when do we really feel beter .. can you share please..

Hi all,
well have had 4 FEC and 4 Tax. last dose was 3 weeks ago and expected to get back to’normal’ pretty quick but feel awful. I know it takes time to recover but I expected to feel some difference but nothing. ache more than ever. no energy, eyes still streaming, ankles and legs so swollen and ahir that had grown is not falling out!!!.
I have plans to do race for life in a week and to see Take That and 2 weddings coming up. Made the plans wanting to get back to having a life. Feel like it’s been on hold. Nothing fits, shoes look like I’ve forced sauasges into them.Eye make up doesn’t stay on. My son asked if there was wheel chair access for 5k walk-I’ll crawl round rather than that.
Have MX next week - had been told that this time delay after chemo would give me time to recoup. LOL That’s a joke.
sorry to moan- should be greatful really that they have been able to offer a treatment to fight the cancer but I was well before I found the lump and find it so frustrating to lose control over my life.
oh well onward and upward

Hi Heather

Im three weeks post 25 rads after chemo, MX with immediate LD flap recon, and I thought rads would be a breeze after chemo. The chemo knocked me out but I was amazed at how the rads affected my mental state and mood. After rads I too had discomfort in my ribs and it’s still a bit uncomfortable when I lie on my recon side.

I felt really down and anxious and had to see my GP who prescribed anti-depressants and I’ve also asked for some counselling - I want some strategies on how to move forward rather than going over what has happened. Over the last few days I’ve felt much more my usual self and I feel much more positive. I’m back to work more or less full time and have found that it’s giving my mind a ‘rest’ from all the BC stuff. I’ve even booked a family holiday which a couple of weeks ago I didn’t have the energy to even think about let alone organise it! I think we underestimate what this accumulative treatment does to our bodies and mind and we have to take things slowly and at our own pace and listen to our bodies - don’t expect too much of yourself.

All the best, it will get easier


rachel, mandy, heather

interesting and enlightening as i feel the same - i am just nearing the end of rads - done 17 out of 20 and like you, after chemo i really thought i would feel better - i guess i do feel better than when i was going through chemo (apart from very worrying aches and pains and the night sweats)

but the emotional journey is far from over -

i have to say i have discussed antidepressants with the doctor in the last couple of weeks but i keep thinking oh ive come this far…, finish the rads and then see how i feel etc.

but ive found the rads hard to handle - a daily reminder of bc and ive been quite emotional and very up and down - seems you lot feel the same even post treatment etc

hugs to try to help

claire x

What a reassuring thread.

I’ve been convincing myself that the tests must be wrong and that I must have cancer again in my neck as it is so stiff and feels restricted, but having read this thread it seems like this is all part of the ‘getting over the treatment’ (as opposed to the cancer).

I feel like I am on steroids part of the time, then get really tired. Aching bones, fizzy arm etc etc…that screaming monkey too. I’m 6 weeks post chemo and starting rads next week AND am moving house and trying to work (am sole wage earner with no sick pay and have already had to sell as we can’t afford mortgage - so I have to), but it is very clear that all these symptoms are part of recovery.

And at this time in the morning (4.40ish) this BCC website is such a great place to come for somewhere to calm down.

Thanks everyone.


Annie, Claire, Rachel, Mandy

Thanks for sharing your words & experiences too. Have spoken to the hospital & I’m going to see my surgeon tomorrow so he can check the rad effect on the recon implant and hopefully help me with the muscle soreness.

Will update when I get back.

heather - hope meeting goes well

annie - hanfg on in there

my last rads tomorrow - very weird feeling

claire x

Hi all, my neck and collar bone pains getting worse so my consultant has referred me for a CT just to be on the safe side. I can’t believe that I got through chemo and rads and now feel dreadful! The night flushes are still bad though last night I took a zopaclone and didn’t surface til 10am. Nice to have an uninterrupted night but felt like a zombie this morning. Has anyone else got a painful collarbone? X