Where did I go????

Sorry hands over eyes but WTF??!!! I have now typed this for the 3rd time and all my long newsy ones keep disappearing! I have caught up with family and the phone suddenly went red hot about 4 yesterday so many wanted to phone at the same time but now I am in the loop (not always a good thing!) I just wanted to catch up with the flutterbys! Hubby was most entertained by my language when I tried to use my touchpad as it will take a title then won’t let me type a message??? NOT IMPRESSED!
I thought this was supposed to be a friendlier site? I realise teething problems happen, did they have to happen all at once? I so hope this won’t put off our flutterbys as it is something that keeps us all sane! I won’t go into too much detail suffice to say I am having a meeting with work to give in my notice and sorting myself out with some counselling (I think the swear words will be used!) So I know that I have given myself the support and hopefully it will be a safe place to vent!
If this does not list I will be cross as a wet hen (are wet hens cross?) it’s what my friend used to say! I will try again later on this week and will update you on how things go but meanwhile flutterbys keep on fluttering and we will all get there! Big group hug and much love Em xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Em… I’m so pleased to hear you have made a decision regards work bless you its not an easy one but you must feel so relieved you now have a plan! I still cant start new paragraphs on here?? so please excuse the jumbled mail :frowning: I will put my hands over my ears and hum for half an hour when you have your meeting so if you want to make the air blue… go for it :slight_smile: I found if I dont put a title onto my mail it goes straight on… hopefully!!! Its sad that the problems seem to be keeping some flutterbys away from posting… cant believe they hav’nt got it sorted by now and especially with this site keeping so many peoples spirits up… DONT MEND WHAT IS’NT BROKEN :frowning: Hope you are all keeping well… flutter gently girlies we’ll be back together soon I HOPE xxxxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My sister in law’s coming for supper tonight, and they keep hens… so I’ll ask her about wet ones!!!
Em - so sorry it’s been so flippin difficult at work… Like Doz, I’ll put my hands over my ears and hum… while you… er… “explain” how you feel! LOL!
Doz, don’t beat yourself up about the weekend - new experience for you both, and I’m sure Vicki enjoyed the change of four walls, and being somewhere familiar and having a few favourite things…
The “enter” button starts a new paragraph… but you only need to tap it once, or yo u end up with a HUGE gap…
keep fluttering… my wings are pathetic today, but some sleep will help (sometime or other!)
love Jane

Hello flutterbys…bit of a nightmare to get on but i managed it,just not able to do any spacing so this will be garbled!!! Lovely to read your posts so glad Em you had a good hols…I have resigned from my job last day is 31st May…feel better less stressed but still the worry about money though…at the hospital tomorrow for mammo and ultrasound in remaining booby… it is playing up as it misses it’s mate!! Felt a lump, my consultant has said its a gland trapped in the fibrous tissue which is swollen…he was very reassuring but still i am mega scared and panicky…this has taken the shine of resigning i can tell you!!! my oh at work so to cheer myself up have eaten a packet of choccy biscuits!!.. hope everyones wings haven’t been dampened by the dismal bank holiday weather… sorry this has been a bit of a moan… how i long for the super positive me…take care all xxxxx big hugs xxxxx

Dear Fluffy Chick - I’m not surprised you’re er… worried! I think any of us would have a wing-wobble! This is brief, cause I’m rushing off to work, but wanted to ‘hold your hand’ before I go! Jane xx

