Hi Jools, I am so pleased about the results of your recent tests. It is just the news you need right now. But I wondered how you were doing after your surgery. Also if you are coming to terms with it now or are you still overwhelmed by it all? I only ask because there are bound to be other people like me who read your posts and could remember so well how you were feeling after your ordeal. It is a scary thing to deal with but you sound as it you are coping better now.Much love Jools, from Val
Thats great news Jools, i have been checking to see how you got on.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the holidays.
Love Reneexx
Hi to everyone on this post. I havent been on this site for ages. Wanted a break from it all over christmas and the new year.
Jools - am really glad you have had some good news it all helps keep the equilibrium going.
Lulu - bless you for being concerned about me I can say 2009 was not the best year for me but I am doing well at the moment. Hope you are too.
Best wishes to everyone.
Hi everyone x Happy New Year xx
I had my 2nd CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis on 30th December but have to wait till 27th Jan to get results as Oncologist on his holidys x My last scan showed a ‘possible cyst’ on my liver, so hope 'it’has not grown bigger, and hope nothing has changed.
My scar has healed bar two holes which are leaking fluid again, i am used to the holes like, as every op i have had i get at least two holes leaking, these normally appear about 12 days after my op’s.
My chest feels really tight and I get a feeling of Hot Pins digging into my ribs and top of arm, now they are starting on my shoulder blade. My whole arm feels heavy and it achs but i am sure this is nomal as they had to cut through nerves and stuff when they done the Mastectomy and Axillary clearance + the other 4 ops.
Has anyone else had the feeling of Hot Pins digging in them?
Julie x
Hi Julie - Hope this year will be a happier one for you Cant help with the hot pins problem. Hope everything settles down soon
Julie x
Hi Julie
yes I had little sharp shooting pains under my arm for a long time after my axilla surgery, and I also had areas of no feeling and areas of over sensitivity on my arm. I talked to my bcn about it and she said it was having the nerves disturbed.
I hope you have a better year this year than last and that your test results bring really good news for you. My CT scan showed a tiny cyst on my liver, in July, so I also hope there’s no change. See my surgeon on 22nd and Onc on 25th so similar timescale to your own.
take care, love monica x
Hello Ladies,
I’ve had my last rads last Friday and I am quite sore. I had a radical mastectomy in August and the wound took 2 months to heal. Of course, the rads undid all the healing.
Julie and Monica, they found cysts on my liver too at the beginning of treatments (February 2009) and the onc. said there was nothing to worry about. When I saw my surgeon 2 days ago, she asked me to do an ultrasound (a 3rd one), just to make sure the liver was ok, and blood tests. Although she told me not to worry and that she was quite sure everything will be fine, I am worried. I guess that worrying all the time is part of our daily lives now. I still have to wait for the ultrasound people to call me to get an appointment!
Good luck and best wishes to all.
Sonia xx
Just found out i have secondaries in my right lung. Have to have a trial chemo as nowt available for me x This trial is to shrink rather than cure.
Hi jools4u,
Sorry to hear of your secondary diagnosis. I have put for you below links to 3 of BCC’s publications you may find useful.
Secondary Resource pack:
Secondary in the lung:
Guide to services for those with secondary diagnosis:
Hope this is useful. Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator
ty Jo x
Hi jools, sorry to hear of your really sh-- time, Keep going though you will get through this hey look what you have already been through! You did this!
As for the pins and needles etc, i wake most mornings with this, i had my op on the 17th dec, still no feeling in my left upper arm unless someone brushes past me or touches my arm then i could scream it feels like my arms been plummited in boiling water! If i try to stretch my arm out full the burning goes right down to my wrist and hand, I had a 22 node clearout!
Take care and do keep in touch as I am sure all of us are concerned.
Luv Teresa x
Oh jools
So sorry to read of this - you must wonder when it will end.
There are lots of ladies on here with lung secondaries and I have a colleague who was dx 3 years ago with primary BC and lung secondaries at the same time and she is fit as a flea now.
Thinking of you.
Hi Julie
I am sorry about this latest kick in the teeth you have had. I dont have secondaries in my lungs, just bone mets. You might think about starting a new thread in the secondaries forums. I tend just to read postings in there. I joined your thread because I was so affected by your picture on here for reasons I told you about. if you start a new post you might get some help from women with the same thing.
Hope you are managing ok
Julie x
thanks everyone xxx bluejools i cannot remember how to start a new thread hun x can you help x
Hi jools4u,
To start a new thread first click on the category you want the post to appear in (for example, Living with secondary breast cancer) and then look for the Post a new topic link on the right hand side of the screen.
Hope this helps,
Kind regards,
Kate, BCC Facilitator
Hi Jools
so very sorry to hear about your secondary diagnosis - the rotten news that we all worry about.
There are some good stories on this forum and I hope you find them and find the specific support that helps you best. lots of us are rooting for you and sending love
be good to yourself
monica xxx
Anyone else had pins and needles in hands, face and feet whilst taking Arimidex?
Hi Jools,
Just read your thread, am extremely sorry to hear your problem. You are a very strong and brave lady, I just hope that the treatment works and you’d overcome this big hurdle.
Love and prayers,
Diana xx
I am strong xx ty xxx I do also say it how it is and i hope everyone grasps strenght and love and of course Health xxxx
Julie xx