Where did I go????

Hi Flutterbys
Like JMR just fluttering in to say hi for now and wishing you all really well :slight_smile: xxx
Stay away from the national grid Em… I need my electricity to use the laptop to chat to Daniel… ha ha ha!!
And to you all of course :slight_smile:
I got a really nice phone call from him this morning… at 7.00am but he was forgiven straight away as its my BIRTHDAY today and bless him through all thats going on he rang me, he’s on the move today to one of the larger camps… no idea where yet as he said they have been told not to discuss locations as the Taliban can intercept calls when using Afghan sim cards??? Now thats a worry… also he wont have a good phone signal where he’s going so it will be Skype for now :frowning:
I just bought air time on my mobile too to Afghan as its been costing 99p a min, DISGRACEFUL!
Well girls i,m going out for a meal tonight so best get ready.
Love and big hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxx

Happy birthday Doz! Doh! I did know somewhere in the lost and found part of what is left of my poor brain! I hope you have a lovely evening and have been spoilt! I have stayed in today ugh! Been sooo cold I do hate being cold, well off to snuggle in my blanket take care all Em xxxx

Happy Birthday Doz hope you had a nice evening out xxx
lost 2 pounds tonight so back on my target for a short whias xmas is a coming and lots of lovely food and maybe a glass or two of vino. Hope you girls get some sleep tonight its blowing a hooley here some really awful gusts hope its gone by morning Night Night xxxx hugs xxx

Happy Birthday Doz - I’m just over the midnight!! Hope you had a lovely evening.
jmr Blowing a gale here too. I couldn’t get anything but a white page either when I tried to log on.
Hope you all sleep well!
Hugs Ami xx

Hi Flutterbys
Had a brilliant night and managed to stay awake!!!
Thankyou all for the birthday wishes xxxxx Yes Em spoilt rotten!
I,m now going back in years so the next one is 61 ha ha!!!
Its pretty damn cold here too and not letting up :frowning:
Stay warm girlies xxxxxxhugsxxxxx Work this afternoon SIGH!

Oh Doz! Floods of sweats are so very uncomfortable - so horrible! It’s one of the side effects of Letrozole isn’t it? Having gone through menopause some years earlier you don’t expect to have it now! How long do you have to take Letrozole? And Ooh! Medical gloves must feel awful when you leak! But, so great to hear Daniel has no regrets about going there but I can understand your feelings of loss, even though you can text or talk etc. (99p per minute OUCH!) Even though - there must be such a HOLE that he’s not there!
Emmy & jmr: Doz is such a special person to not only send us this flutterby but to express herself so well. Due to the weather, I’m reluctantly digging out my fur hat, even though the man said it looked like a tea cosy!
Jmr: how did your appointment go? And well done 2lb loss. You make me feel such a slob!
Hugs Ami xx

ami under no circumstances are you to make anyone cuppas! You may with all our blessing pour it over his silly head!! I have got my wooly hats it is so cold out there that I can’t bear it!! Now the threat of a great dumping of snow for Friday!! Boo hissssss I usually go for reflexology and was so looking forward to it!! ARRGGHH! I was awful someone said we are supposed to get it in Jan to which I replied no not allowed till after the 12th when I have had my treatment but then it can for 3 weeks and go away!!! Brrr! in my cosy PJ’s ,DG and my blankie essential to flutterbys! I hope you are all well and staying warm…BIG hugs Em xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Emmy
I thought - why am I not to make make anyone cuppas?? Duurh! After it dawning on me - thanks for your support, I did feel a bit put down & he knew the reason for my wearing it! I think it may well have been a back handed compliment after he saw my own hair had grown. Now the winter has come I usually wear a thinsulate woolly hat when I’m not dressed up exactly like jmr in her photo!
Ami xxxx

Hi Emmy
I thought - why am I not to make make anyone cuppas?? Duurh! After it dawning on me - thanks for your support, I did feel a bit put down & he knew the reason for my wearing it! I think it may well have been a back handed compliment after he saw my own hair had grown. Now the winter has come I usually wear a thinsulate woolly hat when I’m not dressed up exactly like jmr in her photo!
Ami xxxx

Sorry Everyone
Don’t know why this had posted twice!
Ami xx

consultant happy with my slight progress hopefully will be fine when I next see him.Hope all you lovely ladies are fine and well prepared for the festivities. It will be quiet time for us as just two of us at home but we will still enjoy it much more than last year thats for sure.Snuggle up and keep warm and hope snow doesn’t come take care big hugs Janice xxx
p.s Ami.I needed the warm clothing I have on in the photo it was Baltic weather but I was cosy in all my layers xx

Hi! And what good news from the consultant, coming just before Christmas - can’t be better! Had a busy day today with visitors coming and going until 9pm, exchanging gifts etc. Phew!! It’ll be a quiet time over Xmas for us also, just the 2 of us and my dad. I awoke to a blanket of snow, the road covered, and wondered if my visitors would make it but the sun came out to soon melt it. I can imagine how cold it must have been in Scotland, your clothing on your photo is regulation uniform for up there at this time of year! When I’m just popping out, Janice, my first priority is warmth. Pride must abide and all that, went a long time ago!!
Bet you’re all snuggled up tonight Butterflies. Hope you get to your reflexology Emmy!
Ami xx

Morning??? Flutterbys :frowning:
Woke up at 5.00am this morning for my first early shift in 6 weeks YAWN… Looked out the window to be greeted with 2" of snow SOB!!!
After getting thoroughly drenched cleaning my car and between more snow showers I finally trecked to work through it all :frowning:
I got home at 1 and went straight to York with some friends for the pantomine had a lovely meal at Ask and really enjoyed the panto it was so funny, not really for youngsters as there were some pretty funny adult humour jokes, but I did laugh :slight_smile: and having quite dry lips at the moment I cracked my bottom lip laughing! OUCH!
I didnt get home till 12.00 and i’ve been attacked by those blessed insomnia gremlins… decided to get up as i’m sick of tossing and turning!!! Having a cuppa and a catch up with you all and its now 2.50am I sooooo envy all you flutterbys wrapped up snoozing :frowning:
Ignore the tea cosy remarks Ami they are only jealous, if it keeps you warm then you go for it girl :slight_smile:
I was so pleased to hear your news Jmr :slight_smile: the best of christmas presents hon :)keep it up for next time you go, and it;ll be a quiet xmas here too but as you’ve all said… a far better one than last year so enjoy the moment girls :slight_smile:
Hope you get to your appointment Em bless ya I know how much you enjoy them it will be sad if the b*****y snow stops you going :frowning:
Well i’ve now been up 22 hrs and feel less like going to sleep than ever… AAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!!
Love to you all WAKE UP I’M LONELY!!!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Keep warm xx
P.S Ami yes it has to be the Letrozole causing the sweats :frowning: I finished the menopause 4 yrs ago just had the odd hot flush, nothing like this though and no you dont expect it… its absolutely draining at times!!! I’m on it for 5 yrs… 4 to go, will be chatting at my app, in jan with the Breast care team cos I dont think I can take 4 more yrs of them if they stay as harsh as they are now! xxxx

We haven’t got any snow yet and hope we don’t get any.Living right on the coast we don’t usually get much snow last winter being the exception seeing as it started the day I went in for my op and the journey was horrendous so took my mind off things till I got there.
Doz you poor soul you must be shattered isn’t there anything you could take to help you sleep. Fortunately I am sleeping a lot better once I fall asleep that is sometimes it takes a while.
Fortunately Ami I don’t live in Scotland the pic was when I went to Aviemore. my daughter lives in Dunfermline and I love going to Scotland but don’t like the cold.
Ami it took me a few seconds to realise what was meant by the tea-making remark but we are all excused mentally aren’t we girls.I seem to be having more senior moments since B.C and the Letrozole (got to blame something haven’t I)
stay cosy flutterbys I am soon to be in P.Js and D.G plus the compulsory blanket have a good night hugs Janicexxx

Hi Janice
I,ve been walking round like a zombie all day… managed about 3 hrs in the end, I,ve rang Dr’s to get more Zopiclone, i,ve been trying to not take them as I know i’ll rely on them if I start but decided maybe I just need something to wind me down and get a routine going… One can hope :slight_smile:
It did serve a purpose being up at that time I got to speak to Daniel :slight_smile: he was just getting up for work and saw me online so we chatted for a while :slight_smile: He cant video call anymore as its a secure place he’s now at for 2 mths… so quite sad I wont get to see him xmas day :frowning: Its an American camp he’s at now (in the southern area) so perhaps their security is different to ours??? At least its not one frequented with Rocket attacks!!so if it keeps him safe i’ll just put up with chat for now…
Stay well hon and stay warm, its my night out with the Nurses tonight so just chiselling some matchsticks mmmmmmm!!
Hi Em hope your works night out is a ball you enjoy it hon xx
Love to all you flutterbys xxxxxxbigxhugsxxxx

Hi all! Yes I did get to my reflexology and it was bliss! Funny how people think it is just a ‘foot rub’ but he does hurt sometimes and that is usually a clue to any issues I might have. I had been having problems with a tooth and at about 3rd treatment he ‘hurt’ a particular bit and he asked if I had by any chance got toothache??? my daughter was with me and she looked completely befuddled as we had been discussing it in the car (no he hasn’t got ears that big!) so she knew he hadn’t been told! I have no idea how it works all I can say is that it does! Well just been to visit said daughter who has been poorly with a cold and the drive which usually takes about 15/20 mins was over an hour! This snow, we haven’t had any till I left my daughter’s at 4.00 then halfway home it was a really dense blizzard! so scary a few of us keeping safe distance but going at about 5 miles an hour!! Now? blessed stuff has gone as quick as it came!
Doz I am looking forward to the night out and hope yours is blast! As for the sleepless nights take the pills girl! My doc was laughing when I said I was scared of becoming dependant on them and said he will sort me out after Christmas and we are looking at decreasing the dosage so hell yeah as I have said before it is much better than haunting my own house!!
jmy YIPEEEE!!! All good news is much appreciated! The timing is perfect! So you have yourself a glass or two of whatever you fancy!!
ami NO snow??? very unfair you have to have your share! He!He! I hate the cold as you know so now going to get into beloved PJ’s and get my blanket to snuggle down going to rest up for tomorrow!
Have a snuggly warm weekend girls and take care Big hugs xxxxEmxxxx

