Where Can I get Reasonable Price Travel Insurance

Where Can I get Reasonable Price Travel Insurance

Where Can I get Reasonable Price Travel Insurance Hi,
I hope someone out there can suggest somewhere for travel insurance. I would like to go to Florida and am finding the quotes extortionate… I had early breast cancer , lumpectomy and gland removal in November 05, no spread…4 weeks radiotherapy, now on arimidex… have been quoted £600 and £700… one place said they couldn’t insure me at all… How depressing can this be!!!Thank you for your help…
Best wishes to you all,

insurance Hi, try
I got annual insurance through them. Your situation sounds similar to mine, I had to ring a medical line but got a very reasonable quote. Also got insurance through Freedom Travel,
Good luck and have a fantastic holiday,

i also had a horrendous quote for 4 nights in lapland…managed to get this down gradually…Freedom quoted £110 for me and my husband and i didn’t think i’d beat that, but i read on ‘the other site’ about someone recommending Marrs Insurance Brokers, contacted them and got insurance for both of us for £25.30.

hope you get something sorted and enjoy your holiday.


Florida insurance Hi landlady (I am one too, of a holiday apartment in Cornwall, so easy peasy). I went to Tampa,Florida to stay with friends Jan 2006 - got horrendous quotes, initially, so nearly didn’t go. I eventually went with the Post Office, but it excluded bc. I had a lumpectomy, then total axillary removal, with 4 nodes cancerous, chemo and radiotherapy 3 yrs ago. I decided I would not get so ill in two weeks because of bc that I went with it. I was amazed they covered my Crohn’s, because I had previously been hospitalised in Florida with a rectal haemorrhage due to Crohn’s that cost me 15,000 for a 3 night stay .Took 9 months for my insurance company to pay up, but eventually they did. I paid £56.00 for a 14 day holiday and I was fine. You may like to get a quote from the Post Office - my hairdresser was undergoing chemo when she went on a 14 day cruise and got covered by the post office including her bc - don’t understand that, but she is is not the sharpest knife in the box so I don’t know if her reflections were the truth.
Best of luck,

Travel insurance Hi, I have a similar diagnosis and got worldwide annual travel insurance for approx £77 with Bradford and Bingley, including cover for bc.
Had to answer some medical questions, but was able to say treatment was finished apart from tamoxifen, and they accepted this, when other places I had tried counted tamoxifen as being ongoing treatment and upped the price accordingly!!!
Hope this helps
Regards Chris

I used Swinton to go to St Lucia. All they were worried about was whether I was on active treatment eg chemo. After an interview with the underwriter by phone, I wasn’t penalised at all. Something like £120 for the family.

re insurance I have annual cover through RBS royalties gold. I claimed on it as I had to cancel a girls w/e in Barcelona in January. Now all they need is a letter from my doctor saying she is happy for me to travel. At this point all I am on is herceptin and arimadix. Im really chuffed as I thought it could be a problem, thank goodness as I booked my flight last night and didnt check the insurance until today.

hello there landlady

it bugs the ass off me when - b coz weve had BC ins companies rip us off big time.

i recieved an email from a friend who has had BC too and she was searching for travel ins to Lapland

she was quoted from £992 from one company to £110 from freedom insurance - give them a try as well

take care i hope you have some success

loadsa luv adele xxxxxxxxxxx

travel insurance I too had some horrendous quotes for travel insurance and felt a bit resentful at answering all the questions. I am 4 years post-mastectory and have only 1 year left to go on Tamoxifen. As I keep (hopefully) in good health, I have taken out travel insurance which excludes breast cancer - I figure if i’m ill enough to need emergency treatment for it then I shouldn’t probably be on holiday anyway! I haven’t been on holiday to USA, only to Europe which obviously makes a difference. I have an annual policy through Sainsburys and I don’t think they take too much more to cover bc.

Mediquote Hi all

I used Freedom last year (a month after my second diagnosis) and they were great but when I tried them again recently they quoted £114 - more than double what I paid last time.

I’ve just got a quote for £54 for two weeks in Kenya from Mediquote and this covers breast cancer AND lymphoedema which is what concerns me more when I travel. I already have it in my left arm and don’t want an infection when abroad (it’s bad enough here!!)

Their details are on the BCC info sheet about travel insurance. I tried 8 different companies and the quotes went from £54 to £581!!!

Happy travels everyone.
