Woman's Hour

Woman’s Hour is having a month of breast cancer discussions (talking about screening today.)

They have set up a message board and I’ve started a thread about publicity for those with secondary/stage 4 disease. (user name rosamundejane) A response from the team says they are covering living with mets on Wednesday October 24th and would welcome ideas for inclusion in that programme. So get suggesting…

Jenn Murray is now writing some very sensible stuff abut her experience of breast cancer (last week in Daily Mail, today in Guardian…refrshing stuff.)

Delighted to hear your letter being read on Womans Hour Jane. (Probably the only mention of ‘pink’ made all week!)


Didn’t hear Womans Hour this morning. Whch letter???!



See this link:


Hope it works! If not just find “Woman’s Hour” on the BBC website.



Ignore previous post. I did not read your opening post correctly! Assume your message must have been the letter mentioned above.


Sorry - not letter but your post on the Womans Hour message board. They read a selection of the replies that have been made in response to this weeks programmes.


I have been able to listen to this week’s excerpts on Breast Cancer on the internet from Woman’s Hour. They start on Tuesday of last week. You can listen to the programmes for a short time after, It might be a week. I laughed when I heard the women today describing her ordeal with mammograms. She might have stopped a few going through the procedure. I hope not. The message board is very interesting, not just because Jane has posted. (Sorry Jane, hope you are not offended!) It is nice to have a presenter who has breast cancer interviewing the guests. Also the programme, does refer to so many messages posted on the message board on the programme, and you often get a personal reply from the Woman’s Hour team or a Breast Care nurse… You feel the messages are being read by others and are relevant. I think the topic continues for the month of October. Yes, I know some people have had enough of breast cancer,and October can be a difficult month for many. However, there are always new people being diagnosed and some of us, like me, love to get more up to date information.

I agree, Pollyanna. The weeks items have so far presented a broad spectrum of topics regarding BC. I look forward to hearing the rest. I must admit that I too choked a little when the descriptions of mammos were read out. I was not surprised to hear that those ladies were not diagnosed with BC, otherwise they would have surely balked at the first hurdle had they then had to endure surgery, chemo, rads or any of the other drugs we have to deal with…


I understand now. Must listen to the programmes I missed.

I think the Womans Houd coverage has been just great. I was diagnosed in October 2003 and each October since have found most of the media coverage of breast cancer to be superficial, misleading and irritating. Womans Hour has been a refreshing chnage…looking at a range of issues intelligently and fairly comprehensively for a radio programme. I hope this kind of serious coverage marks a turning point for ‘pink October’. Maybe the demise of the fashion show is nigh.