Fluffy chick… A bit more hand holding with a hug is on its way xxhugxx You can eat as many choccy biscuits as you want honey… happy endorphines from the chocolate will do you a power of good :slight_smile: I would be worried too as anyone would. Once you’ve been there its always at the back of your mind but do listen to your Consultant sweetie as he must have seen it before to be sure its a gland, I hope you get it sorted asap and enjoy the fact you’ve got your last day at work on the horizon lucky you :slight_smile: xxxx
Jane the enter button does’nt always play :slight_smile: it just springs back to where I left off AAAARGH!!! Oh its working :slight_smile: xx
I have had pretty pathetic wings also :frowning: day shifts… night shifts… doubles… Vikki home… headache… thumb that has a mind of its own… shoulder pain is back :frowning: the list is endless and i’m starting to feel as if the body is just going into meltdown… my blessed thumb is now almost impossible to bend without the most painful clunk sooo i’ve made an appointment to get it looked at again, its almost certainly Trigger thumb and its now swollen and hot :frowning: but cant get app, till friday so will soldier on and just keep whinging :slight_smile:
Hospital is now discussing discharge for Vikki they have told her she will be better at home now she’s on the longer lasting Antibiotics (every other day) now the planning begins!!! Will work allow me to have mon, wed, and friday off to be able to take her and if they will how the heck will I get my hours in at work… tues. thurs. and saturday or sunday!!! its going to be a full agenda when she’s home as this will be going on till end of June… Feel a bit selfish moaning about not having any time left to myself :frowning: and the only other option is to get transport for the days she has to go… and if anyone has had any experience with transport… they come on time to take you but it could be hours before they pick you up and as she still cant sit for long I cant do that to her… so planning begins!!! Sigh!!!
Still a few flutterbys missing :frowning: I hope they get back to us soon… xxxxxx
Well girlies work beckons :frowning: I really need to retire soon sob!! but now Vikki is off her feet for some time her job is now in question and money is always at the forefront of any decisions Oh what to do???
Sun is shining so going to get my happy head on… if I can find it under all this doom and gloom!!
Flutter gently Butterflies love to you all who have made it on here and a hand stretched out to bring the awol ones back :frowning: love to you all wherever you are xxxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What a palaver!!! got here in the end ! Have some of our flutterbys got lost? I hope they are enjoying this sunshine today and will return soon! Well a horrible day today! my beloved car was pranged by some git in B&Q car park! :(( no note, no apology they just scraped along the passenger side so I am a dippy beggar but spent the last 20 mins trying to polish it away! it’s also got a dink! I know sad old bird but this was my dream car and I love it!!! :)))
I know in the greater scheme of things it is a car but thankfully it’s fixable hubby was transfixed at my language! I can swear for Britain but it isn’t an everyday thing but lately??? I am still fuming and if anyone could read my mind they would know all the words I used!
Fluffy chick so sorry blathering on I wanted to say sending the magic hand to hold and hugs too bless you. Doz stop with the flagellation! you have been through the ropes and still are with all this with Vik so please don’t feel guilty, it’s really s—ty! I think you so deserve some magic hands too!!!
Jane I am still not sure about this button thing? still no one cares about how right it isn’t and as long as we can support each other then that’s the main thing. I am going to ask you to put your hands over your eyes again and certainly over your ears Ha! Ha! I do hope you didn’t have too bad a day at work? I am so glad I came to this decision for me and who knows I may be fit for something in the future but till then I am listening to what my body says and right now it says enough!
Carolyn my most favourite word ever! B*****KS it covers a multitude of things, I used to make the guys I worked for laugh when I said that! As I said it’s not something I do every day but that one Ohhhh yesssss! So glad Lewis had a good birthday and as I have said before lucky you he is at an age where you can see his personality and I just love how honest they are too!
Well done my moaning for today! I just hope everyone is O.k and our missing flutterbys find their way back soon. Sending spoons and big hugs Em xxxxxxxxx

Supporting each other is indeed, the name of the game… and a game I’m very happy to playl!
Sorry about the car Em… I Did cover my ears by the way… so no problem!

It was good to be at work and with my colleagues. I’ve not slept since I heard Amanda was leaving (Friday) and I’m so tired… and emotional. It helped to realise (chatting with another colleague) that this emotion is about somethign small (ish) because I didnt’ allow my emotions to touch everything I was dealing with last year. I was so busy being “brave and inspirational”… thinking about it my BCN said it would catch up with me some time within the first 2 years, and she would be there when it did - so I left a voice mail for her tonight!

