Hi im going for plannning tue just wandering why some get 15 and some get more and who gets boosters nobody mentioned boosters if anyone can shed any light thks x
Hi Jinny,
A partial answer only! As I’m sure you are aware the radiotherapy team decide which areas need to be treated (eg whether armpit as well as breast or just breast etc) - as part of that they consider how much grey matter (how strong a zap) to use overall, how much during each session, and how many beams/what angles etc.
I had a booster which is a slightly different form of delivery of radio (I’ve forgotten the details - I did ask them at the time but in one ear…) delivered at a slightly higher daily amount than the rest of the radiotherapy but just to a localised area - an area 10cm across centred on where my invasive c lump had been prior to removal.
While my margins were clear (apart from a small patch near the skin) I think they thought there was still a risk in the locality. I narrowly escaped chemo but am due to take tamoxifen since highly oestrogen positive - not sure whether the last 2 factors have any baring?
I’m sure if you ask the radiographer they’ll expand - they got quite excited when I asked them about it and told me not many people want to know the details!
Hope that helps - or in conjunction with a few responses from others!
Hi jinny, from memory I think you only get boosters if you’ve had a lumpectomy. When you say you’re having treatment to your neck, do you mean collarbone? I had a mastectomy with RT to chest, armpit and collarbone which is standard practice depending on the amount of node involvement. Your rads team will tailor your treatment to suit your individual needs, but don’t be afraid to ask any questions at the planning meeting. Good luck! xx
I had my first appointment last night to sign the consent forms for the radiotheraphy treatment and was told I will be having 15 sessions and 8 boosters so 23 visits all together,
(got to wait for my planning appointment now but it looks like its gonna be getting close to christmas by the time I am finised,)
I asked why so many as I was only expecting the 15 going on info provided at my diagnosis by the BC nurse, and the dr said because it was grade three and she said and we dont want a reacurrance do we so 8 boosters I said no I dont so I’ll take that thank you very much,
not what I was expecting at all but I am not going to refuse any treatment if its in my best interests to have it and reduce my risks. HTH
deelush x
I had my first appointment last night to sign the consent forms for the radiotheraphy treatment and was told I will be having 15 sessions and 8 boosters so 23 visits all together,
(got to wait for my planning appointment now but it looks like its gonna be getting close to christmas by the time I am finised,)
I asked why so many as I was only expecting the 15 going on info provided at my diagnosis by the BC nurse, and the dr said because it was grade three and she said and we dont want a reacurrance do we so 8 boosters I said no I dont so I’ll take that thank you very much,
not what I was expecting at all but I am not going to refuse any treatment if its in my best interests to have it and reduce my risks. HTH
deelush x
p.s the difference between the normal rads and booster rads was explained to me last night as 15 normal sessions to the whole breast area and 8 booster sessions targeted to the direct spot where the tumour had been if that makes sense,