Hi I wonder if anyone can help me I’m due to start chemo next week I’m going to try and work on good days but I work in a primary school as a lunch time supervisor I only do one hour and mostly in the playground is this ok I’m really not sure what to do
Hi, as a primary teacher, my oncologist advised me not to work through chemo. The risk of getting an infection was too high. However, i felt well enough in 2nd and 3rd weeks of each cycle to work. Working outside is lower risk too. I’d speak to oncologist to ask, and also your head teacher. You may not feel up to it during chemo, but keeping active helps. Good luck with it all. X
I work as a teacher in a primary school & i continued to work. It was very tiring but i managed.
Oncologist was supportive. Advised me to wear a face mask & use antibacterial hand-gel often.
I had a day off for chemo then the day off after it too. Working was good foe my routine and mental health.
Speak to your oncologist & Head Teacher about it. Ultimately its your decision & if you decide to continue to work but then change your mind thats ok.
Having lots of absences could trigger absence management but cancer comes under the disability act so you shouldn’t need to go down that route.
Wishing you luck with your treatment.
Thats amazing @Luskentyre1 that you only had 2 days off per cycle. I was in and out of a&e with infections and for the first week of each cycle i felt so ill.
I was very lucky Everyone is different & so important not to compare as it will drive you round the bend.
Losing my hair in the first round whilst using a cold cap really hit me bad when others managed to keep hold of their hair.
Judt need to do what you think is right for you in the situation youre faced with
Thank you x