Coffee has been made by my offspring… time to put feet up for a bit.
Flip flap flutterbies… love and hugs and thanks for listening… Jane xx

Hiya Flutterbys
Still having trouble with the paragraph spacer :slight_smile: how to fool an idiot!!!
oh yes it worked ha ha!!
Jane bless you a big hug is on its way with a hand stretched out anytime you need it thats what we’ve always been here for and hopefully once we get our lost Flutterbys back we can all start again…
I do think BC does catch up with us in time and it is hard to see past what we’ve been through/and of course still going through so whenever you feel you lost your umbrella remember were still here trying to support as much as possible (if we can get on) I signed in 4 times tonight before I finally got here :frowning: and its so offputting… though I will stick it out as I feel we are all more than just BC buddies now…
I hope you catch up on your sleep its so debilitating when the rhythm geys disturbed and then becomes a problem when your body clock goes out of sync!! I have had to resort to Zopiclone for a while and as much as I didnt want to start down that road my body’s asking for help… and its playing up enough without insomnia setting in!!!
I do hope our lost flutterbys return soon :frowning: it is sad we cant keep up to date with everyone!
Love and hugs to you all I love the flip flap Jane mines gone flip flop lately… but we’ll get there!!

he he… I think the flip flap is a weary attempt at fluttering, but flip flop is more real at the mo!!! Thanks for the hug and hand-hold…Doz…

Fluterbies come BACK!!! Us hardies miss you… (though grateful for each other!)

love Jane xx

Hi everybody!!

Glad to be back as I’ve missed you all so much - but now it all seems so strange, this new website!

Janice: Oooh, well done with the breast surgeon. It makes you feel great when things go well after all we’ve had, doesn’t it?

baby steps: wondering how your daughters poor friend is and I’m sending positive thoughts for her and a hug for you. She is so young - you don’t expect it somehow and it’s such a shock.

Emmy: Sorry, I’m laughing at your anger, trying to use this site, but hey, I’ve not tried to post this yet!!! Have you calmed down and dried out your feathers yet, hen? I thought you’d gone into hiding after your £20 lottery win - but no- I realise you’d only gone to Wales!! Well I’m glad ‘cos we’d miss you on here so much. I noticed Doz didn’t have to go into hiding after spending all hers on a Chocolate Cake! And I see Elsa will never be rich when she instantly squanders all her winnings! Bloomin’ pits about your car, I feel so angry for you! I can imagine your words but it is such a release.

Carolyn: I’m laughing at you as well, in a strop with the new site, he he! Emmy & Carolyn, I remember saying that B word at work when I thought there was nobody in earshot as I tried to shove a heavy tray into a small space. When I turned round I was surprised to find a workmate in hysterics. She’d thought I was quite a lady and we both fell about laughing. It just really expresses what you feel in the moment! So lovely to see your photo, what a glamorous lady! Can’t believe you have children that age!! Hope your aunt has gone on OK with her op.

Cackles: I had to laugh at the 10 ladies with the same hairdo!! I never thought about you all looking the same.

Doz: what a lovely mum you are to go to see Vikki every day, but you must be so tired with everything so it was really good to read that she has been home. I shouldn’t imagine she minded you not being relaxed - just be glad to be with you and the familiarity of home once more. It can be quite an emotional thing all round, coming home from hospital. You do need time for yourself, so don’t feel guilty. You need that time in order to recharge and be on top of things. I would have thought there was no question as to whether she’ll get transport. Perhaps she could wait on a bed if it’s along time waiting. I found my doctor could organise it if the hospital can’t. I’m so glad your Matron meeting went well, the thing is, you did all that worrying when you needn’t have, flutterby.

Yvonne: Hurray! At last you can see light at the end of that tunnel regards your lympho.

Jane: Hope you’ve had a great week with your family and you’re cheered you up after the news of your colleague leaving. Hope things won’t be too bad and you get someone new and just as nice.

Fluffy Chick: That waiting for your mammo results is awful. Hope you can manage to keep occupied to keep your mind off it. They seem pretty sure that everything’s OK for you, by the sound of it.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone. It’s taken an age to catch up and type but at least we’re getting back to normal. Speak again soon.

Hugs Ami xx

Hi everybody!!

Glad to be back as I’ve missed you all so much - but now it all seems so strange, this new website!

Janice: Oooh, well done with the breast surgeon. It makes you feel great when things go well after all we’ve had, doesn’t it?

baby steps: wondering how your daughters poor friend is and I’m sending positive thoughts for her and a hug for you. She is so young - you don’t expect it somehow and it’s such a shock.

