Hi All
As you ladies have all been so great when I have had other questions I am gonna ask you some more now!!!
My Mum was dx in Aug 2008. She had 2 lumps in her left breast and a lump in her armpit. All positive. She had a masectomy in Sept with recon, 26 lymphs removed, 6 infected. Her cancer is grade 3, stage 3. It is DCIS and IDC. She is ER & PR Neg but Her2 pos. She has 4x???, and she has just had her 2nd of 4 Tax. After that she is having radiotherapy and then Herceptin. (If my info is a bit sketchy it is because she lives in Spain and language is a prob, though treatment is great!!!)
My question is how do we know if the treatment is working? When will she be scanned again? Can they tell from the bloods?
Thanks, you are all AMAZING.