WLE on Weds. After advice please


I’m having a WLE to remove a 25mm lump and a sentinel Node Biopsy at the same time, so I don’t know if I will wake up with just the lump gone or nodes too.

Can anyone in a similar situation tell me how long it took you to recover afterwards? And as the lump sounds quite big (it’s on the side) I am worried that the whole side will be caved in. The consultant said that it may naturally fill out again with fluid, does that ever happen?

Any insight or tips for after the op would be great. Thanks. x


I was in a similar situation, I had a 3cm lump on the side of my left breast and also had a sentinal node biopsy. I now have 2 scars, the one from the lump is about 5 cm’s long and the SNB scar is a bit longer. When I woke up I had a drain in the wound where the lump was. I was horrified at first sight of my boob - I didnt expect the scars to be so large. Initially they looked much worse and 8 months later the swelling, redness etc has gone and although you can see the scars they do blend in with my skin much better. I have large boobs and with clothes on I have been assured by several friends that they cannot see any difference, with no clothes on I can see the difference and yes there is a bit of a dent on the side.

I recovered quite well, I stayed overnight as I am diabetic and went home the next afternoon with the drain, THe district nurse came out one day later and removed it. After the first couple of days I wasnt using pain killers during the day, was just taking some when I went to bed. I was cautious at the start and nervous about sleeping, I had previously slept on my side and found that I could only sleep on my back immediately after surgery - I found that wearing a bra to bed helped, I did occasionally turn in my sleep which did wake me up.

I was told not to drive for four weeks, although I have read on here that others are driving within a few days, I was cautious for a few weeks when I went out in crowded shops etc as I thought people were going to bump into me and hurt me although this never actually happened.

At my hospital they only take your sentinal nodes out, if you need a full clearance they take you back to theatre at a later date although some hospitals do the testing / looking at the nodes while you are still in the theatre and if needed take the nodes out at the same time - I’m sure they would discuss this with you if it is an option prior to your surgery.

I had to go to the hospital for a radioactive injection and x-rays the day before surgery and they drew over me in big thick black marker and when I was in the theatre they injected blue die around my nipple, this helps them find the sentinal nodes - I still have a bit of a blue tinge but am not quite up to smurf level any more.

I was terrified leading up to my surgery, I had never been in hospital as an adult and never had a GA, I think for me it would have been helpful to see photos of someone elses boob post surgery - I asked the BCN several times how big the scars would be and she said she couldn’t give me an answer, it always depended

Another thing that was a bit strange was having a numb boob but also having shooting pains, this has reduced alot over the eight months but I still get some strange sensations and little instances of pain sometimes, although the numbness is very slight it is still there.

It was no where near as bad as I thought it would be, not an experience I would choose but very doable.

All the best and I hope it all goes well.


Hi JosieJo
I had preety much the same as you 3cm lump, had wle and Senitnel node biop on day of op, it came back positive so the affected nodes were removed while I was under anasthetic so when I came round all had been done. The lump was at the side of my breast and to be honest its not really noticable, I have a scar in the armpit from node clearance and a scar from wle but both are good already and im only 6 weeks post surgery.

After the op its really important you try to do the specified exercises to get the arm working again, you will have numbness and a certain degree of pain but its bearable honestly… I massaged E45 lotion into the arm and breast area every day and it reduced the hard scar tissue… you will be fine its not a nice thing to have to go through but you will do it, good luck let us know how you get on

Love Janice x

Hi josiejo

I just had the same this Wednesday. Obviously I cannot comment long term but things are going well so far. My nodes tested okay so just had 2 out. I haven’t taken my dressings off yet. There has been very little pain. Paracetomol has covered it. Have felt good in myself. I’m aware that it’s early days in the scheme of things. Have had several people suggest that it is all over all done with now. Er yes? ONLY chemo and rads now!

I hope your op goes as well as I feel mine has gone. Try to take it easy after. I’m a bit rubbish at that bit. Have hoovered everyday since as don’t feel like I can rest until the house is how I like it. Friends and family are being amazing, could get used to this :wink:

Good luck x x

Hi josiejo…I had similar to you 9 weeks ago…WLE for a 29mm lump in lower left quadrant and SLNB at same time…thankfully woke up with no clearance or drain as node biopsy came back clear. Scars have healed well, both about 4cm, drove after 1 week, back to work after 2 weeks. Plenty of fresh air, walking every day and exercises are key,as is keeping breast supported night and day…ASDA sports bras and matalan secret support vests were brill! Leave dressings in place if you can! No really noticeable difference in breast although early days for me…chemo makes it red and a achey though :frowning: Stay strong…one day at a time…hugs xx

Thank you everyone, you have made me feel much better. I thought that it may take ages to heal.