Emmy: Sorry, I’m laughing at your anger, trying to use this site, but hey, I’ve not tried to post this yet!!! Have you calmed down and dried out your feathers yet, hen? I thought you’d gone into hiding after your £20 lottery win - but no- I realise you’d only gone to Wales!! Well I’m glad ‘cos we’d miss you on here so much. I noticed Doz didn’t have to go into hiding after spending all hers on a Chocolate Cake! And I see Elsa will never be rich when she instantly squanders all her winnings! Bloomin’ pits about your car, I feel so angry for you! I can imagine your words but it is such a release.

Carolyn: I’m laughing at you as well, in a strop with the new site, he he! Emmy & Carolyn, I remember saying that B word at work when I thought there was nobody in earshot as I tried to shove a heavy tray into a small space. When I turned round I was surprised to find a workmate in hysterics. She’d thought I was quite a lady and we both fell about laughing. It just really expresses what you feel in the moment! So lovely to see your photo, what a glamorous lady! Can’t believe you have children that age!! Hope your aunt has gone on OK with her op.

Cackles: I had to laugh at the 10 ladies with the same hairdo!! I never thought about you all looking the same.

Doz: what a lovely mum you are to go to see Vikki every day, but you must be so tired with everything so it was really good to read that she has been home. I shouldn’t imagine she minded you not being relaxed - just be glad to be with you and the familiarity of home once more. It can be quite an emotional thing all round, coming home from hospital. You do need time for yourself, so don’t feel guilty. You need that time in order to recharge and be on top of things. I would have thought there was no question as to whether she’ll get transport. Perhaps she could wait on a bed if it’s along time waiting. I found my doctor could organise it if the hospital can’t. I’m so glad your Matron meeting went well, the thing is, you did all that worrying when you needn’t have, flutterby.

Yvonne: Hurray! At last you can see light at the end of that tunnel regards your lympho.

Jane: Hope you’ve had a great week with your family and you’re cheered you up after the news of your colleague leaving. Hope things won’t be too bad and you get someone new and just as nice.

Fluffy Chick: That waiting for your mammo results is awful. Hope you can manage to keep occupied to keep your mind off it. They seem pretty sure that everything’s OK for you, by the sound of it.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone. It’s taken an age to catch up and type but at least we’re getting back to normal. Speak again soon.

Hugs Ami xx

Hi everybody!!

Glad to be back as I’ve missed you all so much - but now it all seems so strange, this new website!

Janice: Oooh, well done with the breast surgeon. It makes you feel great when things go well after all we’ve had, doesn’t it?

baby steps: wondering how your daughters poor friend is and I’m sending positive thoughts for her and a hug for you. She is so young - you don’t expect it somehow and it’s such a shock.

Emmy: Sorry, I’m laughing at your anger, trying to use this site, but hey, I’ve not tried to post this yet!!! Have you calmed down and dried out your feathers yet, hen? I thought you’d gone into hiding after your £20 lottery win - but no- I realise you’d only gone to Wales!! Well I’m glad ‘cos we’d miss you on here so much. I noticed Doz didn’t have to go into hiding after spending all hers on a Chocolate Cake! And I see Elsa will never be rich when she instantly squanders all her winnings! Bloomin’ pits about your car, I feel so angry for you! I can imagine your words but it is such a release.

Carolyn: I’m laughing at you as well, in a strop with the new site, he he! Emmy & Carolyn, I remember saying that B word at work when I thought there was nobody in earshot as I tried to shove a heavy tray into a small space. When I turned round I was surprised to find a workmate in hysterics. She’d thought I was quite a lady and we both fell about laughing. It just really expresses what you feel in the moment! So lovely to see your photo, what a glamorous lady! Can’t believe you have children that age!! Hope your aunt has gone on OK with her op.

Cackles: I had to laugh at the 10 ladies with the same hairdo!! I never thought about you all looking the same.

Doz: what a lovely mum you are to go to see Vikki every day, but you must be so tired with everything so it was really good to read that she has been home. I shouldn’t imagine she minded you not being relaxed - just be glad to be with you and the familiarity of home once more. It can be quite an emotional thing all round, coming home from hospital. You do need time for yourself, so don’t feel guilty. You need that time in order to recharge and be on top of things. I would have thought there was no question as to whether she’ll get transport. Perhaps she could wait on a bed if it’s along time waiting. I found my doctor could organise it if the hospital can’t. I’m so glad your Matron meeting went well, the thing is, you did all that worrying when you needn’t have, flutterby.

