Who i more likely to get cancer

Headlines in paper today" obese much more likely to get cancer" , why do we constantly have to have these kind of articles when so many of us, on here, who have got it,seem to slim, healthy in every other way. take regular exercise, dont smoke, and  eat healthily, My friend who has ovarian cancer was exactly the same.  You can do all the right things, as many of us have, my only risk i can see was taking HRT for so long, . and still get it.  These kind of comments do give a completely unrealistic picture of who gets the disease and who dosent.  It definitely is not always lifestyle as many of us can prove.  and may stop people not bothering to check on lumps etc, as they think its not going to happen to them cause they dont fit the “type”.june

So agree June. Even my consultant said it is just bad luck!! x

Maybe cynical… they just eant to shift the newspapers. Bash out a headline and off they go. Knew someone in the medical profession who stated sister newspapers printed opposing articles to suit the political bent of the country… england and eire! all stats do is back your view piint if so chosen.
Not helpful, and misleading.

What a great comment !

Right on June and Rose! I admit I am a bit overweight but I’m fed up having anything at all (including an ingrowing toenail!) blamed on it. What about those people very underweight which can be more dangerous. Anyway my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 yrs ago and is very slim and fit. Rant over! I’m having genetic testing shortly so perhaps it’s not my weight after all! Lol xx

Well said Rose x