Those that take letrozole, what time of day to you take it? And how do you find the side effects
Hi Rosa1
I’m on Exemestane which is another AI, but I believe the basics are the same. Before that I was on Tamoxifen for 3 months. I take it after my main meal in the evening. I felt a bit nauseous when I started Tamoxifen, cramps and a mild UTI, but they were short lived. I think it was body adjusting, but there have been no side effects since I switched to the AI (yet).
I read taking tablet after a meal helps reduce nausea, so I’m fine with that. They also recommend sticking to the same time of day. AI medicines tend to go “in” your system quickly, and are most effective approx 24-48 hrs, hence you need to make an effort to take them at regular intervals to maintain that level (or so I’ve read!)
Hope it all goes well for you and you don’t have many issues x
Hi Rosa,
I’ve been taking Letrozole for just over three weeks now. Having read other people’s posts I started off taking it in the evening straight after dinner and it seems to suit me ok so I think I’ll stick with that. As for side effects I’m a little more tired than usual (but have also been having RT), sometimes get a bit light headed when doing chores but mainly I seem to be constantly burping which leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth for a while.
I don’t know whether the side effects will settle down over time but they are tolerable for me and I just hope new ones don’t decide to emerge.
I hope s helps a little, but we all seem to react differently.
Best wishes
I Take it at 6 pm and I keep a record of how many packets I am on too. I am getting steadily more pains in my legs and carpal tunnel is worse too. That started after I went to a local stables and filled up 30 bags of horse manure so I can’t blame letrozole entirely. I had surgery for my right wrist and had bad nerve reaction so I doubt if I will have we any more surgery
I’m on Anastrozole (just coming up to 4 years) and take when I go to bed, so about 11/11.30. Few side effects really so consider myself lucky- especially as I’m due to stay on it for 10 years. Onco nurse recommended nighttime to try to lessen side effects. Good luck.
I take mine at bedtime. So far no real side effects, but I have only been back on it since 1 January. I was put on it in April, but had to stop it when I had chemo in August. I do have hot flushes occasionally but that is all.