When do I find out what grade my cancer is?

Hello everyone. I had my mammo and biopsy on Weds 4th August and the consultant said the lump in breast is abnormal and looks like cancer. I go back on Weds 11th for the results and the plan of action and I’m pretty sure the result won’t be good. I was just wondering when do you find out what grade your cancer is? Can they tell from the biopsy or can they not tell until you have a lumpectomy?

Hi Debs

They can give you an idea of the grade after the biopsy, depending on what they see. But this can change after the lump is removed as they grade the tumour according to the highest grade of cell they see. So even if there are just a few grade 3 cells it would be graded 3. This is so they treat it in it’s most aggressive form. I wish you well with your results. Dx

Hi Buzzy

So sorry you have had to join this forum. I remember my first posting when I was diagnosed and all the wonderful replies I received from all the other ladies. They will be along soon to add their experience to this posting.

I received my grading after the biopsy which was intitially Grade 3 ductal. However after my lumpectomy they found that the lump was 2.2cm of which 4mm were Grade 3 ductal and the rest was lobular Grade 2. Now having my first lot of chemo. The waiting around for the results was the worst bit for me. I rang the BCC helpline a lot for reassurance and they were brilliant.

Good luck with everything and let us know how you get on.


Thanks for that. Wednesday can’t come quick enough for me now. I just want to know what I’m dealing with here so I can stop my head spinning with all the worst case scenarios!

Hello Debs,
You will usually have to wait until you have had your lumpectomy to find out your exact grades and other test results. They usually try to give you some idea as to what it could be but don’t rely on anything until after the lumpectomy. The results can take a while in coming back. we all want them yesterday! but waiting is the hardest bit when you have bc.
Good luck with your op, I’ve had the same one and have just completed my 1st week of rads, they haven’t been any problem so far, touch wood! My bc was grade 2 IDC and DCIS.

Best Wishes,

Isabelle xxx

They should give you some idea next week about grading ,but it may change once they’ve got it out and had a look at it. They do tend to drip feed you information, and the doctor I saw clearly didn’t feel comfortable giving out bad news (so didn’t tell me everything). If you want to know everything, I would ask to be copied into the letters they send to your GP .
Good luck with whatever they find. I’ve had my lumpectomy and it wasn’t too bad at all

Its all a waiting game isn’t it and I’m just so impatient!

Well today is the day i find out what treatment I will be having. I feel a bit more positive than I did last week. I was in shock and terrified by the “C” word then but have managed to calm myself down a bit since then.
I have busied myself all morning cleaning the house and taking the dog for a long walk so as not to think about it too much. I’ll be a nervous wreck when I get there tho! My appointment is at 3.30pm so wish me luck!

Good Luck Buzzy. Kallycat

Hi Buzzy

just wondering how you got on today and to let you know im thinking of you.

Lulu xx

me too, let us know? Big hugs , Vickie xxx

Well there was good news and bad news. The good news is it hasn’t spread to my lymph nodes so it is contained. It is grade 2 but because of my age, I’m 48 (and apparently that is young!) and because the tumour is quite big, the best treatment is chemo.
I feel fine at the moment but I don’t know if thats because I know what lies ahead now (kind of)or because I’m still in shock.
My friends have been fantastic already with offers of help and support and I’m sure this site will be much help in the weeks and months to come.

Hi Buzzy,

I wondered if BCC’s publication ‘Chemotherapy for breast cancer’ may be useful for you to read before you start your treatment. The link is below.


Hope this is useful, take care
Jo, Facilitator

Thanks Jo I was given the booklet by the BCN and lots of other things to read too. I’m well armed!

Hi buzzy sorry to hear your news there are lots of people on this site that will help you on your journey when will your treatment start are you having chemo b4 surgery you are in gud hands take care elaine

Yes chemo before surgery. Got to see the oncologist on Tuesday to find out when it will start. Probably before the end of August. I hate that u have to wait a week between each appointment. I just want to get started now!

im doing chemo now had 4 AC then have to have 4 Tax b4 surgery my tumor was 90mm it was 20mm a month ago shrinkage is goin well best of luck to you

Its good news it was not in the lymph nodes. Chemo is cra**y at times but doable. Try and do some nice things this week, i know its hard but its a good way to keep occupied. I ate lots of the stuff you cannot eat on chemo, like soft cheese, prawns etc, and had a takeaway curry as its your last chance for a bit. Be extra extra kind to yourself, and well done for getting through what is a very difficult day.


What no curry on chemo?! I haven’t got to that bit in the info book yet. Dam!

plenty of curries just cant taste them need a hot one