Wigs, scarfs, books, bandanas, etc....

Hi, I live in Spain, undergoing treatment, had the operations, chemo, rads now on another lot of chemo, herceptin and tamoxifin…

I’m sitting here thinking back how difficult it is to get or rather to afford a wig in Spain without an income, i’m bored stupid and thought maybe I can offer a service of second hand wigs, scarfs, bandanas, books etc…

My wig cost me 125.00 euro’s this was for the basic, cheapest one I could find ! which I really could not afford, there is no secondhand wigs around in this area, even the Spanish don’t get them given on there Securidad… like NHS, all we get is 15% off our wigs…

I know being in chemo sitting talking to the ladies there they all or most find this expense difficult…

Does anyone have any ideas how I can advertise for used wigs etc. then I can offer them to the ladies in our chemo suite at a reduced cost or even hire them!
I was also thinking along the lines of a website for this… mainly for us ladies who do live abroad…

I don’t want to make money, this is a service i’m hoping to offer as cheaply as possilble…

any advice would be greatly received…

Many thanks…

Teresa xxxx