Yvonne: Hurray! At last you can see light at the end of that tunnel regards your lympho.

Jane: Hope you’ve had a great week with your family and you’re cheered you up after the news of your colleague leaving. Hope things won’t be too bad and you get someone new and just as nice.

Fluffy Chick: That waiting for your mammo results is awful. Hope you can manage to keep occupied to keep your mind off it. They seem pretty sure that everything’s OK for you, by the sound of it.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone. It’s taken an age to catch up and type but at least we’re getting back to normal. Speak again soon.

Hugs Ami xx

Hi everybody!!

Glad to be back as I’ve missed you all so much - but now it all seems so strange, this new website!

Janice: Oooh, well done with the breast surgeon. It makes you feel great when things go well after all we’ve had, doesn’t it?

baby steps: wondering how your daughters poor friend is and I’m sending positive thoughts for her and a hug for you. She is so young - you don’t expect it somehow and it’s such a shock.

Emmy: Sorry, I’m laughing at your anger, trying to use this site, but hey, I’ve not tried to post this yet!!! Have you calmed down and dried out your feathers yet, hen? I thought you’d gone into hiding after your £20 lottery win - but no- I realise you’d only gone to Wales!! Well I’m glad ‘cos we’d miss you on here so much. I noticed Doz didn’t have to go into hiding after spending all hers on a Chocolate Cake! And I see Elsa will never be rich when she instantly squanders all her winnings! Bloomin’ pits about your car, I feel so angry for you! I can imagine your words but it is such a release.

Carolyn: I’m laughing at you as well, in a strop with the new site, he he! Emmy & Carolyn, I remember saying that B word at work when I thought there was nobody in earshot as I tried to shove a heavy tray into a small space. When I turned round I was surprised to find a workmate in hysterics. She’d thought I was quite a lady and we both fell about laughing. It just really expresses what you feel in the moment! So lovely to see your photo, what a glamorous lady! Can’t believe you have children that age!! Hope your aunt has gone on OK with her op.

Cackles: I had to laugh at the 10 ladies with the same hairdo!! I never thought about you all looking the same.

Doz: what a lovely mum you are to go to see Vikki every day, but you must be so tired with everything so it was really good to read that she has been home. I shouldn’t imagine she minded you not being relaxed - just be glad to be with you and the familiarity of home once more. It can be quite an emotional thing all round, coming home from hospital. You do need time for yourself, so don’t feel guilty. You need that time in order to recharge and be on top of things. I would have thought there was no question as to whether she’ll get transport. Perhaps she could wait on a bed if it’s along time waiting. I found my doctor could organise it if the hospital can’t. I’m so glad your Matron meeting went well, the thing is, you did all that worrying when you needn’t have, flutterby.

Yvonne: Hurray! At last you can see light at the end of that tunnel regards your lympho.

Jane: Hope you’ve had a great week with your family and you’re cheered you up after the news of your colleague leaving. Hope things won’t be too bad and you get someone new and just as nice.

Fluffy Chick: That waiting for your mammo results is awful. Hope you can manage to keep occupied to keep your mind off it. They seem pretty sure that everything’s OK for you, by the sound of it.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone. It’s taken an age to catch up and type but at least we’re getting back to normal. Speak again soon.

Hugs Ami xx

Hi everybody!!

Glad to be back as I’ve missed you all so much - but now it all seems so strange, this new website!

Janice: Oooh, well done with the breast surgeon. It makes you feel great when things go well after all we’ve had, doesn’t it?

baby steps: wondering how your daughters poor friend is and I’m sending positive thoughts for her and a hug for you. She is so young - you don’t expect it somehow and it’s such a shock.

Emmy: Sorry, I’m laughing at your anger, trying to use this site, but hey, I’ve not tried to post this yet!!! Have you calmed down and dried out your feathers yet, hen? I thought you’d gone into hiding after your £20 lottery win - but no- I realise you’d only gone to Wales!! Well I’m glad ‘cos we’d miss you on here so much. I noticed Doz didn’t have to go into hiding after spending all hers on a Chocolate Cake! And I see Elsa will never be rich when she instantly squanders all her winnings! Bloomin’ pits about your car, I feel so angry for you! I can imagine your words but it is such a release.

