Hi - I’m not really a regular on here nowadays but have just read a couple of posts where people were diagnosed through the trial screening. I myself was diagnosed through this trial having had no clue I had BC - no palpable lump, went hopping and skipping to the mammogram then shock! I’m so grateful for this trial having had a mastectomy with clear nodes but showing 10 lumps all together and really, in another 2 years who knows what could have happened. Just curious about how many people have found out this way. I understand the results of the trial will be looked at in 2020 so let’s hope they lower the screening age xx
Hiya lovely to here from you :). I know i have seen a couple of ladies who as a result of the trial it has picked up a small cancer lumps so it does appear to be working. Agree with you it would be interesting to know.
How are you doing?
Helena xxx
I have! I was 48 in Feb, got called for it a few weeks later. Recalled 2 weeks after mamagramm, biopsies etc taken. Mastectomy done on 24th May, then full axxillary clearance on 14th June! I had no lumps that I could feel, they told me they were small on the scan, and lymph nodes were clear…surgery proved them wrong. Back for full results and treatment plan tomorrow. I hate to think of the position I would have been in if I’d have waited for another couple of years!
Yes I’m in this club! Feel very lucky to have been invited for screening at the age of 47 in November last year. Felt fit and well, no lump to be felt but bc diagnosed after mammogram, biopsies etc. Had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy 2 days before Christmas, followed by radiotherapy and tamoxifen.
So it’s all been a bit of a worldwind!
Forever grateful for the screening and really hope the age range is widened as standard.
Love & light to all
Donna x
Hi all, it is great that earlier screening is finding breast cancer earlier. Sadly for me the mammogram I had at 48 as part of the trial looked clear, but a year later I found a lump which was bc. Each mammogram I’ve had did not show it as I have dense breast tissue apparently. I do wish that after my first mammogram I had been told that whilst it looked clear, my tissue is dense and so may not show cancer if it is present as I would have been more religous about checking myself. I was kind of lulled into a false sense of security by the apparently clear result. But whilst it was of no benefit to me, it is amazing that some women are being diagnosed earlier than they would have otherwise been meaning that prognosis is better. I hope they do decide to keep the limit lower. Michelle x