Where did I go????

oooh… double shifts… Nooooooooo! Glad Vicky is responding to stuff, but not glad it’s so slow… our bodies do take their time, don’t they? Hope the meeting with Matron goes well Doz… as I understand it, part of our matron’s role is to avoid complaints… have that in the back of your mind if she’s being difficult (though she shouldn’t be). Most people who complain just want to make sure no-one else has to go through what they’ve been through… Yesterday was a full day… Delivery suite in the morning to a lady who’s placenta gave way last week… we lost the baby but saved her. She’s very angry (understandably) and we are copping the lot… so… support for her AND staff!!! That took a few hours… a couple of hours at home, then a message from a lady I knew about, who wanted a service to bless her marriage in ITU (beside her mum’s bed)… so I went in to ITU to do that (having prepared a little order of service for them)… whist on the way, ITU at the other hospital called! Not managed to be in two places at once yet! So they had to wait while I did the weddingy thing… and then I popped over… but by then I was feeling VERY nauseous… drove between hospitals with a (kindly donated) sick bowl on the passenger seat! I got home OK, but “phoned a friend” to be oncall over night… Better so far this morning… finger’s crossed!

Hope you all have a good week - hugs and spoons all round…Need to go and do LD exercises - sorry not to mention everyone…
There’s a bright round thing in the sky, which is rather special for us flutterbies

love Jane xx

Hi Jane
The bright round thing in the sky is called the SUN woohoo!!!
Being in 2 places at one time is just a tad difficult as I’m learning!! and for you its a bit of an unfair ask…
You are right about the complaints procedure :frowning: I dont want to make waves, that was’nt the intention of writing to Pals, it was to try to put it across for the future, the gentleman in the next room was fobbed off for over 2 months with the same diagnosis as Vikki and he too had Discitis so there is a problem… a big problem to back pain attitude… which needs looking at :frowning: if a complaint can open some doors then I will have helped…
I hope the tummy has settled if there is one thing I hate its feeling sick… being sick!!! nothing worse :frowning:
Woke this morning to a very swollen thumb and yes Janice its the base thats so painful… I still think its Letrozole/hormone blockers that brings it on worse than normal… normal being the age thing!!! This past year i’ve developed aches and swollen joints quicker than you can say OUCH!!! so i’m sure my body would’nt be that cruel under normal circumstances?? Would it???
I keep looking at the sky to see if there are any black clouds on the horizon… nope :slight_smile: how good does the sun make us feel :slight_smile:
Float like a butterfly sting like a bee is my motto for today… will be happy when meeting is over and me and Vik’s can have a girlie afternoon :slight_smile: taking tea in for her tonight… when she decides Pizza or Chinese?? I hope its Pizza :slight_smile: hav’nt had one for months!!
Daniel is on his way to his new camp in Afghanistan as I speak… he was excited about the helicopter ride once they leave Kandahar… still a big kid at heart bless him :slight_smile:
Have a good day in the sun Flutterbys… make the most of it if your lucky enough to have it :slight_smile:
love to you all xxxxxxhugsxxxxxx

Had check up with breast surgeon today and all ok not got to go back for a year this time just have to have mammo in Oct.Whoopee!!!
Doz sounds as if thumb is a bit like trigger finger where finger sticks and you can’t straighten it easily.I agree with what you say about Letrozole as I have got Heberdens nodes on all my fingers now and only had them on 3 so don’t know if medication is making things worse.I tried Ibuprofen gel but not much use but tablets did help a fair bitbit don’t like taking them as they can give you upset tum.Hope meeting goes okay and it makes them think differently re back pain it may not have helped Vikki but may help others.xxx
Jane you sound as if you have had a really rough weekend special hug on its way.
All you other flutterbys have a good day we havn’t got sunshine but at least its dry big hugs to all love Janice xxx

Meeting went very well :slight_smile:
They sat and went through all the notes the Dr’s made for both A&E visits and admitted neglect for the second time Vikki was taken in… they said the Dr on duty should have seen the warning signs and failed to follow it up with a proper examination!! and Scan!!!
Its such a relief now its over and hopefully it will help to avoid this kind of incident in future!
It does’nt help Vikki much but its good to know they can admit to a failure in their Duty of care… and apologies can be given when mistakes are made instead of fobbing us off with medical jargon…
I’ve had a lovely afternoon with her and helping her with her physio and enjoying the sun :)what a difference its made to her spirits… and mine :slight_smile: AND she sat for the first time today… not for very long but it will come :slight_smile: So all in all a very positive day!
Janice I think it is trigger thumb and i’m also developing lots of nodes on my knuckles too so I think it has to be the meds its too much of a coincidence?? I’ve tried a few remedies but so far nothing is really working, its as if the joint is stuck then it pops free…
Dr said they can do corrective surgery but i’m not sure I want to go down that road yet!!
Well done with your check up lovely :slight_smile: thats brilliant news I’m sooo pleased for you xxhugxx
Love to all the flutterbys and big hugs to you all xxxxhugxxxx

good to hear that Doz! Well done you! And well done them for admitting their mistakes:) The sunshine makes SUCH a difference, doesn’t it? Thumbs sound grim…

