Which dosage of Paclitaxel are you on?

I’ve been researching (again!!) about Paclitaxel and wondering about dosage. I am on 12 x weekly treatments of 132mg which seems quite high? My 8mm tumour had no lymph node involvement so assumed I would be on a lower dose having read more about it. Just wondered what others are having? I’m also having Herceptin every 3 weeks for 9 cycles. Just curious - I know I shouldn’t be comparing! xx

Hi @sarahc_123, I can’t really comment on pacitaxel as I had docetaxel and like you say everyone is different, but I do know dose is calculated based on weight and height, ie BMI and suspect this may have more bearing therefore than tumour size.

I am also participating in a trial to see if fat distribution could be used in future to further fine-tune a person’s dose to reduce the number and severity of side effects. Each time before a treatment I had to go to another dept. In the hospital to be weighed and measured on a special machine that measured body fat too. Then there is a grip test and questionnaires about SE’s. Now I’m being followed up for a few months. So that’s how I learnt a bit more about that aspect of how doses are worked out.

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Thanks for yoyr reply suedot. I didnt know that about height and weight so thank you. I hope you are doing okay xx