I can’t get rid of this b in my bonnet, I’m like a dog with a bone! I would like to know for sure that I am getting the best possible testing and am not conviced that I am.
I was diagnosed in Oct 06 with BC. Grade 2, 3.6 cm, oestrogen +, lymph node involvement. Have had mastectomy, chemo, rads, now on Arimidex and Bonefos.
Reading threads on this site I have seen that many of you out there are offered further tests if you have lymph node involvement, the reason being that it could have spread before diagnosis.
When I first asked my onc why this wasn’t the case for me he said that they wait for signs such as a lump or pain, which we have to report! That along with regular 3 mthly checkups when they feel my collar bones, breast and liver area is all I have been offered. I did get a bone scan 6 mths ago after much complaining about shoulder pain which was clear.
This wk I had a dif doc and I asked her why as a patient with lymph node involment I hadn’t been offered futher tests, she said that this is standard national practice. Clearly not going by what I read on here and I told her that, she was surprised! Secondly, she said that early detection of secondaries is pointless as the outcome is the same. And yet I have read on here how Biophosphates prescribed after early detection have vastly improved the patients prognosis, not cured, I realise that can’t happen, but improved, lengthened life.
I know there is an argument for just getting on with our lives and not dwelling on the what ifs, but I feel that I cannot have any peace of mind knowing that my BC could have spread and I have to just accept that. The doc did say that in America you are usually given further tests and followed this by saying but thats because the patients pays!
I personally feel it is a money thing, but she wouldn’t agree though by then she had more or less said as much with the America comment!
I would appreciate any thoughts on this issue. Could you say if you have lymph node involvement where you automatically given further tests?