Who should i go to? What shall i do ?

Hi everyone. I just joined today as i am so worried.i am 21 and have no children, and i check my breasts regularly as have a family history of cancer.but thismorning i found a pea sized lump under my left breast, where my breast meets my rib cage,under the skin there.i can only feel it when i am led down,as i have large breasts.36E for my size 10 frame.but a wave of panic hit me when i found it. my mother is not around,nor my sister. so i only have my dad to talk to and dont feel i can.he lost his mum to cervical cancer 3 years ago.i dont want him to worry about me,im scared to go to the doctors on my own. also can i request to see a female doctor? the lump is hard and small also painless.and there are a few red dots that have come up under my nipple.i would really like some friendly advice on what to do.it would help me a great deal and i would value any it very much.thankyou ladies xRx

Hi onlyrose21, and welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for support. While you are waiting for replies, could I suggest that you give our helpline a ring and have a chat with one of the breast care nurses here who are here to support you. Calls to the helpline are free and in confidence, 0808 800 6000, lines open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Rose

Ring your doctor, tell them its urgent and yes, you can ask to see a female doctor if you prefer. Its very likely at your age to be something harmless, but you must get a doctor to see it. If you can’t see a lady doctor for whatever reason, please dont be worried about seeing a male doctor. They see this sort of thing all the time and they will have a nurse in the room with you whilst they examine you.

I’m sorry, this must be really scarey for you.
Have you got a friend who could go with you to see the Doctor, just for some moral support?

It might be helpful to phone the helpline on this site. you would then have someone to confide to and they will advise you as what to do.

My personnel feeling is that you mustsee your doctor, you can ask to see a female doctor. You are very young and she may be able to put your mind at rest.

I hope it works out well for you.

Hi there

Good that you’ve come to this forum as I hope you’ll find it very helpful. I don’t know enough about different types of breast cancer or other breast conditions to comment on what you’ve found. I would strongly recommend ringing the helpline though as they are very helpful, have lots of information and good advice.

To answer one of your other questions, yes you can request a female doctor - I always do. Is there someone else who could go with you to the doctor’s? Perhaps a friend who could wait with you if you don’t want them going in to the actual appointment with you or an aunt/cousin or neighbour?

When you go to the doctor it is important to explain your family history, that you regularly breast check etc. They’ll probably also ask the date of your last period. If the doctor doesn’t think it is anything to worry about then I’d definitely be asking what it is. What you want to be coming away with is a clear plan of action.

Please do come back and let us know how you get on.
A big hug
elinda x

go and get it checked, if even to put your own mind at rest! wishing you well and let us know! love debs xxx

I agree with all the others. Go get it checked out. You have nothing to lose by making sure darl.
Good Luck, we will be thinking of you. xxx