Wife about to start chemo

Hi, my wife was diagnosed on Nov 3rd, sentinel node biopsy nov 10th and mastectomy on Nov 15th. Initial results all good, clear margins.it is now a month on and we have now had confirmation that she will need chemo. we have christmas “off” so to speak so are just going to try and relax before treatment begins. It has really knocked the wind out of our sails and would be keen to hear anyones recent experience with chemo so we can prepare ourselves. Also it would be good to get any tips for what can make it easier to bear.

Hello Kyle and welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure you will receive lots of support and information.

In addition, BCC have produced a publication about chemotherapy which you may both find useful to read, you can order or read a copy via this link:


Our helpline is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000 (helpline hours over Xmas are on the forums) and you are both welcome to call for a chat about your concerns and queries.

Take care

Hi Kyle, Sorry to see you need to join us, but this is a good place to be for support.

We are doing things the other way round - chemo first then surgery. My wife is now a month after her last chemo.

Two things spring to mind.

  1. Different chemo has different effects.
  2. Different people react differently to chemo.

It will be a crappy spell, but it is doable, and chemo can work really well. My wife’s tumour has gone from 24mm to undetectable via ultrasound.

Do you know the details of the tumour yet? Have you been told what chemo she will be given - my wife had four EC and four TAX.

Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow :frowning:


Hi there welcome to this site, I’m sure you’de rather not be on here but you and your wife will find lots of support here and some good advice. Somewhere on here is a thread ‘top tips going through chemo’ started by a lady called Princess 18 which is very useful - I can’t find it now (can’t find much since the site was updatd actually). The thought of chemo is very dautning but just take each day as it comes, In some ways (well very few really) chemo is a bit like childbirth some people have a dreadful time and some of us don’t. Please God I never have to go through it again but it is doable - and support from ones OH is especailly helpful.
good luck to you both

Hi Kyle sorry you have had to found yourself here but you’ve come to the right place I have just finished all my treatment 1st Nov and while this hasn’t been an easy road its surprising how fast it does go over .I hope you are managing to cope well as i know from my hubby he felt so helpless at not being able to protect me from this and although he has been my rock we call him my crumbling rock cos sometimes he has been worse than me .If you have a look at the thread Starting my pink road of chemo ( page 2) i have posted loads of tips and advice that has got me and other ladies on here through. Luckily i have been not too bad with chemo a bit like early stages of pregnancy but once anti-sickness meds were sorted out ive been fine .Just remember to take 1 step of treatment at a time and dont go googling and frightening yourselves on here as everyone is different and reacts different .Please feel free to message me anytime and hope you manage to switch off for a while and enjoy xmas xx Julie

Hi, Just wanted to say thanks for all the responses. We had a day at the Haven centre recently and it was good to meet people in same boat to share experiences. I can really see the sense of not going mad on the googling/internet trawling as it can sometimes end up scaring you more. We are going to take it easy over Christmas and treatment will start round about first week of Jan. I will read over the threads you’ve suggested as I’m just worried about how knocked out from treatment she will be with me being at work.

My work has been pretty understanding but I know things will be getting busy from mid Jan. Wife is very upset because we also lost our first baby in March this year so this has hit us when we were just feeling ready to try again. We have counselling available and have started to see them. Trying to keep a positive attitude but sometimes you just need to have a bit of a collapse. My wife is pretty tough cookie though and we usually bounce back quickly.

Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and that next year is a better one all round. :slight_smile:

Hi Kyle,

Please send your wife my love and tell her that she will get over it all, even though at times it will feel like its never going to end. I finished all my treatment, chemo and radio in Feb and was back to work on tour with the Four Tops in March and have been working ever since.

I was very lucky though to have fabulous parents who looked after me and a fabulous man who supported me and cheered me through it. He organised, with my blessing, nice things to look forward to on the days i was feeling better (for me about 5 days after chemo FEC). i also had reflexology 2 days after which helped too.

I asked my chap what he would advise you and this is what he said, i quote!
‘One day at a time and only work till the end of the day. It is an upsetting treatment and can make your loved one behave in an unusual way sometimes, so do remember that its the chemo talking and not the girl. All she really wants is you to love her!’

You sound like a great chap so am sure you will be a big support to her!

Hope that helps,

Georgina and Pete x

Hi kyle I have put a link below to the thread caroline was talking about.wishing your wife all the best through chemo and hope that she doesn’t suffer too badly with side effects.

