At the beginning of January I went to the breast clinic with a palpable breast lump. I had mammogram and ultrasound. They wouldn’t biopsy the lump as they said at 4mm it was too small but said it looked benign and made me a follow up appointment for March saying that they’d then do a biopsy if it had grown.
The radiologist brought in someone else for a 2nd opinion on my lump but also regarding under my arm which was scanned numerous times. I was told that I also had enlarged lymph nodes under my arm. This was also ticked on the sheet the consultant had and she showed me this. Yet when my gp called to tell me about the hospitals report there was absolutely no mention of enlarged lymph nodes…
I’m so worried that I have no definitive answer that I have requested an earlier follow up with the option of a biopsy or removal of the lump.
Can they be 100% certain without a biopsy?
No they can’t be certain without biopsy ,but they do tend to play safe when there is an element of doubt and they are used to looking at suspicious lumps every day.I think if you are worried it is right to push for early follow up ,there is something there they cannot explain and you need peace of mind.At 4mm if it was BC it will have been caught extremely early and therefore very treatable.Push for follow up to put your mind at rest.
Thank you Jill for your reply.
It’s the ‘looks benign’ that’s playing on my mind… hopefully I should hear soon about an earlier follow up. Thanks again.
I am fine now but the radiologist told me he was not worried about my “lump” ,they biopsied it to be on the safe side and what do you know…Was caught early, removed ,3 weeks radiotherapy and I am ok ,caught early very treatable ,get peace of mind .