wish me good vibes at 10.00 tomorrow

It’s my very last chemotherapy tomorrow!
Have been and had my blood test so all set to roll 10.00 am tomorrow morning!
Can’t believe its gone so quickly -first one was May 1st
Wish me luck tomorrow at 10 -am hoping (against hope) the canula goes in first time (normally it takes four goes as veins keep collapsing) but maybe if i get lots of good wishes it might go in first time!
Also found out that I have been accepted for a free course of complimentary therapies -massages, refexology etc at our local hospice so thats something to look forward to after chemo and rads
Just one more week of feeling rubbish!!!

OOOOH lUcky you…big big good luck vibes flying over the sea to you as I write… hope this last week is not too bad for you! Boo xxxx

Well Done on your last one!!

Big Big Best Wishes vibes heading your way…


Love Lynne.x

Hi Jools

Congratulations on reaching the end of your chemo - must be a lovely feeling to get to the end. Hope they get the vein first time tomorrow, keeping everything crossed for you.

And well done on the free course of complimentary therapies - how did you manage that. Could do with some TLC myself, I have to say. Anyway all the best for tomorrow and hope you don’t feel bad too.

Take care

Hi Jools,

Sending you vibes and best wishes. Hope all goes smoothly for you.

Margaret x


Congratulations on your last chemo and sending you lots and lots and lots and lots of positive vibes - hope the cannula goes in first time!!



Congratulations honey - I finished on 31st August and was sooooooo happy once the canula came out for the last time ! Felt crappy last week, but have been back to work this week - just got pins and needles/numbness in my fingers and toes now but I can live with that !

Hope it all goes well tomorrow !

Lots of love

Julie xx

Hi Jools

Wishing you all the best for the LAST one! Werll done for getting there.

All the best for tomorrow



Oh Jools that’s great. Well done - no more Taxotere…lovely.
I have got my first Taxotere next Friday and I am dreading it, done 3 x FEC so halfway there. Any handy hints for Tax?

Good luck with your last one…hope you veins hold out.
Love and hugs

Well Done , so pleased for you…hope alll goes well
love galen xx

That must be a fantastic feeling the last one, I’ve just had my second FEC and feeling a bit cr*p, but I’m trying to be positive thats 2 down 4 more to go, a third of the way there.
So jools good luck for tomorrow will keep my fingers crossed for successful first time cannulation, and congratualations for getting through it.

best wishes


Good luck for tomorrow. Think of me at 11.30 and am having my penultimate chemo.

Only one more to go…Not sure what then? Hopefully find out tomorrow, when I see the onc at 10.00

Fay :o)

Good luck to you too Fay.

Margaret x

Good luck Fay for tomorrow with your chemo, hope all goes well. Then only one more to go - wow that must be a good feeling. Let us know how you are

Lizbet hope you are feeling better soon.

Take care

All the very best Jools and Fay, Well done.
Will think of you both tomorrow.

Kim x

Hi Jools

As all above, wishing you all the best for tomorrow and no veins collapsing. Even if they do, it will be for the last time. So pleased for you (not for the veins collapsing) chemo mush brain, meant in the best way. Only had 2 and 6 more to go but better than 8! Well done and again just Loads and Loads of love and hugs for tomorrow.

Good luck to you Fay as well!!

Take care,

love JulieL

Hi Jools,

blimey, you’re there as I type this!!! You could even be finished now if its anywhere as quick as where I go! Crikey, congrats to you!!! What a massive milestone. I had my 3rd day 8 CMF yesterday, now on a 3 week break before having my FINAL cycle!! They wrote it on my appt card yesterday, 10.30 on Weds Oct 10th (bloods permitting!). Oh I can’t wait so I can well imagine how elated you will no doubt be feeling later today! I’m gonna celebrate with pink champagne once mine is over and soon as I am able! I think I will cry on my last session, I wonder how you were/are feeling. I told the staff yesterday that as far as I’m concerned Osama Bin Laden himself could give me my last one and I wouldn’t care! LOL!!!

Anyway, I hope it went really well and may your side effects be almost non-existent! When you are feeling well be sure to get out and celebrate!!!

Take care,
