Hallo Jo! I too am struggling with it all but have found the TN recurrence thread an will try to get you a link to it if Iacn (big IF!) You have been mentioned by name as among the missing in the last few days
Keep hanging around a bit longer,

I hope that works. There is a mixture of sadness about Tina and the usual “making the most out of life” feeling that Tina always sent out in her messages.
Only a few messages back from the last one is Tara8 asking about you by name

Lavender lassie
the link really helps a lot.thank you so much

Sorry I’m a bit confused Mrs Blue. On my screen, the archives remain at the bottom of page, and living with secondary breast cancer forum is just below living with breast cancer. I have not been on the site for a few days, have BCC responded to your points?
Have to say though that I don’t like the new site. What was wrong with the other site ? Also, where have all my messages gone? I have now lost all my contacts.

I am so glad you got that Hope/Jo. If Lemongrove hadn’t posted there I don’t think I could have found my way back here. I don’t see any way of keeping pages apart from bookmarking them, so I will start doing that.
In the meantime, have a smile and a virtual cuppa of something, and a wish for an ordinary day with the kids for you.
Wave to Lemongrove too!

Sorry, Lemongrove… the order of the subforums has been changed several times. Moderators are welcome to delete or rename my original post when things are fixed.