Hi Girls
I start my rads on 26th November (bring it on !). Which moisturising cream is the best to get - Aqueous or E45 ? I’m confused and would like some guidance please !
Thanks !
Love Julie xx
Hi Girls
I start my rads on 26th November (bring it on !). Which moisturising cream is the best to get - Aqueous or E45 ? I’m confused and would like some guidance please !
Thanks !
Love Julie xx
Hi Julie
They gave me Aqueous cream when I went for planning this week. I am told that Bio oil is good, but haven’t been able to find it yet. My step daughter said it was brilliant during her second preganancy and another lady on here said the same. I haven’t looked very hard yet but suspect it would be with other anti-stretch mark products.
Look forward to informed answers!
i got aqueous cream from hospital but as it didn’t help much they also gave me instratite (something like that) gel which was really soothing especially if ur skin breaks out badly like mine did but i can reassure you as soon as u finish the radio it all disappears within a week!!
You can get Bio Oil , from most health shops
I have been using Aqueous but have been told rubbing the skin is bad, so just to smooth it over the skin really gently so as not to have too much friction etc. So far skin totally fine and am 14 down with 11 to go.
I think Aq is good as a cleanser too so perhaps good for keeping area clean etc.
Hi June and all
Found the Bio oil in Boots this afternoon! Not cheap but smells and feels wonderful.
Much love and thanks
Hi Julie
I had 25 rads sessions in March / April this year and I used E45 twice or even 3 times a day and, apart from a slight peeling underneath which didn’t get sore, had no problems at all . This was to the surprise of both onc and consultant as I am a redhead and not really pale but quite fair skinned. I bought a big tub and used it for 2 - 3 weeks after rads had finished as the treatment continues to work.
Hope it all goes ok.
Love Shorty xx
Hi all,
I used E45 up to the last session when I somehow managed to get a burn on my underarm. I then switched to aqueous cream and am still using it now even though I finished Rads in September.
This probably isn’t going to help you at all- lol!
Try a small pot of each and then decide what suits you best- then go mad and buy the big pot as you will need it.
I also put the aqueous cream in the fridge and that felt fantastic on the skin.
Kat x
Id say prepare your skin with e45 stuff first.
When you start your rads they should give you some aqueas cream…and slaver it on like there is no tomorrow. You wont be allowed shower gel, bubble baths, shaving or deodorant on that side…which sux. Get some of the e45 emmoliant bath oil and the e45 emmoliant body wash stuff. Thats all i was allowed to use. Im very fair, and did alright up until the very last week (5 weeks) and burned really badly. Thing is even when rads has finished…you carry on cooking for a few weeks afterwards…so no bubbles etc for at least a fortnight after…which wound me up lol. Put whatever cream you have in the fridge…as when it gets hot…you will know about it…imagine the worse sunburn in the world…and your about halfway there…so keeping it in the fridge…at the time, much to my husbands disgust i said was better than sex…still dont think hes forgiven me for that one lol
Thank you so so much for your comments - as always you’ve come to my rescue. Your hints and tips are brilliant.
Bit gutted about no shower gel/bubble bath etc !!!
Thanks again
Love Julie xx
P.S buttons500 - if it’s better than sex, then I’m REALLY looking forward to it - LOL !!
I have been using an aloe vera gel, as recommended in Amoena Life. I finished 20 rads on Thursday and no problems with my skin so far. The one I use is 99.9% from Holland & Barrett. When I mentioned it at the hospital I was told that officially they only recommend aqueous cream, but they were aware that aloe Vera is very good, but it is important to get something that is at least 95% in strength.
Hi Everyone
All these tips are really useful, thank you. Should you start using the cream before rads start? Is there any point?
Lots of love