Where did I go????

Hi Girls… glad the mammo wasn’t too bad - you were VERY brave!

Hope all’s going better for folk…

I am chuffed - after all those funerals, I get to baptise a baby in Neonates tomorrow. Tiny (29 weeks) but doing well… lovely to be asked… I could do with something nice…
No, not much time off over Easter - Saturday! That’s it! Doing the baptism tomorrow, then Good Friday meditation (then I’m having teh afternoon off) Sunday morning, bedside communions, then I’m on call Monday (and Tuesday). I decided NOT to go in Saturday and do a flower arrangement!

have a great weekend - and Happy Easter, when it comes! Jane xx

What a week… one day off and ended up staying with Vikki all day but it was a good day :slight_smile: she was told she could attempt to sit!! and for the first time in 6 weeks sat up (well propped up) and ate her tea :slight_smile: woohoo!!! so things are getting slowly better, she gets a line put in next week for IV’s and if she keeps responding to treatment she can come home soon and go in as an outpatient 3/4 times a week!!! Which will do her the world of good :slight_smile: Back brace is still on for 3 months tho so we will have a very frustrated Vikki at the end of it all :slight_smile:
WORK… I went in soooo determined to tell them I was dropping my hours and… she was so NICE!!! Never even mentioned the time I took off to be with Vikki?? I am wondering if Occupational Health have had a quiet word??? She has asked if I can wait till June/July as we get another Nurse then and has promised to split my days on, evenly, so I dont do them all together (which this week has been a killer) so Yes I agreed to drop a shift from June…
Not too long to go :slight_smile: and now i’m off till Monday night YAAAAY!!!
Going to take Fish and Chips in tomorrow for Vikki and Daniels girlfriend is joining us so that will be really nice!
So pleased our little family of Flutterbys are all improving and seem settled… tho the weather has been sooo cold and i’ve actually shivered this week?? not like me at al??
Hope you not working too hard Jane?? It must be one of the busiest bank holidays for you :frowning: Me time and spoons on the way xx
Janice… really pleased to hear the booby is well worth the itchy scratchy moments i’m sure it’ll soon settle hon :slight_smile: well done on going down that road after all you’ve been through I do admire you xx
Yvonne you must be relieved its over… the redness and heat is not nice but that will settle so i’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that its not another infection? bless you xx
Ami, Thank you lovey yes i’m feeling a bit better just really tired the past few weeks have taken their toll but 4 days off now and i’m not going to overdo it for once its time I listened to my body :slight_smile: and its saying SLOW DOWN WOMAN!!! and I will ha ha, wonders never cease!!
Emmy :slight_smile: bless you for thinking about me and mine especially with your H and bloods day looming, i’m sooo glad they got it all in one for you, its rotten when they dig about, poor old Vikki is having loads of trouble even with her young veins they are all going into hiding and the ones they do use are in trauma :frowning: so hope they get the line in soon… Daniel is settled again in Afghanistan, I thought he would have trouble getting back into it but he says he’s just getting his head down and looking forward to August aw… it was so good seeing him and especially being so happy with Megan :slight_smile:
Hope you are taking good care of yourself and getting lots of rest sweetie tomorrow IS another day so put off whats not urgent xxxx OH and give those PJ’s a right good airing :slight_smile:
We seemed to get off lightly with the snow and blizzards although the wind has been absolutely bitter we missed the snow for once :slight_smile: just a bit of early morning frost that has spoilt the garden a bit but hopefully not all the little plants that have just popped through…?
I hope I hav’nt missed anyone out… we are growing Flutterbys and your ALL very special :slight_smile: and tho its not early i’m off to my snuggly warm bed to dream sweet dreams of not having to be up at 5.30 BLISS!!!
Hope you all get some yummy chocs for Easter and for once forget the waistline :slight_smile:
Love and hugs always and plenty of spoons to you all xxxxxxhugxxxxx

Hello lovely ladies ( and welcome gardenparty)

Sorry I have negelected this thread, just had to catch up on 3 pages! Getting ready to head off to Plockton, all packed and ready. Looking forward to some family time.

