Hello ladies.
Im starting FEC tomorrow (phew deep breath) and i know it varies from person to person, but how soon do the SE start to kick in? my mom wants to babysit me, well shes moving in bless her,
im feeling alittle sad this morning as ive just styled my hair for which could be the last time for a while, im going to try the cold cap too,
hugs to all of us x

Hi Donna. You might like to join the thread ANXIOUS ABOUT STARTING FEC IN JAN) We are all sharing our experiences on there. I’m just 5 days into FEC 2. I didn’t use the cold cap and hair started shedding on day 12. I’ve seen very good results from the cold cap though, so you could be styling for a while! Side effects do vary from person to person so it will great to have someone there to support you for the first few days. Just remember, you don’t have to suffer as there’s always help at hand with different meds. My GP has been great and you can talk to someone at the chemo suite anytime. We’re all in this together and you will find lots of support. Just keep posting. Good luck!! Jan

Hi Donna,
Difficult day of mixed feelings for you I guess. It’s much easier when you have just got it over with and started out on the road to recovery!

I did 3 FEC, and am now doing 3 Tax. I found, and I think most people do, that the SE’s seem to kick in fairly quickly with FEC - just a few hours. On saying that, I had relatively few after my first session. I felt a bit weird, and a bit queasey, but was out having coffee with friends the next morning.

Re your Mum. Let her help, for her sake, not just yours (unless that will drive you completely nuts). There will be times when you want help, and times when you don’t I’m sure, but there is no prize at the end for coping single-handed! But it is so hard for the helpless crowd around us too, being able to keep busy with practical stuff can be enormously comforting.

Hope it goes well in the morning. All the best,

Hi Donna

big hugs coming your way for tomorrow. The waiting really is harder than the treatment. Once you’ve done the first you’ll know what to expect.
It really is different for everybody, I found some SEs started the night of chemo and others came a few days later and after a few days you feel better. Cross fingers you won’t get any.
Good that you’re doing the cold cap as you’ve got a chance of continuing to style your hair! Based onthe “pink road nov” thread hair stays in until day 15/16 post chemo so you’ve got a few weeks and sone ladies either don’t lose hair or just get some thinning.
Lovely that your mum is staying to look after you. Just take each day as it comes and before you know it the finish line will be reached!
Big hugs and have a big glass of wine to relax tonight!
Cat xx

Hi Donna,
I had 3xFEC and 3xTAX too. It is now almost a year since I had my first FEC last February and it already seems like a lifetime away and the last of the visible effects (my horny, yellow big toe nails, and the gappy eyebrows) have finally grown out.
I would say be prerared for the side effects but don’t necessarily expect them all! We are all different and some lucky people manage with relatively few or at least very manageable SE’s. The nausea is likely to start very soon if that is going to be one of the effects you have. I was very very sick after my first treatment, but each time we got the sickness meds balanced a bit better and I once I had them intraveneously, I was fine.
Your hair is unlikely to start falling out straightaway, for me it was on day 19 of the first cycle and it wasn’t until day 10 of the second cycle that it got so bad that I took a razor to it.
I didn’t think that I was afraid when I went for my first chemo, but as the lovely nurse started to inject it into the canula, I had a mini panic attack and thought that I was going to be sick, and burst into tears for first time since dx. So don’t feel worried if you are emotional, it is a scary and emotional time and the nurses are used to dealing with it.
As Tracey said, if you can bear it let your mum help as much as she is prepared to and be pleased to have her around. I am sure that it will be a comfort to her. My mum died of a brain tumour 10 years ago and I wanted her every last year.

Good luck and best wishes,
Jacqui xxx


I have just had my 3rd FEC, my side effects aren’t too bad, seem to kick in the next day, queasy and tired, but the anti-sickness is good. I had bad heartburn, but now have tablets to control it.

I couldn’t cope with the cold cap (lasted only 15 mins) and my hair started coming out day 14.

With regards to your mum, let her help as much as she wants, she probably needs to feel she can do something. It can be frustrating, particularly if you are independent like me. I snapped at my mum last week for constantly tidying, my chemo had been cancelled due to infection and I was in a grump. We both apologised and I went for a nap to give her a chance to tidy up.

Hope you are one of the lucky ones with few SEs.

Ha HA Donna youre mam sounds like mine bless her she used to hoover and dust around me and come round and mother me even when i couldnt be bothered , but if it gets too much just go and have a lie down and let her potter on ,Its a mams way of coping i found after all youre still her baby.Good luck with treatment and pm me anytime for tips of advice xx Julie

hi lovely ladies,
definate date now starting thursday, mom bought her dressing gown round today as she said it may not fit into her bag!!! i love my mom dearly and to be honest she is fantastic, she makes the tea, does the vaccum dusting ironing, hubby son and myself love having her with us, i have a wonderful family and we are all very close, actually my hubby calls myself and 2 sisters the mafia as we all get involved with each other, what one knows, we all know !!!
im talking to much nerves i think

see you in a bit xx