Carolyn: I’m laughing at you as well, in a strop with the new site, he he! Emmy & Carolyn, I remember saying that B word at work when I thought there was nobody in earshot as I tried to shove a heavy tray into a small space. When I turned round I was surprised to find a workmate in hysterics. She’d thought I was quite a lady and we both fell about laughing. It just really expresses what you feel in the moment! So lovely to see your photo, what a glamorous lady! Can’t believe you have children that age!! Hope your aunt has gone on OK with her op.

Cackles: I had to laugh at the 10 ladies with the same hairdo!! I never thought about you all looking the same.

Doz: what a lovely mum you are to go to see Vikki every day, but you must be so tired with everything so it was really good to read that she has been home. I shouldn’t imagine she minded you not being relaxed - just be glad to be with you and the familiarity of home once more. It can be quite an emotional thing all round, coming home from hospital. You do need time for yourself, so don’t feel guilty. You need that time in order to recharge and be on top of things. I would have thought there was no question as to whether she’ll get transport. Perhaps she could wait on a bed if it’s along time waiting. I found my doctor could organise it if the hospital can’t. I’m so glad your Matron meeting went well, the thing is, you did all that worrying when you needn’t have, flutterby.

Yvonne: Hurray! At last you can see light at the end of that tunnel regards your lympho.

Jane: Hope you’ve had a great week with your family and you’re cheered you up after the news of your colleague leaving. Hope things won’t be too bad and you get someone new and just as nice.

Fluffy Chick: That waiting for your mammo results is awful. Hope you can manage to keep occupied to keep your mind off it. They seem pretty sure that everything’s OK for you, by the sound of it.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone. It’s taken an age to catch up and type but at least we’re getting back to normal. Speak again soon.

Hugs Ami xx

Hi everybody!!

Glad to be back as I’ve missed you all so much - but now it all seems so strange, this new website!

Janice: Oooh, well done with the breast surgeon. It makes you feel great when things go well after all we’ve had, doesn’t it?

baby steps: wondering how your daughters poor friend is and I’m sending positive thoughts for her and a hug for you. She is so young - you don’t expect it somehow and it’s such a shock.

Emmy: Sorry, I’m laughing at your anger, trying to use this site, but hey, I’ve not tried to post this yet!!! Have you calmed down and dried out your feathers yet, hen? I thought you’d gone into hiding after your £20 lottery win - but no- I realise you’d only gone to Wales!! Well I’m glad ‘cos we’d miss you on here so much. I noticed Doz didn’t have to go into hiding after spending all hers on a Chocolate Cake! And I see Elsa will never be rich when she instantly squanders all her winnings! Bloomin’ pits about your car, I feel so angry for you! I can imagine your words but it is such a release.

Carolyn: I’m laughing at you as well, in a strop with the new site, he he! Emmy & Carolyn, I remember saying that B word at work when I thought there was nobody in earshot as I tried to shove a heavy tray into a small space. When I turned round I was surprised to find a workmate in hysterics. She’d thought I was quite a lady and we both fell about laughing. It just really expresses what you feel in the moment! So lovely to see your photo, what a glamorous lady! Can’t believe you have children that age!! Hope your aunt has gone on OK with her op.

Cackles: I had to laugh at the 10 ladies with the same hairdo!! I never thought about you all looking the same.

Doz: what a lovely mum you are to go to see Vikki every day, but you must be so tired with everything so it was really good to read that she has been home. I shouldn’t imagine she minded you not being relaxed - just be glad to be with you and the familiarity of home once more. It can be quite an emotional thing all round, coming home from hospital. You do need time for yourself, so don’t feel guilty. You need that time in order to recharge and be on top of things. I would have thought there was no question as to whether she’ll get transport. Perhaps she could wait on a bed if it’s along time waiting. I found my doctor could organise it if the hospital can’t. I’m so glad your Matron meeting went well, the thing is, you did all that worrying when you needn’t have, flutterby.

Yvonne: Hurray! At last you can see light at the end of that tunnel regards your lympho.

Jane: Hope you’ve had a great week with your family and you’re cheered you up after the news of your colleague leaving. Hope things won’t be too bad and you get someone new and just as nice.

Fluffy Chick: That waiting for your mammo results is awful. Hope you can manage to keep occupied to keep your mind off it. They seem pretty sure that everything’s OK for you, by the sound of it.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone. It’s taken an age to catch up and type but at least we’re getting back to normal. Speak again soon.

Hugs Ami xx

Wow eventually back on site.I have read all the posts and will try to answer everyone when I have more time.
Just hope this goes where it is supposed to go.I have missed everyones posts and was just about to give up trying to get back to the site Love and Hugs girls Janice xxx

Wow eventually back on site.I have read all the posts and will try to answer everyone when I have more time.
Just hope this goes where it is supposed to go.I have missed everyones posts and was just about to give up trying to get back to the site Love and Hugs girls Janice xxx

Sorry ami sat here crying with laughter!!! Bless you how many times did you press post? I think either you or it stuttered!!! ami not laughing at you ,with you this site has been a bit difficult (there I can do it without swearing!) I tried yesterday but it was down so thought I would try again today!
I won’t get into a list ami is sooo brave! I get scared to leave anyone out as I don’t mean to so I will apart from ami’s (couldn’t resist!) it’s for all our lovely flutterbys! Well so far things are quiet and car isn’t nearly as bad as I first feared due to it having a huge white scrape up the side of the car bless hubby he got T-cut and worked on it so now unless (like me!) you go on bended knee and stick your nose really close you can’t see the dink! The rest came away with the polishing so bless hubby though he did say to remind him never to hurt my car 'cos he was well impressed at how many swear words I know!!! I think it is the funny things that cause the ‘rage’ I do get angry sometimes it feels so out of context to the deed if you know what I mean? I am actually a very calm, cheery person as a rule but I am quite admiring myself at the moment so any s–t from anyone then look out! then bang completely cream crackered!!! It’s a release I suppose but it has gone from being something scary to no I only lose it when it is serious which has only been a couple of times but it’s the blooming tears that send me daft 'cos I have always been one of those people who cry when angry then no one takes it seriously!!!
Anyhoo how are you all my lovelies? I do so hope you are fluttering gently in this rather nice sunshine I am hoping it gets a bit warmer as it is so cold right now! I am such a wuss I hate being cold!
I do have to ask fluffy chick how did you get on? I was extremely jealous on the choccy biccys! Have some for me as I am wheat intolerant and can only have the wheat free which don’t taste as good! I know how awful waiting is and it sounds as though your consultant is pretty confident which helps a little. let us know how you get on. Well that’s me for now not much else to report apart from saying I am going cross eyed looking for decent deals for flights to Aus as we want to go from Birmingham and who would credit it the difference is staggering!!!
Wishing you all lots of spoons, love and a great big group hug…FLUTTERBYS WE’RE BACK OH YEAH!!! Em xxxxx

Yay! I found you all again! We disappeared, and I did a search for “where did I go?” and nada… nothing… so I’m so pleased to have found you! Hope you are fluttering well in the lovely sunshine!
I’ve had a lovely day off - been to Pilates with my DIL, and then had lunch and a cream tea out with her - good time… they exchanged contracts on their first house this week, so very exciting. They go back tomorrow… but we’ll be going up north in a couple of weeks and will see them and their new house then…

Sent my boss an email this morning with a “thought I had a 3am” he replied, the thought he had at 9am was that I should be asleep at 3am so that I didn’t send him scary emails!!! Loved it!

Have a great weekend flutterbies
love Jane

I posted to apologise for the again and again repeat, but that didn’t materialise!! Never mind where did I go - Where the blinking heck did that go??
On the original post I did all the right things and even logged off the site and back on again in between… but no post! Then when I’d given up, it repeats itself 6 times!! When I saw it I thought, I Iook such an IDIOT. I even spent an age deleting text to edit to 1 copy but when I pressed edit, that didn’t work either. I knew you’d fall about laughing! Now, I’m going to try posting this!! It’ll be magic if it works!
Love Ami xx

Abracadabra!!! Magic this time ami it worked! Sorry for laughing but you know when you get the giggles and it won’t stop? I ended up holding my tum and my jaw was aching, poor hubby now knows I have totally lost the plot! Bless you I see loads of us have done the same I suppose it will take some time to become familiar with this but hey ho we will get there!! After all it has made me smile again which is what happens when I come on here to ‘talk’ to the flutterbys.
Hopefully these what my granddaughter calls shrinkles will iron out as we go.It’s so nice to see you back so post all you want it is lovely!
As for your boss Jane he obviously does not have those thoughts in the early hours so he will be a bewildered man but we have all done that! I have even remembered stuff that I thought I had forgotten during the wee hours and popped down to write myself a note to remember when I got up later!! Chemo brain has a lot to answer for as for the tablets they just keep on encouraging the brain to do things in ‘shifts!’ I can remember the most odd things but everyday stuff just defeats me!
Janice lovely to hear from you! it’s been a b****r the last few days and I came home from holiday to this chaos! Hopefully it is sorting and we will have our ‘space’ back!
Yvonne I hope your week has gone well? I did smile just looked back to see you had the same problem as poor ami with the extra posting!
Carolyn hope things are well with you too? and of course Lewis!
Fluffy chick I hope you are O.k? I am sure like me the flutterbys are still hand holding and waiting with you.
Doz, I am so hoping Vik being home will be the start you both so much need and as for the thumb eeekkk! Not nice I just hope the doc will sort it you can’t go on like this. Funny we don’t realise how much we need our fingers and thumbs to work we just toddle along till something goes awry THEN we understand how important all our digits are!
Right that’s me going to try look around as I kept getting ‘thrown’ into space earlier then had visitors so will give it another go! Take care flutterbys , sending spoons along with the hug ,have a good weekend all Em xxxxx

THANKGOODNESS YOUR ALL BACK :)Missed you all soooooooooooooo much
I will post later as i’m going to be late for work… YUK!!!
Vikki’s home and sorted :slight_smile: and now just need to sort me out!!! ha ha!!!
Flutterbys united :slight_smile: xxxxxhugxxxxx

We’ve all done it Ami - and you gave us a smile/laugh - so, mission accomplished, even if not in the way you intended!
As for getting up and writing stuff down (which I didn’t do), apparently that’s what we’re SUPPOSED to do! I have got up and scribbled a sermon outline before, when it’s come together in the wee small hours, but last night I read the chapter on sleep in “Companion’s Guide to survival”. So last night when I went to bed, I didn’t read… I did some breathing exercises to relax… and although it took a while to drop off, I had a much better night. Of course, it could be connected with having had the day off! They recommend that if you are awake for more than 15 mins or so (durr!!) you get UP out of your warm bed, sit and listen to soothing music or something (NOT chat on here, which is stimulating!) and then go back to bed… and - keep a sleep diary (when you go to sleep, when you wake, how often you go to the loo etc etc) in a little book beside the bed, and write down any worrying thoughts there too. Would someome please tell me how to do that little lot without waking my OH, who doesn’t sleep very well either!!!
slightly irritated flip and flap! However, don’t knock it Jane… you slept reasonably last night!
I’m hoping all you flutterbies enjoy the sunshine and dry those old wings out a bit, and that Doz has a good day at work. YAY to Vicki being home and sorted …
Jane xx

Doz how nice to have Vikki home I do hope you get yourselves all sorted and then you can start to have a bit of"ME" time again.Take care both of you and hope Dan is fine.
Ami at least you managed to post, this site is not as easy to use I don’t know why they change things my motto is If it aint broke then don’t try to fix it.
Emmy glad you have made the decision re work Ito was worried how we would manage but as my gran used to say cut your coat to fit your cloth so I am sure you will manage we have just had to forget about hols etc. for a while at least, but we will not starve ha ha.
Jane I sometimes get up and have a cuppa and then go back to bed and it usually works for me anyway.Sorry to hear one of your colleagues is leaving I do hope they don’t expect you to do anymore you seem very busy anyway.
Carolyn I think we all use naughty words at times we are all human ha ha.Hope you and Lewis are doing fine.
Cackles laughed about hairdos I worked in a nursing home and the hairdresser used to give everyone the same hairdo it was sooo funny we couldn’t wait till she’d gone and then we could sort them all out.
Yvonne hope you are doing okay and coping with lympho we are all there for you.
Fluffy chick hope you don’t wait too long for results thinking of you and fingers and toes crossed but I am sure you will be fine.
Sorry if I have missed anyone we will see how many times this goes only once I hope big hugs love Janice xxxx