Why has the “Secondary breast cancer” section been moved to the very end of the subforums? - below the Archive (pre-2009) and below In Memory??? Many of us with secondaries are very much alive and kicking!
And why does this post not show in “Latest posts”?

I REALLy miss the latest post and knowing which posts I have responed to when you could save a discussion. I am at this very moment trying to search for ladies I write to every day but cannt find the thread. Have searched everywhere. So if Nicky, Lily, Lisa and Darling Buds of May…moving on" ladies read these could you please tell me where you are hiding! Thanks Val

Yes I hate the way the archives and in memory are before those of us very much alive and going through this …

Eventually found the thread I was looking for. There are a few threads that I cannot find. Yes us secondary ladies are definitly alive and kicking!

Definitely think the Archive should be at the bottom. The more up-to-date threads should be at the top

Now I have posted a reply to the thread I lost but cannot access it again. I suppose I must be patient but do worry that I am not responding to friend’s posts as I cannot find them again.
Hi M1yu…missing you. Hope you are improving everyday. Let me know how you are. PM if you like. XX

love and best wishes to all! tryed for two weeks to get on forums,wont be trying again. thanks to all that have helped me xxxxxxx

Archive should be at the bottom. Couldn’t find latest posts new users will be totally lost. At least I know what’s supposed to be there. Secondaries at the very bottom…I thought we were working on making this situation more publically aware!

Yes really fed-up at moment! Can’t find old threads as lost my saved discussions, lost friends and new requests not getting through,latest posts not working properly as latest posts not showing even when you’ve just added to one,not got any of my PM’s which contained precious conversations with departed friends, women are giving-up on site …and secondaries disappeared to the bottom!!!

Hi ladies, I was using the site less and less before these changes and this latest change has helped me make up my mind to leave for good. Just wanted to wish everyone all the very best in their treatment…Good Luck…x I’m doing well still, I’m still on Xeloda (Capecitabine) and have been for 4 years, 1 month now. :slight_smile: Take Care…x PS…and yes why is secondaries at the very bottom!!!

Couldn’t agree more with everything said above. I’m not very techie and had the site been in this format when I first looked at it, I wouldn’t have joined and then I would have missed out on my friendships with the special secondary ladies in particular. The order of topics down the side is odd and like the other girls have said, we mets ladies feel disappointed to be put down the list at the bottom - not right when it is supposed to be something to which BCC are allegedly trying to give a higher public profile…

As was said elsewhere, it looks as though someone working for BCC has just arranged the contents list in alphabetical order - so unfortunately Archives come first.
Surely this is a simple thing that could be reversed by the touch of a button?

the only way i can find the ‘bone mets - please join in’ forum is by doing a Google search on the Net! This New site is not good for anyone new; they wont be able to find the forum they need the most.

I really do suspect they have been trying to sort things out and just got into a bigger mess and it all happened on Friday at the close of play. I don’t believe anyone intended it to be left looking like this. Mind you if I was employing the person doing this…they would be putting in a lot of unpaid overtime!! We have been patient so far - let’s give them a bit more time then pile in with our requests LOL.


I am finding the new website impossible to use and very un user friendly.
I cannot find triple negative secondaries/recurrences and can’t see how any one new would find a thread that they wanted as like a maze. I much preferred the old site and have lost contact with our thread

Ditto to all the above comments, I feel really upset as I’ve lost all the friends contacts and my saved discussions, wont let me post on some of the threads why did they have to change the forums? the old one was so much better, feel like giving up on the site, god knows how anyone new would be able to work this one out, going on the american BC site from now on and will probably faze out posting all together, like belinda said maybe this is the push to get me off these sites, feel like I’ve had the rug pulled from underneath me.
Sending love and light to all
Sarahlouise xx

I agree with everyone else. This is dire. Yes, they closed it down for a while on Friday I think (or was it Thursday) and it came back like this. I would really like the old forums back, please BCC.

<Empty imported post>

Happy Monday, folks…
I typed a rant last night, but I decided to sleep on it rather than posting… glad I did! I had steam coming out of my ears re the order of subforums - BUT Dawnhc has posted some helpful words of wisdom , above (thanks Dawn!) If you can’t find her post, she suggested/guessed that the things were unfortunately left in a mess because the tech team ran out of time on Friday afternoon.
I emailed Clare Kemsley of BCC, a lovely lady who understands the difficulties that we mets-girls face because so many people don’t understand about secondaries… and she’s already replied (!)
-------“Sorry about the problems with the forums; our web team is working hard to fix them.
Thank you for flagging up this issue - I’ve passed it on our forum moderator for attention.
Best wishes and thank you for your patience” -----
Hang in there, folks… personally I do NOT want to go back to the old Forum, for lots of reasons that I won’t list here.
EDIT!! While I was posting this, that problem has been sorted! Express delivery of biscuits to the techteam and moderators.

Wish they had a “like” or something similar which would show that someone had read your mai instead of having to type out a long message and then send it.
Thanks Mrs Blue. The site is getting better but there are lots of things that are still frustarating. I wish BCC could tell us what they have fixed from our messages and complaints. I woud really like a “saved message” button as I hate having to trawl through all the posts that I have no interest in at all (like special diets and treatments that I know nothing abiout and cannot help with in a reply).
I would also like to have my list of friends back as I used to contact them privately to ask them how they were doing. I cannot “find” many of them as the search button doesn’t work.
When I go on to “your Posts” it doesn’t show my posts. Sometimes I reply to newer people but if you cannot remember their name and cannot access the thread you cannot find them.
Keep us posted Mrs Blue and thank you for your imput. Val