Wide Local Excision or Therapeutic Mammoplasty

I am still undecided about which operation to have although veering towards Mammoplasty. Having read some posts on here from a lot of women, the mammoplasty looks like a good idea but having received the letter from my surgeon explaning disadvantages and advantages I’m now more confused than ever! Surgery due on 29 March plus sentinel node stuff so don’t know which treatment I will have after as yet.

Hello ruthberesford I am having mammoplasty on April 19th, I have had chemo first and am due rads after. I am also having sentinel node clearance too. I understand fully that if there are any cells found within the margins or nodes then I will need to go back for mx and clearance of other nodes. My reckoning was why go for the total clearance of nodes first with the potential side effects this could bring when the sentinel nodes may well prove clear. I guess it is a lottery which ever way. Just glad chemo is over! Have 4 weeks now to build myself up!