WLE - questions I forgot to ask!

Hi everyone,
I have had neo-adjuvant chemotherapy which I finished on 9th December. I am due to have a WLE & lymph node removal on 17th January. I went to see the surgeon yesterday who explained it all to me but as you know, sometimes its so much information to take in, you only take in half of it! I also forgot to ask a few things which I hope some of you may be able to help with.
The surgeon told me I would be sent home with a drain in my armpit. How long will I have to have this?
Will I be able to move my arm normally to be able to drive within a couple of days?
How long will I need off work? I know thats a bit of a “how long is a piece of string” type question but just an idea would be good.

wish i could help but im on the neo chemo at the moment…
Hope someone answers soon for you. Good luck with the surgery.

Hi Debs,

I didn’t have a drain so can’t help there, but I think you would need at least 2 weeks before you can drive. They don’t usually give an exact time, but say “when you feel you could manage to do an emergency stop”. Apart from the drain you will find your arm a combination of numbness and strange sensations - which last months. Also you will need to do exercises to regain full use of the shoulder. I’m sure there’ll be downloadable info on the site about what to expect.

Good luck. Stella


I had a drain and it was removed after 7 days. I think it can differ according to the Surgeons preference but 7 days seems about standard. You should be given exercises to do, as the arm can be very stiff and sore due to the scar. I think you shouldn’t drive for a month, but I may be wrong there.

Julia xx

I had wle but no drain and was told not to drive for 2 weeks.

i was diagnosed in september with grade 3 bc 7 lymph nodes involved and mastectomy just had 3rd fec just wanted to say hello to you all have been reading posts since my op and wanted to post to say hi . if this posts succesfully a have a few questions if thats ok.

Thanks for your answers everyone. 2 weeks of not driving might be a bit of a challenge! Oh well, these things have to be done.

Your post was successful Fairyqueen. Ask away!

Hi Debs,
I had WLE and lymph node clearance, the drain was kept in for about a week (10 days is the maximum time it will be left in for as after that there is a greater risk of infection). As soon as the seroma liquid which is the fluid that the drain removes gets to a low level of mm per day then it will be removed, the removal is fine and doesn;t hurt at all and it’s a relief to be separated from your new friend the drain!

Driving, you can drive as soon as you feel able, it took me a few weeks as the seatbelt lay close to my scar and movement was quite limited for the first few weeks. Driving is ok but if you needed to make any sudden movements or emergency stop then that could be a bit tricky. Also you need to check with your insurance as some policies do not cover you to drive until a certain amount of time after surgery and you wouldn’t want to be driving without insurabce cover. This was an aspect I hadn’t even thought about till someone at woork mentioned it to me.

Time off, I returned to work about a month after surgery.
Hope this helps
Good luck ,take care
Suze xx

Thanks Suze that was really helpful. Hadn’t thought of the insurance thing either!

You’re welcome Buzzy, glad to be helpful. I know what you mean about the insurance…crikey we have enough to think about already!!! :slight_smile:

Hi Debs,

I had WLE and full node clearance on Christmas Eve and came home on Christmas Day. I had my drain (called “Calvin” by my daughter!) for 8 days. By the 7th day I was still losing a lot of fluid so they released the vacuum on the drain and by the next day it was low enough to be removed. I carried Calvin around in a Christmas gift bag - it had a flat bottom so didn’t fall over. An across the body bag would be good so you couldn’t forget it (not a shoulder bag as you shouldn’t have weight on the affected shoulder)

I was told no driving for 2-3 weeks. When I broke my arm my insurance company told me I wouldn’t be insured until the consultant had said I was fit to drive, so I’m assuming this is the same and will ask him when I see him on Tuesday.

Pay careful attention to the exercises you’re given and whatever you do, don’t try to do more. You put yourself at more risk of lymphoedema if you overdo it. I was told on no account to lift my arm above shoulder level for ten days (I couldn’t have done that for at least a week anyway!)

I hope it all goes well for you - good luck! Oh, and take front opening pyjamas with you as your arm movement will be very restricted at first and they’re much easier to get on and off and for examinations.

Jane xxx

Buzzy, I had WLE and sentinel node removed. No one said anything about not driving. I drove to do the weekly shop about three days later and from then on as normal, returning to work from day 12 after the op.

I had a WLE and sentinel node biopsy, but didn’t have a drain for that op, but did have one for the reconstruction. The length of time dependes on how much was draining each day, as someone else said, there is a max time due to infection risk, your breast care nurse may be able to help answer that.
With regards to driving I was told about 2 weeks, or until I was comfortable that I could do an emergency stop. My insurance said that I was OK as long as the doctor said I was.

The best bit of advise I can give is to make sure that you do the exercises that they give you, as this will get your arm moving as soon as possible. Removing the lymph nodes causes quite a bit of tightness and numbness down your arm. I found it went all the way to my hand after a while, but the exercises do ease it. 2 months on and I had no restrictions at all.
There is also a free exercise DVD available

Hope your surgery goes well.

Hiya Buzzy,
I think it all depends how well you heal, I had WLE, SNB and breast reduction to match on other side on 30.12.10 - no drains and was told by consultant I can drive if I feel comfortable & my insurance are OK on Fri 7.1.11. I personally don’t feel comfortable with the idea of trying to do emergency stop at moment, so going to wait for a little longer.
Good Luck with your surgery.

Hi Buzzy

I had WLE and ANC on 10th of Dec- no drains so I can’t help you there.

I just wanted to emphasise how important it is to do the exercises. I got several sheets with the exercises illustrated from the physio at the hospital.

For the first time in my life I did as instructed- religiously! When I went for my post-op appointment with the surgeon she said she was “very impressed” with the range of movement I had. The exercises are designed to help prevent “cording”, lymphoedema and to return you to full range of movement.

All the best with your surgery. Diana