When is the 5 years up?


I was diagnosed in March 2007. Can anyone tell me when my last appointment will be. Will it be March 2012 or when i finished herseptin treatment which would make it Oct 2013.

Many thanks

Oooh. Good question! And it it from diagnosis/surgery/end of chemo or rads?


I was diagnosed in October 2006 and finished Herceptin in April 2008. Remission is 5 years from the date the cancer was surgically removed I believe. I have a breast clinic appointment tomorrow which fingers crossed is my last one and I’ll be discharged. I had a mammogram in early Oct so I’m assuming there is nothing to worry about. Won’t believe it until I hear if from the Consultant though.

It’s usually 5 years after daignosis a your 5th annual appointment the greats unit… So it will probe depend on what time of year your appts are but it tends to be around the time of your Mammogram.


Hi Browner
My celibration lasted about 3months! I was diagnosed in February and had my Mammogram in February so started celibrating the all clear then. However final appointment wasn’t till end of April so did a bit more then. The final big sigh though was when I got the letter saying you don’t need any more treatment.
Good Luck