Where are you? Anyone in Chiltern area?

Thought I would try again, as no posts
I am 58 and was diagnosed last October, Getting to the end of my chemo sessions and will have lumpectomy and ANC in May, followed by radiotherapy. Also on Herceptin for a year.
Are there any support groups in the area.? It would be good to chat/meet with other ladies from this area.


Hi Susanmary

i live in high Wycombe, I am almost 50! I diagnosed 4th feb this year, two ops, just about to start chemo on the 9th may.
Which hospital are you having all this done? I am Wycombe hospital,


Hi Rachel,
Its good to hear from you. I am having my treatment at The Chiltern thanks to hubbbys work medical insurance. I am not too far away from you though.
It would be nice to chat, are you happy for me to PM you?


Hi Susan Mary, yes pm me is fine. Lucky you re the .chiltern, it’s a nice hospital. Wycombe is ok and the chemo ward seems swhat from what I have seen so far. All a bit slow for me. Have found the waiting very very difficult. How are you coping?

Hi Rachel,
Busy few days, trying to see my friends before my op. Its lovely to see the sun.
I know Wycombe hospital well. I am having to wait just over 2 weeks between finishing chemo and having my op, its not long but I now want the operation over, it is such a long journey. How long have you waited between your op and chemo? Waiting is hard, sorry to hear you are struggling with it.
What chemo are you having? I had FEC followed by Taxol.
Take care

Hi Susan, sorry for the delay in replying…I can’t get my head around this site sometimes.
The waiting is so hard, mental torture of the cruelest kind!
pls do not worry about the op. the staff at Wycombe are superb and sure the staff at chiltern will be even better. Of course it is natural to worry, but I had two ops and both were fine! Just a hard recovery from the second one.
i am havng FEC T chemo. I presume that is the same as you? It will be 8 weeks exactly between last op and chemo. An awful lot of waiting!

Thinking of you , you got thru chemo, you can get thru op…!
rachel x

Hi SusanMary and Rachel,
I am in Thame and diagnosed last Thursday. Going for a consultation at the Chiltern on Thursday as also have medical insurance. Would be interested to know which consultants you are both under.

Hi ET,
Sorry you are joining ‘the club’ and hope all goes well on Thursday. If you are happy for me to PM you I will let you know which consultants I am under.
Take care

Hi everyone

I too am under Wycombe and having surgery next Wednesday for grade 2 invasive ductal Ca on the left and DCIS on the right!!
Happy to give you the name of my surgeon. I agree the waiting is horrible and it will be at least another two weeks after surgery before I know for sure what the rest of the treatment will entail.


Hi ET and Sharon, I have sent you both a private message
meanwhile, Susanmary, I hope you had a good weekend:-)

Hi Ladies

ET - How are things going for you? Hope your consultation went well and you have your treatment plan sorted.
Sharon -I hope your surgery went well and you are not too uncomfortable.
Rachel, sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. Will be in touch again soon. Sending you a virtual hug
Take care
Susan xx

Hi ladies. How are you all?
I am improved and I hope you all are too. The other thing that seems to have improved is my attitude. I have got my fight back! And it’s a good feeling.Glimmers of the old me coming to the surface again. I can laugh again! The alien tumours are goNe. Chemo underway. It’s not going to be plain sailing but it is worth it!
Regards to all x

Hi ladies
I had the surgery last Wednesday at Wycombe Hospital. I had to have wires in both breasts beforehand which took ages as the radiologist found a second suspicious lump during the ultrasound on the left. After speaking with the consultant she also wired that and it was taken out along with the original lump. Anyway after the wiring I went to nuclear medicine and didn’t finish there until 12.30. I was walked in my day clothes to the operating theatre as they were all waiting for me and had to get changed in the waiting area before going straight into the anaesthetic room. At least i didn’t have time to get nervous lol!
Apparently the surgery went well and my sentinel node was clear!!! I am a bit concerned about the second suspicious lump particularly as it wasn’t found in either the original mammogram or ultrasound. I may ask for an MRI just so there aren’t any more hidden nasties!!!
Now just waiting to go back on the 30th May for the final histology and sizing of the tumour/tumours. They also removed DCIS on the right which is now to all intents and purposes cured!!!
I won’t know how likely I am to need chemo until then and won’t know for definite until I see the oncologist which I understand will be two weeks after that!!! I feel my life is going on in two week chunks at the moment!!! Still at least I am feeling more human today.
love and best wishes to everyone

Sharon x

Hi Sharon,
glad the op went well! And so happy the sentinel node is clear. Great news.
i had a second lump too. But in same breast and joinedl
anyway, I am at Wycombe hospital on 30th too. I have my second chemo that day at noon.
i will be thinking of you and hoping for good results.
bynthe way, what is nuclear medicine?
Regards and love,
rachel x