Got a bit of sad news last night, my aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer but has to wait for biopsy results for more info. I am encountering paranoia here because I didn’t manage to get a GP appt this week and now am really dwelling on the one or two rather dodgy things which seem to be going on with my body! I want to say CT scan please. Well any scan really would be good, all I got was a blood test lol!

Doz I’m pleased that you are having a meet up with Vikki and Daniel’s girlfriend, fish and chips a lovely treat with hospital food, and what fab news about your hours. Seriously I am so happy for you.

Jane as you said lovely to be involved in something positive, 29 weeks, how lovely. I hope you have enjoyed Good Friday in between all the work.

Ooh Emmy, let us know how the campers get on. It was freezing here, a little snow but nothing troublesome, just very cold.

Janice, I am pleased that your boob is calming down a little. I hope too that you get the appt moved forward a little or get your results soon. So far I have not had any of Lewis’ eggs!! Not promising though.

Ami, hope you are okay too. You are always so bubbly and positive. Not done as much as I would have liked to with Lewis because it has turned into a marathon cleaning session prior to holiday.

Yvonne ( to use your real name lol) how good that you got things done without too much discomfort. I’m glad it’s over for you and fingers crossed for results.

Bye lovelies and take care xxx

cleaning? did someone say cleaning session? MARATHON one? (Jane goes to lie down in darkened room to recover from the words…)

Sorry about your Aunt Crabby…
Doz - hope the Chish 'n fips were fabulous
Emmy, Amy, Janice, Yvonne - hope you haven’t had TOO much chocolate… the small white bear belonging to my sons in-laws has spent the last week or two looking for the big chocolate chickens that seem very active at this time of year… you have to be mad in our family!!!

Hope you’re all OK… thread quiet…

lots of love flutterbies - keep warm… Jane xx

Have had chocolate and enjoyed it.Won’t get on scales for a while till it is absorbed ha ha.I too think CLEANING is out of the question at the minute anyway.Hope all you flutterbys have had a good weekend mine hasn’t been too bad taking it easy as feeling a bit under the weather.Hope I feel better tomorrow need to get some walking done.
Carolyn I am at the hospital to see my breast surgeon on 30th April so am hoping no news is good news as I am sure they would get in touch if anything was wrong with cyst so fingers crossed girls.
love and hugs Janice xxx

Did someone use a bad word??? CLEANING??? With you Janice even if I haven’t your excuse! I hope you feel a bit better but don’t worry too much just going with the flow myself at the moment which means I get tired doing nothing too! I agree with you on the cyst thing no news being good news and I will keep my fingers crossed too! Mind you nothing worse than an itch you can’t scratch! As for the scales…No! I haven’t got on them since I got depressed when they did it at the hospital!
Jane I hope you are duly recovered from said word and the weekend? I just hope you managed to get some me time along with some chocs!
Carolyn the campers did first night at 5- and gave up the ghost! So went home to cosy house! I don’t blame them I don’t like the cold bbrrrrrr!!! I don’t like it too hot either so call me contrary!! I hope Lewis got lots of eggs and mummy did too! I do hope Plockton was lovely I loved it when we visited it some years ago!
ami you are so right this ‘H’ business is no good! I still think it’s rotten that no one tells you, all everyone kept focussing on was that it’s not as bad as chemo ? Not too sure about that! The chemo nurses did have a chat with hubby and me this time around as I explained I felt it was getting worse with time and they agreed that it can be like that for some??!! I felt so guilty and kept telling myself I should be feeling better! I am so glad for this site I would have thought it WAS all in my head! Phew!
Yvonne I couldn’t help wondering if you smiled at the thought of hand holding? I did, I am convinced they all walk around me what with grinning to myself!I am wishing you luck for tomorrow and that hand is still there so no grinning! go on scare them! He!He!
Doz I hope you have managed to have some much needed rest? I hope the fish and chips went down well, I hope Vik is improving and she enjoyed her meal. I can just taste them mmmmmm! Time to eat methinks it’s the first time I’ve felt hungry since Thursday so that’s the chocs going tonight!!! I hope you have managed a catch up with Dan? I have thought of you this weekend and am hoping your weather has been kinder than ours, it’s been horrible and even today the rain had sleet in it!
Elsa how are you doing? I hope you had a good weekend and are relaxing.
I do hope I didn’t leave anyone out if I did sorry and sorry this group is becoming quite big and such fun to share with! Big group hug Em xxxxxxxxxxx

Janice: After calling you Iron Lady and reading your post after having dressing off, I wondered if I should call you the Scarlet Woman? Seriously, I’m glad you are more comfy now, I should imagine it was hard to settle with the dressing etc on. Got to be better with it off! And, I’m sure they would send for you if there was doubt about your cyst.
Emmy: Even though I don’t think H kicks in on the day, just walking out of the hospital after a session, I knew I wasn’t my usual self. But, yippee!! Only 1 more to go! Bet you can’t believe it. Hope you’re gradually feeling a bit better since last Thursday.
Carolyn: I’m sorry about your aunt and I’m concerned to hear you have health issues?? Oh, the cleaning, Missy! You’ll be wacked! When the urge comes over me, I’ll go and lie down until the feeling wears off!!! I’ve been good and had no chocolate, and I’ve not been eating anything I shouldn’t for at least a month and have only lost a couple of pounds, sob. I am finding it SO hard to lose the weight.
Jane: Hope today hasn’t been too much for you, getting called out - or tomorrow! Hope you’re gradually feeling more like your old self, flutterby.
Doz: I’m so, so pleased for you and Vickki to hear she is picking up. What a tonic! You won’t read this probably until after your night shift, so hope it went well and you’re feeling OK. Were all the patients drooling over the fish and chips when you took them in? And have you, (your words) SLOWED DOWN WOMAN?
Hope all you others, Yvonne, Bobbin & Elsa etc, are OK. And, ooops, hope I haven’t left anyone out. If I have, I apologise. Yes, we are joining up with more flutterbys, which is Luuuvvverly!
Hugs all round, Ami xxxxxxxx

Hi all

I go to get the results of my first year mammo tomorrow ( as you all know).

I have been thinking back to when the mammo was done and something has been troubling me, and it has been driving me nuts!

I was going to mention how painful my breast was and how much dis-comfort I was experiencing.Not to the radiologist but maybe afterwards to a breast care nurse.before I could do this the radiologist spotted how red and swollen my breast was , I did not have the chance to bring this up as it was done for me. I had not realised just how swollen my breast was.

the fact that it was spotted before I brought it up has worried me ever since. I don’t feel I am ‘breast aware’ and I am now worried that I may miss something of importance, now and in the future.

I hope you all understand what I am trying to say as it is very hard to put into words, but has been troubling me since I had my mammo.

It is nice to be able to get this off my chest (LOL) and stop carrying it around with me ( maybe I am just nervous about tomorrow).

yes, I have OD’d on chocolate this weekend which may explain my mad thinking lol.

it looks like you all had a good Easter but we will all have to walk off our chocolate binge.

lots of love

Yvonne xxxx

Yvonne will be with you tomorrow and hope all goes well love the chocolate o.d but we can all get back on track now easter is over.
Ami still the scarlet woman have got a rash right around scar so may phone them tomorrow if its no better what a wuss I am.Hope your garden has survived the weather.
Doz hope you have had some rest and Vikki is improving.
Emmy hopefully once your last H is over you will start to pick up and be able to enjoy the summer (if we get on that is)
Jane hope your weekend wasn’t too busy and you got some me time
Carolyn hope you and family had a lovely weekend and some chocolate ha ha.
Elsa how are you haven’t heard from you for a while remember we are here even if you just need a moan take care everyone love Janice xxx

