Wish me luck !

So I am off for my sentinel node biopsy this morning and lumpectomy tomorrow at 7am. Bit anxious of the op but am going with a positive attitude. So much to look forward to in the future.
I’ll check back in later in the week.
Good luck to anyone else having similar things or even if you just need it !
God Bless x

Good luck indeed Jintz! I had the same op as you last December and all sorted now, rads finished in Feb and  now doing all the things i used to do. If not for the two scars - fading fast now - I wouldn’t know I had had Breast cancer.You’ll be fine! Keep that attitude and let us know how you get on. xxxxx

That is great news thank you. I will certainly let you know.
Best wishes

by this time tomorrow it will be over … my own op was scary to think about and a doddle in reality, easy to say, but true plus you do get the experience of being radioactive and blue in places you never expected! best thought and wishes at this scary time!

Sending a big hug and best wishes for tomorrow. You’ll be so relieved when the little blighter is out! No green poo or blue wee for me, so I feel I’ve missed out ?. I found it so much better than I imagined, and apart from the drain being a bit of a nuisance, fairly painless . X

Thank you everyone. I am over the panic now and feel quite calm about it all…so far !
I’ll check back in in a day or two.
This is a great support group !

Thank you everyone. I am over the panic now and feel quite calm about it all…so far !
I’ll check back in in a day or two.
This is a great support group !

Hope all went well


I am off for my blue wee and tears on Monday - followed by op on Tuesday.  First post on this site - and reality of whats happening to me sinking in…x

Good luck Cosmo.  I went on Monday for injections and had my operation Tuesday.  


The thought of it all is very daunting, but I was home teatime on Tuesday.  I’m a little tender and tired but it’s been much easier than I expected.


Hope all goes well for you too, will be thinking about you x