BIG gentle hug for you Doz we are with you lovely and will be whenever you need to just offload.
ami I just laughed out loud at your dog and hubby antics!!! love the pic finally managed to put another pic up! DOH! I forgot how to do it!!!
jmr I hope you have been kind to yourself and been PJ’ying!!! along with the compulsory blanket!
I am now going to have a quick read then have an early one to see if I can make up for last night!!!
Goodnight flutterbys and hang on to your blankets!!! Hugs Em xxxxxx
Oh Doz can’t imagine how you must be feeling but Ami is right he will be home safe before you know it and we are all with you.
Ami I pictured the dog and O.H and couldn’t stop laughing. I think you look great in your pic and grey hair isn’t end of the world (I dye mine)Iwas fortunate enough not to need Chemo just Rads but the Letrozole isn’t helping although maybe the sea kelp might.
Em hope you have a good sleep I know how awful I feel when I can’t get to sleep. We put our xmas tree and decs up today so house looking cheery and cosy cheered me up .Just hope all is ok on Friday and I get rid of this B… tube goodnight flutterbys and hugs to you all Janice xxxxxx
Hi Flutterbys
Just look at you all… the butterfly emerges!!! and wow finally faces to names, how far have we come girlies
Had a bad night with flush’s last night and the wind did howl… again so feeling a tad delicate today and a bit zombified? is that a word?? It is now ha ha!!
I could,nt sleep again my lad was doing a riverdance on the grey matter and no matter if I put the light on and read a few pages I could,nt settle so… dont tell me off but at 12.00 me and Ben went out for a walk… IT WAS SAFE as we are on the main route to the Staion which is always lit up and attended so after having a natter with the Lady who runs the taxi firm from there for an hour and walking back I finally fell into bed and slept from 2.00
I,m at work this afternoon so i,m having a lazy morning, uniforms ironed could,nt quite face the rest of it so I shut my bedroom door If anyone saw my bedroom at the moment you’d think i,d been burgled ha ha… still got piles of Daniels washing to store and a few pressys to wrap so tomorrow… I will… honestly!!!
You should have video’d your dog and O/H you could have made a bit of pocket money on tv… I,m having a blonde moment I cant remember the name of the show… Alice my Labrador who passed away last yr used to drag her blanket all over the place and like Daniel hated it when I washed it! I bet next time he,ll leave it, have you still got snow? we are having really heavy frosts so a bit crappy in the mornings till it thaws… thank goodness i,m on a late shift again.
JMR EM and AMI (Flutterbys)
Thankyou sooo much for your support and comforting words… I will get used to it and he will be ok its just these blinking Letrozole tablets they are making me so emotional and tetchy I cant watch the news without crying at good things bad things etc… anything sets me off lately, its been a funny?? few months all round.
You all make me laugh so much with your tales and input bless you all
Have a good day and those in blankets… I sooooo envy you
It is soooooo cold and still really windy here Roll on Summer!!
I had a text from Afghan Dan his phone has been cleared so at least we can text woo hoo!!!
He’s sharing a tent with 50 guys mostly troops but a few others on the contract with him… a far cry from the plush hotels in Dubai!!!
He said its a huge dust bowl where they are and absolutely freezing on a night compared to the 20’degrees during the day so it sounds like he’s come down to earth with a bang… speaking of which he was only there in Khandahar for 4 hrs and there was a rocket attack nearby… they had to leg it to the bunkers at 5.00am but he said they are few and far between and they missed!!! OMG!!!
He seems quite settled and is getting used to the long hours 12 hr days 7 days a week, he said the time passes so quickly as there is so much going on, and he is managing the gym… not like his Ma then!!
I,m feeling more positive now I know he’s ok so accept my apologies for all the whinging and low moods flutterbys.
Hope you are all well and coping with the blessed weather?
Big hugs… warm ones xxxxxxhugsxxxxx
Hi everyone
Jmr: Hope you are beginning to feel a little better. I don’t really mind the grey hair, I quite like it and it’s brilliant not to have to bother colouring it, but I look so different. Maybe I was kidding myself before but I’m sure I didn’t have half so much grey then. Now I have to grow up and act like an adult!!
Emmy: You look very intelligent, I must say, peering over your specs. They suit you. I have to wear mine nearly all the time lately. I’m sure chemo affects your eyes. Your hair looks very dark, is the photo recent? Hope you’re not working too much to make you more tired than you already are!
Doz: I do hope you can sleep a bit better now you’ve heard from Daniel. What a relief for you. Love the Afghan Dan!! He he. It’s all sounds totally different from what he’s used to here in England. Do not, under any circumstances, apologise for how you’ve been feeling, for goodness sake. Don’t know how I would have coped under the circumstances!! Just tell him you don’t want any Camels in the Camellias when he comes home!
Since you like the story of the dog. Let me tell you this one: When he was a young dog I thought he might like a nice jacket so I decided to make one. I can do that, easy! I made a pattern, bought some good waterproof fabric and some lovely warm fleece for the lining and finally completed it with Velcro fasteners. When I put it on him he patiently stood there for a few moments until things dawned on him. Well - suddenly, he took off at an alarming speed round and round the dining table as if racing his motorbike on the wall of death at Blackpool. I just saw the whites of his eyes as he veered off, leaping out of the door and flying up the garden. The jacket, now a cape, was flapping around his shoulders for all the world like Batman!!! Needless to say it went in the bin.
Hugs to all, Ami xx
Hiya ami I think I love you! intelligent indeed!!! Just need my glasses for close and sometimes have to look over the lens to check I am reading something right!! Bit school marmish!!! My hair originally came back grey and a dirty grey at that! so did a temporary colour (for 24 washes ) and blow me down it has stayed this colour since!! I haven’t put more colour on it so it may have coloured the roots? I am sure someone wiser than me may have an answer but it is growing back the colour it was before I coloured it so much so I had forgotten what it looked like till now! I am proud to say I had a really good cut today and was pleased that it looks like hair (very short but hair!) I never thought this day was going to come as it has been so slow!! ami your dog sounds like a bit of a character!!!
Doz soo glad Afgan Dan contacted you that will make you feel a bit better now and I hope he appreciates home when he gets back! Mummy tree needs to be chopped down and I am sure it will go so fast for you.
Jmr I do so hope you are well on the road to recovery and no more blips! We have to all be here for Christmas!! I am putting up our tree tomorrow along with all the lights and two more for outside the front door so mine will be the house looking like Blackpool illuminations!!! I am going to enjoy this one after the last one passed us by so to hell with it Christmas here we come!!!
Still need that snuggly blanket so,so cold today thankfully now just need to get online food shop booked up and we are finished!!!
Goodnight flutterbys and may you all have a warm and peaceful weekend Big Hugs Em xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Doz glad you have heard from Dan it seems to have put your mind at rest a little bit.
Ami laughed out loud at the dog story
Emmy I read somewhere that sometimes hair comes back your old colour after chemo so maybe thats whats happened.
Well flutterbys update on the jmr saga catheter out but still not emptying bladder properly so having to do intermittent self- catheterisation (hope you understand that I know Doz will) got to go back Wednesday to see how it goes but at least I got a better nights sleep last night so feel much less tired today and have been shopping with my daughter so a happier bunny now.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend mine is going great with 2 of my grandsons here even though its like a madhouse love and hugs jmr xxxxx
Doz how lovely to receive your xmas card and my flutterby what a wonderful thing to send it brought a wee tear to my eye I was really touched that you had thought of it you really are a special person I am sure all your patients must think the world of you have now got flutterby on my keys thanks and huge hug Janice xx
Doz, I received your card today. What a lovely, lovely thought to include the pretty butterfly. It was a really warm gesture and your caring cheered up my day. You know, Doz, life is made brighter by people like you. When my dad saw it I said that Daniel was in Afghanistan. He immediately said you must be one very worried lady. So we are all thinking of you here, you know.
Your thoughtfulness means more than words can say.
Sending a big hug to you.
Ami xx
jmr. Sounds like you’re having a great weekend with your family. That’ll do you more good than any medicine. It’s great news that you’ve been out shopping, wow! Coming on leaps and bounds! Hope you get the other thing sorted soon though.
Emmy. I had also fogotten what colour my hair was so maybe I was a bit surprised at the grey!! How’s your good cut, should be very easy to maintain, I would have thought?
Hi Flutterbys xxx
Just got home from work and NO frost woohoo… its still pretty damned cold tho… now clad in PJ’s and dressing gown…I am settling better at work its taken time but i,ve had a lovely shift, busy as usual but we,ve some really nice patients at the moment… (they are always nice) but this lot of reprobates are really good fun to be around now i,m getting to know them better and good to be of service to and my heart goes out to them as they will not be home for xmas so they are kind of special…
Thankyou so much Ami and JMR for your cards and kind words I had a tear too when I was writing mine… for the friendships i,ve found.
Yes still a worried Mum but is,nt that what Mums do best!! I,ll not stop till he comes home but its easier now we have contact… I think!
I know I still have Vikki here but since my divorce my offsprings are my life and if one of them is,nt around then I worry about them, A friend said to me the other day, what will you do when he gets married which he will one day… I was so shocked I spat back but this is different he’s my son, cant you understand how different this is to just going off and getting married?? she said well at least you still have Vikki around… AAARGH!!! Silence!
Vikki feels it too as they are very close so home at the moment is a big cushion for us both…
Ami I loved your little butterfly touch too very sweet hon thankyou for your thoughts xx
Jmr you poor love I DO know what you are going through with the self cathetarisation… that is soooo unpleasant for you, a little tip drink plenty of cranberry juice and try to practise your pelvic floor exercises hon it will get your bladder muscles working better…
Thankyou for the note hon I,m so glad you popped on here too when you did otherwise we would,nt be here today and I would,nt have my flutterbys to talk to you have all meant so much to me over the past couple of months… (it seems so much longer we have all proved there IS a silver lining even when life becomes a bit hard to cope with something good always happens somewhere along the line and for me that has been having the pleasure of you all in my life…
I,m really pleased that your family made it through from Scotland after all the weather problems they have had and it WILL do you the power of good to have them with you, have a brilliant weekend hon xx
Only one thing left to say… WHERE’s EM?? I do hope you are ok buggerlugs! and having a good weekend my little schoolmarm flutterby :)I know your hair will look amazing hon, it does suit you short with your little elfin face… I,ve come to the conclusion it does,nt matter if we are grey or black or brown its the person we look at not the frills and on here there are some pretty amazing people… love you all xxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxx
Doz just a quick note to say I am so glad you have heard from Daniel. Every time .(…and that us daily ) I hear of Afghanistan in the news I think of one lively brave Mum that is doing her best to be positive to the outside world. Hold on in there Doz.
You patients must love you. It is so good to hear of somebody that likes their work. When I was a District Nurse (many years ago) I adored my “old dears” - in their own homes they maintained their personalities …something that got lost in a hospital ward.
I had my fantastic children and grandchildren visit today to have a lunch to mark the end if chemo. They and their lovely partners are such a joy. When they both gt married I got a witty second son and beautiful second daughter. As for the three little monsters… How proud can a grandma be!!!
I had my Hickman Line out on Friday… So pain free I was amazed. So just Radiotherapy which starts on the 28tn.
Have a.lovely Christmas everybody
Bid Hugs
Hi Doz, so sorry lovely but was soo busy yesterday doing tree (well 2!) and had so much to do by tea time I was fugged!!! I had an early one and today feel like I have been hit by a bus!! I am fine in myself but have noticed if I do something that takes most of the day I am useless the next day as if hungover without the fun!! Never mind the trees look lovely and am quite getting into the festive mood now! Got a works do which I am so hoping I can stay awake for next weekend as I tend to be in bed and asleep by 10.00 so fingers crossed I make it as it is a lovely meal and stay overnight at a posh hotel with BB which my employers have paid for ,how amazing is that? I know spoilt I am but hell it is Christmas!
Hoping Afgan Dan will be able to contact you during the festive season and I will be there with you in spirit over that time as you know it does work!
Well done getting to end of chemo Cackles it feels like another hurdle over doesn’t it? I had my last chemo on New Years eve (I was a pre op chemo girl!) and it felt wonderful so you enjoy Christmas and the mayhem around you ! it is so deserved!
ami my hair came back grey to start with and my wonderful friend who lives in Aus surprised me in hospital with a visit whilst having my first Herceptin (caused tears all round) told me she was not going to be seen with a grey haired old woman! (she is a diamond said it to make me laugh!) so I tried a temp colour which was supposed to be blonde after using hubby’s razor to cut the curls off!! it came out brown but stayed like it since so saving on colouring as I had been blonde for some years which is why it is a surprise!
jmr bless you won’t say it was the same but hubby had a bladder stone which caused all kinds of hell including a ride in a ambulance doing the blues and twos, poor love had a catheter for some weeks till he had his op ! much better now but what a palaver it all was! so good luck and I am sending you positive hugs. As for your dog you should write a book he sounds like quite a character!
Well not quite done got two little outside trees and some lights to go poor hubby just getting started so will have to get out of my DG and get supervising!! He!He! BIG hugs all round Em xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Flutterby Cackles
That is such good news about the Hickman line, It is usually painless just a tad uncomfortable… so now you will have been in and out of the bath like a yo-yo me thinks ha ha bet you smell soooo sweet
I love it when you all write about your familys and how much pleasure they bring its Soul Food is,nt it and just what we need to top us up, I hav,nt got any grandchildren yet just my 2 brilliant kids! tho i,m sure like me they will marry one day I was 30 and didnt have children till I was 32 so they’d better get a move on ha ha!!!
Your so right about the older generation loosing their identity’s when they come into hospital and its really sad to see, I adore them not that we get many in since we changed from Stroke/Neuro to just Neuro tho the odd one filters through when were on red alert bed state (shortage of beds) and at the moment as is the case every winter we are on red alert so we have a few elderly dears on the ward and so far are still in pretty good spirit… I just love them.
I could chat to them for hours i,ve got sooo much respect for them, they,ve been there and done it and now tell the tales
Thankyou for your kind words Cackles I dont know what i’d do without you all xxxhugxxx
EMMY… just seen your post as i,m writing
You should be relaxing hon not flying around like a tornado… I did all my cards on friday and wrapped a few pressy’s and by the time i’d finished I just flopped… I dont think I’d moved out of the chair for hrs so it must have been too much mental exercise… ha ha no wonder I was pooped!!!
Your xmas do sounds amazing how generous is that you enjoy it girl and DONT put a time limit on how long you’ll last ha ha!!! go for it girl and show em what ur made of… you can sleep all day saturday as long as you remember to order brekkie in bed :)ooooh! heaven, (are you listening to this Vikki?)
Well another shift this afternoon… I should have been off but another Nurse kindly swapped a shift with me next friday… I,m at an Adult Pantomine in York on thursday night I missed it last year with just having had my op so was looking forward to this yrs (going with the Edinburgh Girls) then when I saw I was an early shift the day after I thought i’d have to cancel as we wont get home till gone midnight and no way would I get up for 5.30 so she’s doing my friday and I,m doing her shift this afternoon… hope all that made sense??
In a nutshell i,m now going to the Pantomine woo hoo!!Its my birthday present from the girls I shared a room with and were going for a meal afterwards so i,ll have to have a cat nap beforehand to make sure I dont do an Alice in Wonderland and fall asleep on my plate!!
Its for adults not children and is,nt as bad as it might sound (dont do rude) its just the jokes and antics are more for adults and last yr the girls said it was sooo funny so I,m glad i,ll finally get to go
Well you loverly flutterbys i,m off to get a shower and find my work head again its upstairs somewhere were I left it last night
Hope your all feeling well love and hugs all round xxxxxhugsxxxxx
can I flutter in? Metamorphosing into a person with hair… not a lot, but hair… I’ve knitted a hat, cause it’s cold (and it was really good for the lymphodema in my thumb as it happens!)… DD has given me a black hat… and my wig is now known as the hairy hat… THink I might be able to dispense with hairy hat after Christmas… as long as it’s long enough for the patients not to be concerned as to why it’s so short (if that makes any sense!) Loved the story of the dog-coat! The dog has sense!!!
Hope you’re fluttering well this weekend… .and not in storms and things nasty… and so glad you’ve heard from Dan… I’ve absolutely LOVED the military wives choir - must get the single when it’s released, 19th I think… fabulous words and music and everything…
love Jane
Hi GiJane
Hello. You’re so very welcome to flutter in - and flutter out if you choose! It’s so lovely someone else wants to join us and I know the others on this thread will think so too, thankfully started by Doz. I know because they are such lovely women. When I lost my hair, I didn’t have a ‘hairy hat’. Somehow I never felt comfortable with the idea of a wig. I bought seven lovely scarves with beads, in different colours - one for each day - and then fur hats when it got cold. I thought I looked very Dr Zhivago’ish, until when I was without it, a man said “oh, you’re not wearing your tea cosy today!” That made me feel really great! Yes, people do wonder why your hair is short and it was a while before I ventured to go without my lovely beaded scarves. I will tell my dog of your support. Yes, he does have sense - at least he knows how to wind me round his little paw! I have about 30,000 words towards a book about him and some funny sketches (I was an artist in another life) but I guess he’ll be dead before I get it together! I watched the military wives choir - every episode - very moving, made me quite emotional.
Hugs Ami xx
Hi everyone
Doz: I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you’re settling in at work. It’ll take the edge off worrying about Daniel. Yes, your kids are your life and you want to enfold them into your arms and your very being. I can only imagine as I don’t have any but I know what love is!
Cackles: Your family sound just perfect - their lovely partners must be the best!! Luck lucky you! Great you had your Hickman line out, yeah, and chemo done!! As for Radiotherapy - you’ll probably find it a breeze after what you’ve been through!
Emmy: I keep saying don’t do too much! You think you’re O.K on Herceptin but you’re not. About hair, I think mine is too far grown now to hope for anything but grey.
Jmr: I really hope by Wednesday you’ll be much better - every day is a step forward! If you can get rid of the catheter you’ll be much better in spirit, I think!
Hugs Ami xx
Hi hairy flutterbys
All this talk about hair has made me go and have it cut shorter this morning… still got my fringe but its sooo short at the back and I love it!!!
I got so fed up with it sticking to my neck when the floods of sweats start and believe me they are not easing off at all so first step to stop the frustration! The next one will be more drastic I will bathe in super glue to seal my pores! I,ve developed a second armpit I think… my elbow??? and even the backs of my hands get wet EEEYUK!!! Its an absolute nightmare when i’m at work my wonderful non allergic medical gloves are absoluetly dripping when I take them off… hope your not eating flutterbys? there’ll never be a water shortage here in Humberside!!!
I RANG Afghan Dan last night from work while I was on my break
to heck with the expense (we normally text) It was fabulous to hear him and chat, he was just getting into, bed they are 4 hrs ahead,His week at the Air base is almost over and they are being moved further south on Wed, He’s enjoyed working there but said it,ll be so good to get away from the dust…bless him he’d almost got to the point of shaving his hair off to stop the dust irritating his head!
So flutterbys he’s settled well and no regrets on taking on this employment I still feel as if there is a void in my life but he’s only at the end of the phone so we’ll get there…
Yes I love the military wives choir too so emotional and close to home for me so yup you,ve guessed, it makes me fill up… I’ll look like a dried out prune the way I keep on leaking!
I hope you flutterbys are almost ready for xmas now and no last min, panics, as is usually the case so this xmas I want for us all a peaceful happy time COS WE DESERVE IT
Love to you all and so nice to see your post Jane your welcome any time hairy honey
Love and big ((HUGS)) to you all xxxxxxHUGSxxxxx
Hi all! Just got in from work and boy how tired am I? Silly moo that I am but it was sort of weird today first my new puter went down just after I turned it on! then popped into local supermarket on the way home, got to the till shopping went through then put my card in anddddddd… blinking tills puter broke??? oooerrr!!! think it might be me so staying put for now probably safest or maybe try going into the bank??? Could be interesting???
Doz you made me cry 'cos of course being in work didn’t get post till I got home, how thoughtful is my flutterby!! So pretty thank you so much I have put it on my keys so every time I have to get into car etc I will think of you and also the fact that we are all flutterbys in the making!!! It is so kind of you there I go again!!! Bloody wingeing!!! AARRGGHHH!!! So nice that it is tears of joy and has put a silly smile on my face (don’t take much!)
I do hope your shifts went well?
ami do what I did! I am not sure how but I swear that temp colour must have done the roots or something?? I do have grey amongst the hair but I don’t care it feels good wouldn’t care if it was green!!! We are funny creatures though I found I still have a cold head so out comes the hat in this horrible cold!!!
GIJaneH welcome to a very nice club with some of the most wonderful women! I seriously think I would have totally gone round the bend without the support I have found on here ! Even if only to pass the time of day with as I do sometimes feel like an ‘outsider’ elsewhere like in work ,I am a very sociable person as a rule but have found myself ‘zoning out’ of people’s conversations weird ??? Well yes I am but hell it got me here!!
Cackles grandchildren are fab I love seeing my poor daughter who has 3 teen-aged sons pulling her hair out about the things that they do! I did point out with some pleasure she had done the same to which she replied “It’s different!” HUH??? Still you got to love them and I have another grandson who is 6ft 4ins now and only 15! They tell me they are my bodyguards!!! Bless what a thought!!!
jmr I hope it is going well for you? Yes I think our flutterbys are special too just like Doz! I like madhouses! I am the oldest of 9 and had 4 of my own so it’s a permanent state of madness!!!
Well that’s me for now I hope you’re all safely tucked up 'cos the weather is supposed to be the pits!!! so snuggle down and hibernate after all flutterbys got to save our energy to enjoy the sunshine next year as Doz says we so deserve it!!! Big group hug Em xxxxx
Just a quick flit in and a quick flit out again.
I suspect a lot of people follow this thread without actually posting on it (I think my last post was still a “where did I go?” post, still no idea where I am) but a lot of people follow it.
Think there are several other forces parents who might find support from this thread. The odd PM to other forces parents about this thread might be useful.
Hugs to all. Still no idea where I went (re original thread title) but I haven’t given up looking. Highly unlikely “me” will be found anywhere close to where I used to be…
Hugs to all
Hi flutterbys and the new flutterbys how nice you have joined us. Has anyone been having problems with the site as I was just getting blank white screen yesterday.
Well looks like weather worsening again girls so get into the p.js and snuggle blankets. I said I would go to my slimming world class tonight so not looking forward to venturing out in the cold BRRR.
I am back to see my consultant again tomorrow but things haven’t changed much so I think I will have to be a bit more patient which is not something I am good at.
Bet it was wonderful speaking to Dan Doz I bet you cried I know I would have.Cackles I am sure you will sail through your rads after what you have been through Good Luck x.Emmy hope that work isn’t taking too much out of you. I sometimes think I should have gone back for a while then I realise that the stress would just get to me again and I can always call in and see everyone if I want to.Ami I think you suit your hair if mine was all the same colour I might not need to colour it but it is a bit of a mish mash so on goes the dye. Well flutterbys have a good night heres hoping I haven’t put on weight hopefully may even have lost some with any luck. love and hugs janice xxxxx