Why do I still have to stretch my arm five years on?

Nearly five years ago I had a Lumpectomy and lymph glands removed. Why do I still get tightness under the arm which I have to stretch through and even pain in the arm and shoulder?I had 20 radiotherapy sessions.
In my opinion my mobility in the arm is good. I can touch the spine behind my head and have done more or less since the wound heald.
Surely this shouldn’t be the case.
Is anyone else the same?

Wondering if I’ve been butchered or operated on.


Hi Chinook
Have a look a the thread under radiotherapy - long term side effects. There’s lots of useful info coming out there! It seems to be the effect of the RT on the chest muscles, amongst other bits.
Sarah x

It’s down to the fact they have to cut the nerves when they take out your lymph nodes. I’m 4 years on and I still get a bit of nervy pain in my arm, also the muscle round my shoulder blade sometimes aches; there’s also a tightness in my underarm scar at times. I think it’s just one of those things that takes years to repair. The surgeons told me a lot of the discomfort comes from nerve endings trying to reconnect with each other, they bang together.

Thanks Cherub
Yet again I find its not just me being niggled with these things.God knows why I didn’t come on this site before.

Regards Chinook

Hi there

Yes I still wonder about that. If I don’t do the basic exercises I stiffen up terribly. Thank god I am back doing yoga. It really helps. I do giggle though when we get to relaxation and I have to relax my non existent lymphatic system. Radio therapy was a god send at the time but now makes healing difficult. Such is life. I for one am not complaining at all. Just trying to understand.

Love and strength to all


I find if I do the exercises and use weights it gives me more of a stretch across the chest muscles. I’m currently using a tin of M&S chicken curry (400g) as a weight, which I’m advised is about the right size to use, but a large tin of baked beans is also suggested. You just have to be careful not to drop it when holding it above your face or a sore boob!
Sarah x
P.S. Have you looked at the exercises recommended on this site? They’re very useful and there’s a DVD of them as well.

Here’s the link to the BCC exercise DVD and leaflet as Sarah kindly mentioned:


Best wishes