I don’t know if anyone has run into this. My place of business has been very insensitive. I don’t need flowers or card. Not one person said good luck when I went for my surgery. Not one person has asked me how I’m doing. Unfortunately-my position was eliminated-and they put me in a similar position. I work at a rehab/assisted living/long term care facility. So there are many jobs that are a lot alike.
When I was offered this job, I made it very clear I had cancer and would be going through radiation. Well my new co-workers are treating me like I had leprosy . I come back from radiation and they act like I had been partying. Never a how are you? In fact it’s just the opposite. They are throwing me in like I have been there 10 years. I came out today and said I don’t think I’m well liked due to my radiation schedule. They played stupid of course. I don’t want to leave. It’s 2 days a week right up the street. Plus I don’t want to give them satisfaction of driving me out. Any else being treated lousy because of their breast cancer?
Hi Loulou
I’m sorry to say that I was in a similar situation- I was diagnosed during the Covid time - and it all went downhill workwise for me when everyone returned to the workplace. Finally I decided that it was better for me to leave and just concentrate on me for a change.
But I know I was advised to stay at my job and it was the employers responsibility to make changes at work so that I could continue with my job.
I just think some people at work were unable to cope with my diagnosis and really didn’t know what to say to me.
Please try to be kind to yourself. Sending cyber hugs to you x
That sounds horrible. If this is how you feel your coworkers treat you, have you raised it with the management team or owners who hired you? Maybe the staff need some training?
Hi, I had six weeks off sick when I had a lumpectomy as its a job that involed heavy lifting. When i was due to go back the toldme they had given my job to someone else. Then offered me 1.5 hours a day over 3 days. It takes me half an hour to drive to work so I had to turn it down. I am now unemployed.
Hi @loulou1
So sorry you are been treated that way by staff , have you not got a manager or hr you can speak to especially as you are going through radiation makes you tired and low , your not on your own this forum is a good sounding board .Just take care of yourself and I wish you well Xx
I don’t know if anyone has run into this. My place of business has been very insensitive. I don’t need flowers or card. Not one person said good luck when I went for my surgery. Not one person has asked me how I’m doing. Unfortunately-my position was eliminated-and they put me in a similar position. I work at a rehab/assisted living/long term care facility. So there are many jobs that are a lot alike.
When I was offered this job, I made it very clear I had cancer and would be going through radiation. Well my new co-workers are treating me like I had leprosy . I come back from radiation and they act like I had been partying. Never a how are you? In fact it’s just the opposite. They are throwing me in like I have been there 10 years. I came out today and said I don’t think I’m well liked due to my radiation schedule. They played stupid of course. I don’t want to leave. It’s 2 days a week right up the street. Plus I don’t want to give them satisfaction of driving me out. Any else being treated lousy because of their breast cancer?
Speak to a lawyer free 30 minute consultation about it, if they are going to try constructive dismissal then you can use your 30 min session to know your rights so any games from them you can take them to the cleaners don’t be intimidated by anything, you are kick ass my lovely, everyone here is
Shi xx
We are a Catholic organization on top of it!! We have a spiritual department, and I going to talk with her. She sends out emails about praying for this….praying that. Which is fine-they need prayers too. But I’m going to suggest we pray for our sick colleagues. Be extra kind to colleagues that are struggling. I always get myself in hot water when I speak up-can’t keep my mouth shut-only when the underdog is struggling, and I’m no referring to me.
use your voice
be wise in the use of your words when you send the email
make the difference, make each one that might read it stop and take a moment to realise how lucky they are to not be walking in another persons shoes who is going through any treatment for any illness, to stop and take a moment that they are lucky to not have a loved one or a friend to be going through any treatment for any illness, use your words as power to reach any of them, that could make a difference and make a change to not just how you are treated but others that will follow you, and there will be others that unfortunately will face something during their lifetime
Shi xx
I may. But if I must be ready. I have to cool of.
draft a few out till you’ve covered everything you want to say so that it’s all there all in one go, then keep it in case you ever need it if required at a later date
I’m sure the words you right will be well thought out are carefully considered
when you cease to allow the negativity of your work colleagues and work environment to influence your words, you know you can do it
hopefully it benefits you and any others at your work place who might or may have been on the receiving end of what you are having happen to you too
wishing you luck
Shi xx
Sorry to hear about your lack of work place support. The whole workplace/job description should surely be one of caring though?!
It’s easier to tell people to pray than inspire them to act well and it’s easier to pray than actually DO something!
I often find that quite pious religious people are remarkably UNchristian in their actual dealings with people. (I worked as a volunteer for Oxfam and was surprised how badly and unkindly they can treat volunteers.)
Anyway, it doesn’t cost anything to show compassion and consideration to a work mate even if you’re not particularly friendly with them, so you’re not asking much of them! Just a kind enquiry helps SO much doesn’t it! Trouble is, their negligence can make you cross and resentful and that doesn’t help. Maybe get it off your chest whenever you need to with the spiritual leader person? That should be confidential.
I was lucky with no radiation side effect of tiredness, but you may be different. Accept what you can manage as cheerfully as possible and quietly refuse to do anything that would overload you during this time.
Good luck
It gets weird. They did give me another position. I had contacted several lawyers, as well as the agency in the US that investigates discrimination.
I have a draft of a letter I am sending to administrator, as well as our “Spiritual “ department. I still need to cool off. And now that other position was offered, I wonder if situation has changed.
I’m still in shock. I’m done treatment, and return to this other position this weekend. I, unfortunately, inherited my mother’s Irish temper.
I have to make sure I can talk to someone, and not scare them half to death.
I need to work, especially at this point to get out of my head. Even though I’m done treatment-I’m still very fragile. I have to sure I keep it professional. I’m not proud, but I’m verbally very acute-and once I get going……especially when you have messed with my values-don’t kick a dog when it’s down
Hmm…did they involve you in any discussion about changing your job? I mean, was the change anything to do with your temporary illness and time off work, or just a coincidence that the change happened then? You should have been kept in the loop and not been surprised by the work changes - I think you said they offered you the new position when yours came to an end? It seems very unfair if it came out of the blue and if they decided this during your absence - not a way to inspire loyalty in workers! HOWEVER, If you’re happy enough with the new job description can you not put your energies into that job rather than litigation? Negative feelings are not good in your present situation - medical and mental wise! It’s important to focus on healing, so unless it’s absolutely necessary, I would step back from focussing on negative stuff as much as possible. Hard when you feel wronged I know, (I’ve been there!) But vital to your health. I would suggest (for what it’s worth) take a big step back…use work as your professional ‘thing’ to keep you occupied and focussed (on your customers/clients who will benefit from your work) and it will also keep you NOT having time to think of BC. We all need distraction in the early days I think.
Your social fulfilment can be out of work with anyone and everyone/thing you feel happy with!
Can you put the fight aside? It’s REALLY bad for you at your vulnerable time! Be kinder to yourself! It doesn’t mean you can’t log a complaint if necessary, just refuse to let it eat at you if you possibly can.
You are correct. I guess I was disappointed. I could also be directing my anger here Either way-I need to focus on my health.
Thank You. Sometimes you need to hear it
May the force be with you!
I’m sorry you are going through this. It is best to do whatever is best for you though. You can apply at other places to find something you might like better. What I have figured out over the last several months of having breast cancer and even when going through chemotherapy is that people without any cancer just do not know how to relate. They just keep expecting me to be whoever I was without the cancer. The treatments and the cancer itself which has now caused pain are stressful. I also knew someone who was going through radiation which I have not experienced yet. Even with my breast cancer I did not know how to relate properly to her I’m sure. I tried to be sensitive but without going through it I’m not going to know what to say or do. We both lived in a facility at the time. Do what is best for you and your life first. Good luck to you. I hope the radiation treatments work out okay for you. We are here for you.
It’s shocking how some workplaces, especially in healthcare, can lack empathy for their own. When I was transitioning careers, I had a tough time at my old job after taking time off for surgery. It’s like people assume you’re slacking when you’re actually just trying to survive. I ended up looking into new opportunities and found sterile processing. Honestly, it’s been a game changer. The average Training Program Duration: 0-6 Months, and it’s a rewarding job where you’re still helping people but without all the toxic coworker drama. Not saying you should leave if you don’t want to, but sometimes exploring options gives you a sense of control.