Well I’m back, I have not been on for a while, quick recap I had breast cancer back in 2019……And all the usual treatment followed, mastectomy, node clearance, chemo, radiotherapy, and hormone treatment for about 18 months stopped because of an Aortic Aneurysm.
In 2022 I found out I had the BRCA2 gene and decided to have the other breast removed then they did a repair to original site.
Around November 2022 I was having physical therapy for the scar tissue to both surgery sites. The preventative surgery to left side developed a huge Heamatoma, and physical therapy was stopped in December. I kept ringing GP re chest pain along scars, to be told Ring the Breast team, in fact whatever I rang the GP with they said Phone the Breast team.
So in April by chance I was called to see the practice nurse for routine blood tests. I explained chest pain and new shortness of breath. She managed to get me a same day appointment with a prescribing nurse. He wasn’t interested at first in listening to my chest he saw all the scars and said it’s treatment related pain.
After a brief rebuttal to this he begrudgingly listened to my chest, and said I think your in heart failure.
Further blood tests were taken and he arranged for other tests.
A week later I had to see a Doctor at the surgery due to blood tests.
Again begrudgingly listened to chest and referred me for a chest x Ray……long story short, from that day, I then in the space of four weeks hat CT, Scan, PET scan, Ct guided lung biopsy……and in early June told the breast cancer had spread to both lungs.
I was originally offered lung surgery to remove tumours, then informed by Oncologist to try Targeted Treatment first for three months, if it works to stay on that treatment path.
So I’m currently just finishing round two of new drugs.
I caught the new Covid 2 weeks ago, and although I’ve been clear since last week I’ve felt awful these last few days.
Don’t know if it’s side effects or post Covid……but I’ll talk to Oncologist on Friday and run it by him.
So more so now, than before this designated Male Breast Cancer page was developed and rolled out, it’s important that men remain vigilant at all times with their health, and politely don’t be fobbed off by doctors , you are the expert in YOUR health and well being, nobody knows more about your body than YOU.
Be demanding if you’re not being treated fairly if need be get a second opinion.