Hi Flutterbys
Weekend over :frowning: and back at work!! On my break at the moment YAWN… a well earned one tonight, its been so busy!
My week off was as expected… visiting and the dreadful word CLEANING but I did try to chill!! And think I did succeed??
Its such slow going with Vikki with it being Easter things have ground to a halt and waiting now for Dr’s to agree on day for Hickman line to be put in… hopefully soon as her poor veins are protesting very loudly!! She is looking less drawn and is moving around a bit more, tho has had a lot of pain in her hips so they are planning another MRI to check things out!!
My letter of complaint went in and has been acknowledged by PALS it is now under investigation! They spoke to Vikki and have apologized for any undue stress and have assured her that it is going to be taken further!! I just want them to open their eyes to back pain and know its not always what it seems!
Got my serious head on ha ha!!! I too have OD’d on chocolate tut tut!! but will not be getting weighed either for a few days!!
I have minesweeped Vikki’s chocs and i’m the worst Indian giver!!! I give with one hand then eat them for her with the other :slight_smile:
I hope your all feeling ok tho reading some of the posts I think a few hugs are in order to cheer you all up big one for Em and Janice hoping your both feeling a bit better xxxhugxxx
I will write again soon I’ve had withdrawal symptoms from you all and needed a quick fix :slight_smile: so had to come and have a peek! I thought i’d be blocked on the Hospital system but it seems not :slight_smile:
Take care girlies and keep fluttering gently, love and hugs to you ALL xxxxhugxxxx

Hi all
All went well today, seems there were too many staff off on holidays, so we had an hour and half wait.

Mammo results were not ready due to easter hols, but the surgeon said alls well,will send results through post (with his fingers crossed). was a bit disappointed but he didnt seem to think there was a problem,so i am waiting for the post man now lol.

i told him about aches and pains in my breast, he said it was down to lymphatic system and gave me exercises to do.Now i am ready to loose this weight i have put on over the last 13 months, but tamoxifen seems to be a weight gaining tablet, so will give up all the nice foods and do boring exercising for the next 12 weeks

Where did i go??? thats’ a very good question. don’t feel like anyone anymore.I lost my job the same week as my first surgery, now all this is ‘over’ I am at a loose end.But still don’t have the energy to take control.the head wants to but he body keeps saying s*d off! Help, need chocolate LOL!

I am off-loading …again!

hope you all had a good day,keep well.


yvonne xxx

Oh, Yvonne, I’m so pleased for you that everything is OK. You must feel so relieved….and reassured about the pain you’ve been having. Tamoxifen and weight gain? What’s my excuse ‘cos I don‘t take it?? Ha ha!! I can understand how you feel that when everything is over you do feel a bit at a loose end. I did…. a kind of “What now?” Anyway, try not to worry about everything, have a bar of chocolate and go with the flow!
Doz: Yes, everything does seem to grind nearly to a halt over holidays. Good to know they’re just being careful, checking Vikki’s hips with the MRI scan, but hopefully it’s just with not moving much, Doz. So glad your complaint is underway, that must make you both feel a bit better. Hope Ben isn’t missing Vikki too much. I bet you spoil him rotten to make up!
Well, all you other flutterbys, been an uneventful day today, cold and showery. Want to get in the garden but I’m afraid I’m a fair weather gardener. Oh, ordered one of those telescopic long handled weeders. I’m hoping it’s not just another gadget which will be banned to the shed. I’d like to find it invaluable as dandelions and stubborn weeds seem to spring up unannounced, all over the place!
Hope you’ve all had a good day, love Ami xxxx