Oh my poor head!!!
Left it in the town centre at some bar or other… Another zombie day on the menu… glad to hear your still in the PJ club Em mine have been insitu ALL day…
Have a lovely weekend flutterbys and stay warm and cozy :slight_smile:
Love to you all xxxxhugsxxxx

Hi everyone
Hope your head is feeling a bit better by now, but good on yer. Seems you’ve burned the candle at both ends and had a brilliant time - making up for the last year or so! Hope you’ve recovered from the zombie state! As for sleep, when you’ve been doing pleasurable things, as you have, I think it understandable that your mind doesn’t shut off for sleep that easily. What’s my excuse??? Hope you’ll have a restful time before Xmas.

Have you got the great dumping of snow, Emmy? We’re free here. How did your night go? Was it a blast?? Please tell!! Reflexology: I must say, I’ve often thought it very strange that your feet can effect other parts of your body. I’ve never had reflexology so can’t imagine the bliss, but I’m very interested in all that and have been for 40 yrs. Do you feel better for it? That’s what I want to know!

Hugs to all Ami xx

Good Frosty Morning Flutterbys…
Yes Ami I have been burning the candle a bit lately at both ends I didnt realize when I said YES to all the things i,ve been doing that they all came so close together… so I guess this is my punishment the insomnia and headache’s all self inflicted, but good at the time :slight_smile:
I didnt realize how much i.ve slowed down in the last year I could easily do a few nights a week… given chance ha ha!! But not with so much gusto lately… cant always blame BC though I think age has a part, tho BC does,nt help.
Em you little party goer I do hope you painted the town (hotel) red and managed to stay up long enough to enjoy the night bless ya…It does give you a good feeling being able to socialise again after the forced hibernation that comes free of charge with the territory… tho not so sure about the day after :slight_smile:
Daniel is home sick :frowning: we can’t skype or get reception on his phone so I think he’s missing the contact, we can chat via facebook but its not the same… he’s miles from anywhere and quite restricted to what he can and can’t do so he’s feeling a bit cut off… and friends have been taunting him with descriptions of nights out at the pub… they are mean :slight_smile: bless him!!
I hope the snow is,nt affecting anyone to badly its cleared here but the mornings have very heavy frost, it looks really pretty with everything coated white but its sooo cold :frowning:
At work later today so keeping my fingers crossed the roads are,nt too bad…
Stay warm flutterbys and snuggle in for the day hope your all well xxxxxxhugsxxxxx

Hi all!! Well had a wonderful evening though had to go to bed at 10.30 but meal was lovely and hotel too! I am so shattered today silly as I did not drink (anti d’s!) so was a good girl but it was nice to watch and enjoy, even better to see hubby relaxed for the first time in over a year bless he even had a couple of drinks! Daft isn’t it? I am finding so much pleasure in the little things nowadays but oh so enjoyable!
Doz you tinker! I am so glad you have enjoyed your nights out good on you! I would never have managed it but am going to practice so I will be up for it next year!! Well I have to start somewhere and was so pleased that I didn’t ‘freak out’ at the crowds it was packed to the rafters but I managed fine,so different from my panic mode when out shopping in crowds! I would have been surprised if Daniel hadn’t been homesick a friend of ours was out in Afghanistan earlier this year and he was so glad to come home to his creature comforts!!
ami no we didn’t get a dumping thankfully as I tend to worry about getting to hospital for my treatments as we are in the sticks so don’t want the white stuff unless it is just after then I will happily stay home! However I did drive through the most horrible blizzard on Thurs after leaving my daughters but the blessed stuff had gone an hour after getting home??? It was horrible!! Reflexology hmmm!! Where to start ? I have the most amazing man who does mine and the only time I had an appetite during chemo was after a session and since then I go most weeks and he is trying to help with my energy levels and horrible tum I get after treatment, in his words he doesn’t know how it works but he has been doing it for over twenty years and the feedback he gets tells him it works! he does not make any claims which would have put me off and though the treatment is bliss sometimes he finds what I call owchy bits and will ask if for e.g my eyes are O.k? it was a shock as I had told no one that I had a huge floater for a couple of days but he picked up on that !! I have to say everyone who goes to see him will recommend him,he deals with all the chemo patients so not even specific to BC but he does know his stuff and as he is practising in the NHS I do trust him. I think the key is to find a registered person with experience and try it,I was such a sceptic but my BCN nurse also recommends him so hey whatever it takes is good it got me through my chemo.Thankfully I can go to him until a year after I finish treatment which takes me to a April 2013!! I would have been lost without him,hubby used to do a decent meal during chemo as I lost my appetite knowing I would eat it after my session so he would say it has done me a lot of good too!
Well I think an early one is called for just not used to this gallivanting (well in training!) so on with PJ’S and blanket!! it is freezing here just now though forecast is for warmer weather?? I give up! we are never happy are we? Goodnight flutterbys and keep warm Em xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx