Where to find reseach of the benefits?

I’m so not sure still if radiation is right for me. I like to tease and ask them to hold my hand during treatment! You can imagine its a resounding no! Does anyone have good research on statistics and benefits outweighing risks? Today is 5 of 28.

Hi Suebeehoney


I don’t think there is a single source of data you could hold up as ‘the evidence’ as there are lots of studies by the different hospitals, universities etc over a long period and some meta-analysis of ranges of studies so I did it by an internet search.  I think I read 30 or so different research papers/results of trials and every single one of them showed a reduction in recurrence rates (but not always improved survival rates).  The rate of improvement varied by study but I guess that would be normal depending on the type/stage of the cancer being treated. The only area where there still seems to be some question marks over the usefulness of radiotherapy seems to be with low grade DCIS but I understand that it more to do with a lack of research in this area rather than a finding that it does not help.


Not helpful I know, but I think the only way you’ll get the information is to do an internet search for yourself, perhaps searching for meta-analysis of impact of adjuvant radiotherapy on breast cancer.  Not sure if I’m allowed to add a link here but I’ll try. The one I found most helpful was the NICE document (NICE are the standard setters for UK treatments and the document is long at 113 pages but explains what they recommend and the evidence they used to make that recommendation)




Hope that helps :slight_smile:



I’m feeling better about continuing treatment. NCCN.ORG and the your all’s support helped. Seems the highest risk is lymphedema but it knocks back recurrence of breast cancer to 6%, but there are no guarantees in life. Again for now I Feel Fine about it!

Hi Ruth,
I have been up then down and down and then up. Its a roller coaster! I have been given a lot of information to read and I’m so grateful for the support here. It seems everyone’s story is different and yet we do share a common bond. Today was 10/28. And they had me speak to a couple of women who actually made me feel better. Keep talking and keep getting yourself informed. I’m nearly half way through radiation and I still have questions! Best wishes.

I feel the same, a long wait for radiotherapy, I want to know after a long time is it really necessary