
I have now returned on clinical shifts and boy can I feel the difference!
I am really quite tired most of the time, but think I just have to build up my stamina as it’s quite a physical job.
After months of relative inactivity I am now on my feet most of the shift. Luckily I only work part time, but am hoping to increase my hours soon.
Take things at your own pace but bear in mind you will probably feel worse before you feel better.
Take care, love and hugs. Debbie. xx

Hi all
Thanks for your replies, it is good to hear that ‘normality’ does return at some point!
To be honest, now that the SE’s of the last chemo have worn off, i feel quite good. Energy levels are a little slow, but i will get there i am sure!
I have to say, i do feel like rushing about and doing loads, but am trying to pace myself now and take things steady.

Purdey, god it has been a long journey, and yes you are right, there was a time when i was going to give up, i am glad i didn’t…
Time to look forward and get the brain back into gear me thinks !

Take care
Naz x