I think the answer to that is No One Knows, or we would be able to get a big tub of cream rub it on our breasts, and hey presto we are cured, and if you don’t like cream, there is a pill you can take-twice a day and it’s gone. I do believe, that will happen one day. I think most people after they have been diagnosed look back on there life style and think i wish i had not done this or that, oh, and i wish i had ate my vegetables when i was a child, I was in a business were it was cool to drink and smoke(gave up the Latter) 5 years ago so i thought its my own fault i got B.C
I was adopted when i was a child so had no family medical history, cut a long story short i traced my grandmother (who had died) i obtained a copy of her death certificate, and guess what she died of breast cancer, because of the rare breast tumour i had they thought it was genetic, when i found this out about my grandmother, i decided it probably was genetic, opened a bottle of wine and drank the lot. I also thought it was from when i lived in Singapore, i was only 22 years old i fell asleep on the beach and got burned to a cinder i was in bed for a week, i also though it might be from eating to many boiled eggs as my tumour was the shape of one, as if. so we all have our daft theorys on the horrid thing. Would like to hear some thoughts on where some of youthought you might have got yours from.
Cheers to all. xxxx
Hi Kippy What a great thread I bet you have got some people thinking now. I started the menopause very early I was 41 after about 9 months I couldnt stand it any longer the hot flushes and the PMT that was terrable I was so bad tempered all the time. Even my husband said he would come to the doctor with me. I did eventually go and see the doctor and he put me on HRT so I took them for 5 months and I knew nothing was getting any better so I went back to him and he said they were not strong enough so he gave me much stronger ones. After about 2 months I could feel the difference I felt like a new woman so I carried on taking them for 5 years up until last December when I was diagnosed with BC The oncologist told me to stop taking them straight away which I did. I knew when I started these HRT that there was talk about them causing BC but for me at the time they were a god send. I do believe now that they were the cause of my BC. I worked with a few ladies who was having the menopause but none of them would ever consider having the HRT I now wish I would have listened to them. Anyway I had my mastectomy and finished all my chemo in July and I feel really well now I am back at work full time. I do have to take Arimadex for 5 years but I dont mind them as long as they keep me alive. I hope you feel well Love Linda xxxx
Hi there
I started my periods at 11, never had a baby or pregnancy and stayed on the pill for 25 years. Apart from no family history, I ticked all boxes. 42 at dx. Not a hormone recepter in sight. triple neg. Do I blame myself in any way? No! Not really! That is how my life was. S**t happens!!
From age 26-36 I nightclubbed, drank and social smoked, but boy could I socialise.
I had my own business, where I worked too many hours, but never really had negative stress. I never really ate my 5 fruit and veg 'cos lived alone and why bother when a bit of toast will do and besides no time 'cos needing to get ready for another night out.
I have always worn body lotions and make-up (parabens exposure), but hey I looked great! I worked out in gym and was never more than 3-4 pound overweight
The 5 years leading to BC was much healthier as I met my man. The last year before BC were the best. More than 5 fruit & veg a day. Aerobics (high impact) every day. Lots of sleep and gave up work. Biggest sin? I put on 7pounds.
Looking back would I change anything? Yeah I would have been a less conciencious worker and partied more! They were the best years of my life!!
S**t happens. It happened to all of us on this site. Not every alcoholic gets cancer, nor does it affect every obese person. Drug addicts too, get over their habit but dont fall victim to this. The 5 F&G a day ladies on this site and those who have never smoked and drank say “what did I do to desrve this?” Nothing! It happened that’s it.
So ladies, I am now a health freak during chemo (give liver a chance) and I will continue to cut alcohol and dairy products to a minimum after treatment is finished. But I will still indulge in my sins after, because life is to be lived and dreams to be fulfilled. If our life is to be cut short we don’t need to spend the rest of it in self hatred and regret
There endeth my sermon
Jules x
Hear Hear Jules,i’m off to open a bottle of red x
I think mine was stress related, but what annoys me is nothing is ever conclusive, it’s always ifs and maybe’s when they say something could have caused it…I dont drink, dont smoke and am certainly not obese and hate dairy products but still I got it, so I would say enjoy eating and drinking if that is what you want to do, as from my experience it certainly hasnt made any difference to my outcome…