work is unbearable - anyone wanna give me a job
work is unbearable - anyone wanna give me a job I’m trying frantically to get out of where I work, as they are making my life a misery and its obvious they are trying to get rid of me as I didn’t perform 100% whilst i was going through treatment. As they can’t get rid of me due to the cancer they are trying to incinuate other things and have accused me of a number of things. I worked right through treatment but have been signed off on the sick for a couple of weeks.
I live in the North East does anyone wanna give me a job? There is so much more to life then this and I want a job where I can actually make a difference and love every minute of every day.
I’m a senior manager/new business/account manager. I love my current job but I want to work for employers that respect me.
yes you sound absolutely lovely and if I owned my own business and lived in the North East I’d be offering one to you today!!!. what miserable gits you work with. Stay strong you lovely person. You rise above them. Good luck in your quest to find different employment.
Hi Patsy
I’d offer you a job any day as all the managers at my work are idiots. We could be doing with someone like you.
On a serious note, it sounds like you are being bullied and would stand a good chance of taking your employer to an employment tribunal for unfair dismissal is they tried to get rid of you.
I used to do a bit of employment law but my knowledge is rusty so I’ll refrain from advising you. But it may be an idea to start jotting down all the things being said/done to you so you have a record just in case.
I know this doesn’t seem to be what you want - you want a new job - but one of the things a successful tribunal outcome gives you is a reference from your ex-employer.
Plus it clears your name and hopefully gives you compensation so you have something to live on until you find a new job.
If I were you I would call ACAS or CAB for advice.
Good luck.
For Patsy Hi Patsy,
I am so sorry you are still having trouble with work. They are on very shaky ground as cancer is covered by the Disability Act 1995.
As the other ladies have said, its time to get some advice. You may want to try DEA (Disabilty Employment Advisor) you can contact them through the job center in your area, they can offer support , act on your behapf and give info on job changes, if thats what you want.
You can also ring the Discrimination Rights Council and get some info, search on the net for the phone number.
Good luck with the job search and remember the sw**es are not worth it- at the end of the day its only a job!!
You deserve so much better
Best Wishes
I will work for you Hi
Just to let you know that you sound a lovely lady. When you find your job please think of me because i would love to come and work with you…what a great team we would be…
Keep your pecker up and dont let them grind you down…I did and now i am out of work and finding difficult to find employment and getting benefits is even harder…do not know where my next months rent is going to come from… (That’s a begging letter if you did not know…lol) honestly hang on in there if you can…i know its hard
but am thinking about you…
Take care
Hello patsy,
Just wanted to tell you that you are not the only one suffering like this with a grotty employer.
We have been through enough when we were having treatment for bc. We really don’t need anyone being grotty to us.
You will find another job -if that is what you want.
You are a successful lady. Take whatever advice that is given to you from the Disability people or ACAS or similar and then go on from here to better things.
I am certain that you will
Reply to Elaine 55 What a lovely reply thank you.
Honey if I win the lottery or come into some money i would definitely employ you and yes I think we would make a good team!
Ive got a tribunal I am taking my old work to a tribunal. I have a pre hearing review to determine jurisdiction.
I was in effect self employed as a caterer to a golf club and in August while I ws in hospital they terminated my contract, stating (eventually that I had failed to fulfil my obligations. Not being on their pay roll puts me in a grey area, