Wonder if someone could spare a tad of advice?

Hiya :slight_smile:
I am 27 years old and 2 weeks ago whilst in hospital for an acute kidney infection, i found a lump in my left breast whilst in the shower.
Ive left it thinking its a cyst and it will likely go away as i had been previously to my doctors regarding a lump in this area. Which my doctor couldnt feel.
I have had a friend have a look for me, (just to check its not imagination) Which she could feel straight away in numerous positions and only witht he finger pads
 Anyways as of last night and today. I am having quite severe itching around the nipple. Comes and goes though it isnt constant. I rang my doctor today for an appointment of which they told me theres a waiting time of two weeks. Obviously i am worried. The itchyness is strange and im currently cnvincing myself that it is a cyst (as it is likely to be anyway).
Was hoping someone could spare some thoughts/advice?
Leeanne :slight_smile:


At your age it is most probably a cyst, but you are right not to dismiss it and really need to get it checked by a doctor. At you age bc is rare, but it does happen. I would suggest pushing for an urgent referral, not because I think it is def bc, but because you need your mind put at ease. 9/10 lumps do turn out to be benign, but make sure you have been tested fully. Just because it is unlikely doesn’t mean that should be thoroughly investigated. No one can tell it’s nothing by just feeling it. So at your age I would ask for an ultrasound at least. A mammogram doesn’t work well on younger,dense breasts.

Am really pleased you know your breasts well enough to find this and have contacted the doctors. Please make the appointment. Don’t be fobbed off because of your age. Bc, though rare, can be aggressive at your age. We get lots of scares on this forum with ladies young and old finding lumps, but most of the time the news is good and they come back with the all clear. So hard though it is try not to get too worried. Make the appointment for as soon as you can and know you have done what you need to, to get this sorted.

Good luck.


Hi Leanne, well done on contacting your doctor and being breast aware in the first place.

Did you tell your doctor why you wanted the appointment? When I found my lump and phoned in, I told them why I was phoning and said “oh I’m sure it’s not urgent but
” Two hours later I was seeing my GP! This is urgent and I’d try to get your GP appointment moved forward if you can.

You are very young and it is most probably a cyst, especially if it has appeared suddenly and, no disprespect to your friend, only a professional can actually tell if lumps are of concern

I know it is terrifying to think ‘what if’ but you are doing the right things.

There are some good leaflets on the main website that can help you prepare for any appointments that might come along, and loads of support on here too.

Because you are young, and because GPs are busy people, you may have to be a bit pushy to get the support you need.

The good news is that if it is a cyst it can very easily be treated and you can move on. If it isn’t there are all sorts of benign things it might well be. Remember, whilst young women do get breast cancer it is very rare.

Sending you a big hug

Hiya, thankyou for replying! My friend diddnt say that it was anything just bad, was me having her check it wsnt my imagination haha. I agree with the cyst likely hood. Its just really awful not knowing for sure, I did tell the receptionist on the phone that id found a lump and was scared but her answer was still the same :frowning:
I believe its the same lump i felt a few months ago as it is in the same place. Only last time my doctor couldnt feel it. I had my friend have a grope :smiley: just so i knew i wasnt going to be bothering the doc over something they wouldnt be able feel again. But cysts do go larger anyway dont they? There is no pain which is good!
I think i will ring my doc again today and push for an earlier appointment. Thanks again for replying. Does ease my mind to know in all likelyhood you believe its a cyst too :slight_smile:
Leeanne :slight_smile: x

Hi Leanne,

You are right to be vigilant, I know you don’t want to cause a fuss, but you do also need to make an ‘urgent’ appointment. You seem like a practical and level headed person and the temptation is to play it down ‘in case it’s nothing’. The good news is it probably is, but that should not change the way it is dealt with.

Five years ago I got same day appt and biopsy within 2 weeks, it was nothing (fibroadenoma) but at no point did I feel silly, just relieved!

This year I waited 2 weeks for an appt. Talked myself out of urgent referral to clinic saying things such as ‘but my boobs are lumpy anyway’, and waited 9 weeks for a clinic appt. Lesson learned, I would not do that again either.

I hope you do contact your GP and get an appt very soon. You will feel better, not silly!

Take care Carolyn xx

I can understand how worrying this is for you and I’m glad you came to this site. I think the thing is to ask yourself what is the only way you’re going to get peace of mind. I’m sure the answer will be to get it checked out.

It is unlikely to be breast cancer but none of us on here, you or your friend are going to know for sure. I agree with Deb, REvcat and Carolyn that you need to see a doctor asap. Please ring and get yourself an urgent appointment or at least one for tomorrow.
take care, Elinda x

Just briefly seconding what the others say. Best to get it checked out. If it’s benign (most likely outcome) then hurrah! And your mind is at ease. If it is more serious, then the sooner it’s treated the better. If caught early, the vast majority are curable. Besides, the worrying is the worst! So good to work out what it is and get it fixed either way! Who wants an itchy nipple?! X

@ sandy toes. Lol very last comment brought a smile to my face :smiley:
I rand again today for an emergency ppointment but was informed i could go but there is no women doctor available. The only doc is a doctor me and alot of women here will not go to for women stuff. He makes me feel uncomfortable to say the least. However i have managed a new appointment for in five days. So that is better!
I believe a doctor surgery should ALWAYS have a male & female doctor working.
Thanks again for the replys!! x