When does it start??

Can anyone tell me how long after mastectomy does radiotherapy usually start?

Sorry Minnie, I can’t help you but suggest you 'phone the helpline on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes,

I think it varies quite a bit from hospital to hospital, probably worth asking yours directly. Mine was a couple of months, I know others who have had theirs much quicker.

I had a lumpectomy 1 week ago and have been told rads will probably start December, but like others have said I think it varies, depending on were you are being treated.

I had a lumpectomy on 25th August and have my planning session for rads on Tuesday (19th) I have been told that the rads actually start about a week after the planning meeting. They wait a while to ensure you’re healed first.
All the best.


I’m comimg to the end of chemo, how long after does radiotherapy start?




For me it is just about a month between chemo and rads. Dx

I had a mastectomy on the 18th August and go for the planning tomorrow 19th then told it would be begining November when my 15 sessions start, think it depends on were you have your treatment

Thanks Midge and Celia, I had a guess that maybe a 6 to 8 week gap would be the norm.

Love and best wishes to all you wonderful ladies on this forum.

Lesley xxxxx

I was told 4-6 weeks but had to wait for my reconstructed breast to settle down and it was actually 3 months.