I’m feeling better gut-wise, but my “inner ring” slipped today, so it’s back to the GP tomorrow to get fixed :frowning: It’s odd the memories that get triggered - feeling sick last night SO brought back my first dose of chemo… every (rare fortunately) bout of constipation brings it all back…

it’s amazing what we don’t see… on the wall behind this computer screen, fairly well camouflaged, is a card which was so pretty I stuck it on the wall years ago… what is it? Why have I not noticed before in all these months? It’s a very, very beautiful BUTTERFLY!!! Only just “seen” it! Feels significant…

night night flutterbies…sleep well - don’t crush those wings!

Jane xx

I have been trying to get here on a couple of days and now i’m on what looks like a totally different site??? not sure if i’m in the right place to chat with you all its blagged my head :frowning: Oh well here goes I hope it gets to you all??? Vikki is being allowed home for a day over the weekend woohoo!!! She has to have IV first then she can come home we had a problem getting her to be able to sit in my car but the sheer determination got her in YAY!!! I hope all our flutterbys are well and enjoyong the little bit of sun that keeps popping out… hope Em’s getting her share? Not sure I like this site if its the new one Sob!!! its not as easy to trawl through!! love to you all xxxxxxxxxhugxxxxxxxxx

this is the 6th time i have tried to send a post, quite pleased i have got this far lol.
not going to say anymore waiting for some sort of reply incase this goes where the last 5 went lol lol lol

I am having soooo much trouble getting on here :frowning: And I never know if i’m on or not!!! I miss chatting with you all SOB!!! I dont like the letter format its just not the same so I hope it gets better :frowning: Gardenparty yours came through ok :slight_smile: but i;m loath to write to you all in case I do a marathon one and it goes awol… again!!! I hope you flutterbys find your way on here and get some sense out of this new site unlike me its not as friendly or comforting as the good old site and no’one has pictures and I lost all my friends!!! xxxxxhugxxxx Cant even get the spacer to work so my mail is all together AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!! and as for the word verification??? EEEEEEEEK!!!

Doz, dont know what iam doing wrong but it keep rejecting everything i do ( and it takes me ages to write out) so here goes again…
Doz, how nice to have your daughter home for the long weekend enjoy!
Have been reffered to lympho clinic, so waiting for appointment, can now see light at end of tunnel,
Well hope you all enjoy the long weekend.
going to send this now and hope for the best xxxx
take care yvonne xxx

Doz, dont know what iam doing wrong but it keep rejecting everything i do ( and it takes me ages to write out) so here goes again…
Doz, how nice to have your daughter home for the long weekend enjoy!
Have been reffered to lympho clinic, so waiting for appointment, can now see light at end of tunnel,
Well hope you all enjoy the long weekend.
going to send this now and hope for the best xxxx
take care yvonne xxx

Doz, dont know what iam doing wrong but it keep rejecting everything i do ( and it takes me ages to write out) so here goes again…
Doz, how nice to have your daughter home for the long weekend enjoy!
Have been reffered to lympho clinic, so waiting for appointment, can now see light at end of tunnel,
Well hope you all enjoy the long weekend.
going to send this now and hope for the best xxxx
take care yvonne xxx

Doz, dont know what iam doing wrong but it keep rejecting everything i do ( and it takes me ages to write out) so here goes again…
Doz, how nice to have your daughter home for the long weekend enjoy!
Have been reffered to lympho clinic, so waiting for appointment, can now see light at end of tunnel,
Well hope you all enjoy the long weekend.
going to send this now and hope for the best xxxx
take care yvonne xxx

Sorry , dont know why 3 of the same posts went out , bit like waiting a long time for a bus, then 3 come along at once.( how funny)
yvonne xxxx