Hi Ami and all you Girlies…
Pleased to hear your news Yvonne, its such a relief when you hear the words All’s ok… SIGH!!
None of us really know where we went tho we seem to be going wherever together… so thats one consolation :slight_smile: Its not an easy journey but when you can chat to others who are on it too and know your not going bonkers then its half way there to finding yourself again… well hopefully :slight_smile:
I was just sitting down for handover tonight when my mobile went off… eeeek it should have been switched off… didnt recognize the number so went out of the room to answer it!!! It was THE MATRON from A&E requesting my company for a chat next week re the complaint ooer!!! didnt think i’d be doing that but i’ll stick to my guns and I will not back down!!
CRIPES!!! was’nt expecting that… says me with a slight quiver to my voice, i’m not good at confrontation and would rather write it all down… do you think she’ll accept written answers :slight_smile: no I guess not!!!
Ben is in very bad books tonight :frowning: he nipped the vets assistants leg when she came up behind him to do his Kennel cough drops… I dont know if she scared him?? or he just didnt want to be there?? But he’d torn a small hole in her trousers and nipped her on the shin just breaking the skin :frowning: she was ok ( I think… hope) and said some dogs just dont like being at the vets and I just burst into floods of tears I felt so bad… I gave her some money to get some new trousers in the hope she does’nt sue me :frowning:
and Ben has gone without tea tonight!! what a day!!!
I hope you all had a better one and the sun is making its presence known… its such a waste of days when you work nights SOB! just decided I dont like nights…
Love and hugs all round xxxxxhugxxxx

The last time i posted a comment I was off to see the BCN to have my prosthesis fitted. When I got to the hospital the consultant asked to see me and I thought it was just to see how I was doing…wrong. She’d had a report through from one of my pre op scans and it said I had lung nodules…both lungs. I just went cold and all my old anxieties came flooding back. My consultant however, was confident that there is nothing to worry about and that this happens a lot, to such an extent that they have now decided not to request these reports any more. The original purpose of the scan was to locate the sentinel lymph node for biopsy.

But because this report says what it does my consultant has to act on it and so yesterday I went for a CT scan and am now waiting for the results, so…very anxious about this as you can imagine. So, Easter has been somewhat angst ridden for me and my family. My daughter came home from Scotland, which really cheered me up and chocolate figured quite a lot but who’s calorie counting!!Not me.

So Flutterbies, I need lots of positive thinking and vibes at the moment…thinking of you all too

Elsa honey you poor thing… no words will help you but you must stay positive!! its such a bummer when you are trying to get back on your feet then they slap you with more worries bless you, I’m sure your consultant is right in all she says and this is just routine… and sometimes a little knowledge IS dangerous, it seems to take you back to the place you felt you’d left behind :frowning: If its any consolation I had a similar scare when they told me I had Fibrosis in my lung from R/T… I felt the colour drain from me within seconds but the Mcmillan nurse put it into perspective by saying I had plenty of lung tissue left that was still healthy so I do hope all is well for you too… enjoy the happy endorphines that choc’s hit you with :slight_smile: you know we CAN just say to H**L with it all and forget the calories for once it IS allowed… plenty of hugs and lots of hand holding coming your way for good news xxxxxHUGSxxxxx

Thanks Doz…virtual hugs are good right now. I was talking to a friend of mine who’s also been treated for breast cancer and the same thing happened to her, they found lung nodules on a scan and it did turn out to be quite innocent so that has given me more hope. It’s just having to go through the ‘results’ thing all over again, it is so scary.

Sorry to hear your news, the waiting is awful, sending loads of positive vibes,

love yvonne xxx

Doz, Ami,
Thank you for your kind words,iam going to be kind to my self and rest and re charge my battries, going to give myself 3 months to loose weight and then get back into the work place, if there is anything left out there.

