Hi there
cant believe just found out friday Ive got a 2 lumps quite close together grade 2 about 1-1.5cm and surgeon is recommending lumpectomy and rads or could have mastectomy if really wanted. they say the results are the same but I am trying to work out how this can be true- surely if you take the breast tissue away the risk of recuurence or prognosis should be better? does the recurrence after mastecomy just come back in chest wall ? Im just trying to understand so I’m happy with the decision.
When do people not have chemo? If the tumor is v small and no lymph node involvement? Ithink I have asked these questions but cant remeber the answers
Also Im type 1 diabetic and would be grateful to hear from anyone with diabeted and who has been through this aswell and what difference if made. I understand its a problem with steroids and blood sugars if you have to have chemo.
Been tossing and turning about the decision most of the night so thought id do something and post on here hope someone can help me understand. Thanks
Its awful isn’t it? Margaret may have pm’d you this but chemo zips around your body killing any rogue cancer cells which MAY have got out of the cancer, into your bod. Even tho it’s horrible to go thru, as I will find out next week, I think its got to be worth it, as the little blighters need to be thrashed to kingdom come!
Hi, I have type 1 diabetes. I had my chemo in 2005/6, 4 x fec and 4 x tax, yes the steroids did affect my blood sugars, I think it was demexamethasone? After a little while I managed to get my insulin right on the days I took the steroids, I had to make sure nurses were aware of my diabetes because the ‘flush’ they use can contain glucose. Best wishes
hi debbs
I had chemo last year and also have type 1 diabetes (for 40 years). I found I had to increase my insulin dose around the steroid daysm, but I tried my best to keep the steroids as minimals as possible.
I was scared too when first diagnosed and wondered how I would get through it.But I did, I adjusted my insulin accordingly depending on steroids and how I felt (nauseaus) and now a year later it seems like a distant memory - well almost LOL,.
You will manage it too, but if you need help and support just ask here.