Ha ha ha I do believe you successfully posted :slight_smile: Bless you… I really dont like this format I cant get it to do seperate paragraphs it just goes on and on… Finally got her home after a 4 hr wait for pharmacy to send her medications!!! But she’s home and a very happy bunny!
Ha ha I did it I got a space… you cant teach an old dog new tricks :slight_smile:
I have to take her back each morning at 9 for treatment (IV) but thats no problem in the greater scheme of things,
So glad to hear you got an appointment at least now you can get some help with it and another worry out of the way… xxx
For all you flutterbys out there where are you??? Hope your all well and looking forward to a nice weekend


just waiting for my son & d-i-law to arrive… any minute… staying for a week, which will be fab. I’ve booked a couple of days annual leave to be with them, which is just as well, as i’m in the middle of a 20-day stretch where I’m either in the hospital or on call… (half a post down at the mo) and I’ve just heard that my side-kick, who is fantastic and the one who looks after ME… has another job and is leaving next month. I could cry… have…

brave face - they’re here! ttfn


O.k that’s the last time I leave you alone flutterbys!!! I did not know what on earth had happened! I logged on with my touchpad only to find THIS!!??? Oh heck! I tried to write a ‘Quick comment’ but the blasted thing would not let me, so onwards and hopefully upwards! I am sure this is the loveliest new look but WHERE OH WHERE did my familiar one go? Well we had a nice week and despite the awful weather on Sunday the rest of the week wasn’t so bad , a couple of will it won’t it days but also a couple of beautiful sunny warm days so I am not going to moan! Oh heck just tried to skip on to a new line but it ended up miles down the page! I think I needed to put a full stop to ‘active’ treatment by marking it some way so champers was very nice and I got quite squiffy on just a large glass!! But lush and it was good to just ‘be’ for a few days knowing that I (fingers crossed) won’t have to have horrible needles for some time! I have just had a quick look through so I could catch up and my goodness how lovely that Vik is at home with you Doz it is a milestone indeed!! Just what the doc ordered, I am still in catch up mode and will post when I know where I am up to! So if you like this is a test 'cos I don’t know how much I will get posted on this new fangled site! Take care flutterbys and cosy up it looks like it will be a cold few days! Big hug and lots of love Em xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

AAAAAAAAAAARGH… BRING BACK THE OLD SITE RIGHT NOW!!! I had to sign in 5 times before it let me in, now i’ve run out of time! Em so nice to have you back xxxxx hope you had a good holiday?? I will email you cos this is so time consuming :frowning: Ami messaged my hotmail to say she cant access here :frowning:
I MISS YOU ALL :frowning: xxxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well bollo**s!!! I had just managed to read over all the missed posts and then set about posting a reply last night, When I tried to create a paragraph a little over enthusiastically pressing retunr it just booted me off the site!
I cannot even remember what I wanted to say last night now but do remember it was to say a congrats to Emmy for being through active treatment, yahoo! Glad you had a wee glass of bubbly, or as I like to refer to it ‘self medicating’.
All quiet here now. Had a lovely day at Lewis’ 5th birthday party. Did it at Dobbies garden centre and it was very good indeed.
Had my wee brother and his friend staying over on Friday, was lovely. We got out to the pub!!! Had a real laugh. Now waiting for mum in law and sis i law to arrive to see Lewis.
Doz, hope Dan arrives safely back in Afghanistan, glad Vikki is getting some decent care and you are being listened to.
Everyone else, take care, big hugs and spoons to you all. xx

Phew! Getting on is a bit hit and miss… finding threads is impossible if they’re not on the front page (or has anyone sussed that?)
Anyway - welcome back Em… think we’d better flap our wings crossly and gently at the same time… Have a great bank holiday flutterbies…
love Jane

Oh dear… still having trouble but will have a go at replying!!! had to sign in 3 times tonight
Crabbit sorry, I didnt mean to have such a big gap between paragraphs ha ha!!! this site has a mind of its own!!! Glad Lewis had a good party bless him how magical when they are still young :slight_smile: and nice to hear you have been busy with family and friends I hope you had a couple for us all :slight_smile: xx
Jane I agree its all a bit hit and miss at the moment Its thrown me out several times for no reason… thought i’d been blacklisted ha ha!!! Sorry to hear your friend is leaving its sad when things change from what we are used to hope it does’nt make life too difficult for you work wise xx
Nice to see the flutterbys emerging on here bit by bit hopefully we will be all fluttering together soon!!!
Had a … really mixed emotions weekend with Vikki she was so pleased to be home and I was … on edge all the time :frowning: I feel awful as it was such a precious time for her being home and I just could’nt relax it was hard keeping up to date with her medications as she slept a great deal and having to go back to Hospital for IV’s each morning I found it hard to sleep in case I overslept so all in all a bit sad that it was’nt the homecoming i’d hoped for, for her… and now I feel so guilty for not being able to make it more special… ;( hopefully it will be better when she gets discharged?
Em you really must’nt go on holiday again without us :slight_smile: look at the trouble we got ourselves into while you were away :slight_smile: and we still have a few flutterbys gone awol… hope they find their way back soon love to you all for a lovely bank holiday monday… I shall be asleep as i’m doing a night shift tonight… just waiting for my second wind!!! xxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxx