Woman & Home feature

Hi all, 

Just getting in touch to let you know about a video we’re working on with Woman & Home to raise awareness of breast cancer scars.

We’re looking for people who are willing to share images of their mastectomy or lumpectomy scars. A selection of photos will then be used in a short video that will be posted on social media channels during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

If you’re comfortable sharing a photo of your mastectomy scar, email a photo to press@breastcancercare.org.uk  by 4pm on 30th September.

Please do be mindful of your own online safety and don’t share them on this thread as this is an open Forum :) 

Photos can be taken on a phone and can include; a shot of just your scar (doesn’t have to include your face so you can be anonymous), a head to waist shot, or a chest shot.  

If you’re also interested in sharing your experience with others, send us a few lines including your name, age and how you feel about your mastectomy scar.

We will handle all images sensitively and photos will only be used in conjunction with the video and will not be kept on file.

If this opportunity isn’t for you that’s absolutely fine.

Thanks for your support!


that’s great. I found Woman and Home via prams and loved it