I had a letter this week from hospital asking me to go for a mammogram, unlike other posts I’m still in the middle of treatment. I’m having 6 fec will of had 5 by then, also then needs rads. I have had 2 tumours removed one grade 3 triple negative and the other is grade1 ER+.
I haven’t found a thread about having mamograms while in in treatment and would love to hear from anyone else who had this and were they given a reason why.
Thanks ladies BD xx
are you in the over 50 age group who are routinely called for mamm every 3 years? The NHS is not a joined up service and sometimes still sends out letters even if you are having treatment!!
Check with your breast care nurse.
I was told that I would probably have the ultrasound & MRI (not mammogram due to young age& dense breast) repeated half way through chemo to assess if & how much chemo has worked/working. Though I think they are going to do a clinical exam first to see if I would need these. I already got an appointment booked with my breast surgeon after my 3rd chemo. Honestly I would much prefer to have the tests as well as the clinical exam. The only reason they may not do the tests would be if my tumour shrink considerably I assume. However, as dolphin1 pointed out it could be your regular 3yearly check up mammogram.
Thanks ladies
No not 50 yet though not to long till that date appears. I will just have to see what it is all about in a few weeks. I suppose I should be grateful that I’m in the system, and they are taking such good care of me.
BD xx
Hi Blue Dragonfly
I suspect dolphin1 may be on the right track - they start calling you for mammograms any time from 47 or 48 onwards now, I was called for my first routine one at 48, and there’s no way the NHS is efficient enough to have linked that to your treatment. Perhaps give them a call to find out; you’ll probably find that once they realise you’re in the middle of BC treatment that they’ll cancel it and give the appointment to someone else.
Sarah x