My mum told me today that she has Bowen’s disease, type of skin cancer, well she said she has been putting cream on these spots for about4 months, some have now gone but one, the doctors say has to be removed with an op, which is tomorrow,
last july she got the 5 year all clear for BC, cant belive this is happening to her now, and never told me, i live 200 miles away and i dont drive,
I have 4 brothers and 3 sister in laws, so she will be well looked after,
she wants me to stay home and rest, cant get my head around it, just when u think things are looking up for a change, life gives you another knock

positive thinking all round.

yvonne xxxxx

Sorry you’ve to wait for some more results. It is as you say “Very scary” The waiting is horrid. Your imagination runs riot, but so glad you’ve a friend who’s experienced this and given you some positivity to help. No matter what though, we all dread that consulting room. Pre-op is going back a long way, so thought they would have sent for you before now if there was anything to worry about. Hope you don’t have long to wait, flutterby. A hug is winging its way as I post!
I can’t imagine anyone liking nights. About work. Don’t like to think of you having more problems. Next week, be calm, just state your facts, you might be pleasantly surprised! You could be worrying for nothing. If it helps to think clearly, could you write some points down on paper to refer to? The vets! My dog will almost crawl up the wall in the vets room! Did the nurse introduce herself to him first? Like you say she probably made him jump, being so nervous. O.H says I have to tell you Ben was probably protecting his mum and that they’re insured for things like this. He hopes Ben’s had some tea and extra buns!
Oh, your poor mum and you. Just what you both don’t need, but it must be a huge relief and comfort to know your family is there for her. Life’s knocks seem to go hand in hand , somehow, with B.C. There’s seems to be lots of ladies on here who have had other traumas at the same time. Myself included. Recharging your batteries, as you say, is a good idea as you need the strength to cope and carry on. Hope everything goes well for her tomorrow. Another hug winging it’s way to you.

Love to all, Ami xx

Hi flutterbys I am so sorry Elsa the waiting room is a miserable place to be and I think further hand holding is required along with mega hugs! I do like Doz’s solution chocolate! I am keeping fingers and toes crossed for good news. Please do let us know how you get on as we will be waiting here for you.
Yvonne I do feel for you and I agree with your mother’s advise to rest and stay home ,I know how awful it is to have your mother so far away , I am sure your family will take great care of her and update you with her progress. I think most of us can safely say that it’s like a domino effect, whilst trying to get your head around your situation then everything else seems to topple and feel like a heavy weight. Again am sending you the hand along with hugs. I hope you will be kinder to yourself and recharge those batteries but as one who knows you need to be gentle with yourself. I too am struggling with my weight it does tend to knock your confidence but don’t let it get you too far down after all you have done so well to have got to this point so cut yourself some slack and if you feel rough just pop on here ,we have all been there and don’t mind you venting it does help! I would have gone totally bonkers if I hadn’t these wonderful flutterbys to just ‘be here’ for me even if just to say sending a hug which goes a long way when you feel rubbish.
Has everyone’s weather been awful? We have had everything but the kitchen sink! Hail huge ones that hurt! sleety snow, rain then sunshine??!!! Wow it never fails to amaze me how it can change in the blink of an eye! It was coat on,coat off,brolly up,brolly down! What a day!
Doz you my girl need to try and get some sleep so I think it is time for the zoppys, as for matron don’t let it get to you after all you don’t only work there you are a customer and they have been sloppy with the service they didn’t provide! Vik is a young woman who they have served shamefully! We can do the sitting in the corner and hand holding for this too if it helps you lovely. Sending you hugs too!
ami I am still sleepy and tired all the time,I tried a bit of hoovering and you would think I had run a marathon! What a dippy thing to do so no I won’t be trying that again until I feel a lot better! I just sort of feel a bit of a fraud I know daft but I think I have been too hard on myself and this is the result! DOH! Hubby got one of those weed thingys loves it! He was like a kid with a new toy! I did get him to show our teen-aged grandsons who also loved it ,so much weeding got done I tell you!
Janice how wonderful to be called a scarlet woman! I have never been that interesting! I do hope you are getting better each day and the redness settles.
Carolyn I am glad you didn’t pinch Lewis’s chocs but I do hope you had some for yourself! I bet that’s why the housework, trying to work off the chocs!After my episode I am with ami going to lie down till it wears off!
Jane I am hoping to hear that you have recovered from this weekend ,I bet it was busy!
Sending group hugs to all flutterbys and again sorry if I missed you so many flutterbys and counting how lovely!

Take care all Em xxxxxxxxxxx