Obviouly hoping that I get node clearance and wake up drain free, but either way it sounds like it’s not going to be as bad as I expected.

Thanks for the advice on bras, I was wondering about that. I shall go to Asda tomorrow.

One day at a time.

Thanks ladies, hope you are all well today xx

Hope it went okay x

Thanks Doggirl. It did thank you. It was a super long day but the op went really well and the nodes were clear, so I am thrilled.

I am very bruised, a little blue coloured :wink: and sleepy but I am feeling really good. How long did any of you, just rest? I am bored already and would like to try and leave the house tomorrow. Is that too soon do you think?

I thought I’d have lots of bandages and wouldn’t be able to move much, but I just have two little wounds with a clear cover over them. They really are so clever those docs.


Hi josiejo…so glad the op went well for you :). As I posted before, I am in a similar situ to you and I know every one of us is different, but I had my op on a thurs, came home same day, got bored so went shopping with hubby on sat! Every day from mon - fri the following week my mum came over and we went for a walk across the common/woods nearby for about an hour. She felt she was helping me and I think the fresh air and exercise helped my recovery. Listen to your body, rest when you need to, and from my perspective (completely a personal one) to retain as close to a level of ‘normailty’ was the best way for me to deal withmwhatnwas happening to me! Don’t forget the bcc exercises when you’re ready as even thugh they seem quite easy(!) they really do help with maintaining movement and not getting stiffness in your arm…best wishes for your continued good recovery…hugs x

I left the house two days after op. I went out with m husband driving. See you how you feel and pace yourself. You might find a safety belt in a car a bit sore - i kept a little cushion in the car to slide between me and the seat belt. And when I was in crowds kept the opposite arm across my chest. Listen to your body - try to get a bit of extra sleep to help you heal. But like you, I found getting back to at least part normality helped. My bruisng took a long time to fade and the blue dye lasted for months.

So glad it went well for you.

Thank you for your continued advice. I managed and bath and hair wash and a little walk with my Dad today and am now knackered again, it’s so frustrating being tired all the time.

A bit of an odd question. When did you drink alcohol again after your operations? My lovely friends keep visiting with flowers and choccies but some have asked about bringing wine and I’m not sure if I’m allowed it.


After 48 hours :). Have avoided it since starting chemo as my taste buds altered and don’t want to put myself off it… Best advice is listen to your body and do what feels right for you…

Even though it doesnt feel like it at the time, a bit of fresh air and exercise every day really does seem to help recovery.

Enjoy your weekend…hugs x

Glad it went well. I do find doing nothing tricky. Haven’t really been out and about too much though. Had a trip ti hospital today (sad - that’s now a highlight in my week?!) and visited friends and could do with a nap lol. Have found all the socialising draining. Going to have to start building up my stamina. Taking next week off then back to work as self employed (dog walker) and need to pay for hospital parking lol!

Try to take it slowly. I’m a week ahead of you. Found it more uncomfortable the last couple of days than at the beginning - too much housework :wink: wound is looking good though am pleased with it. Though it might be more ugly.

Meeting oncologist next week eeek! Might seem more real then?


HI all.

After your WLE (only sentinel node removed) use any creams to help it heal? (it feels a bit dry) Also, how long do the stitches take to dissolve.

They didn’t give me any leaflets or advice when I left the hospital?!



Hiya…I used aqueous cream which seems to work quite well…others use aloe Vera (but my surgeon doesn’t like it!). Bought from pharmacy in supermarket for about £2.50 but think you can get it in poundland!!! Have used it regularly all over(!) since as it kinda sinks into the skin and has been brilliant in keeping my skin from drying out during chemo. I was advised by my surgeon to leave dressings on until I went for results 2 weeks later. I did manage this although it made bathing/showering a bit tricky, they got a bit grubby and itchy…but when my surgeon took them off most of the stitches had dissolved - apart from the end ones which took another few weeks. It felt like bliss :slight_smile: keep rubbing the aqueous cream over the scars as this has helped me enormously with healing and the ‘lumpy’ scar tissue/bit of fluid collection to disappear/disperse quickly.

Hope this helps? X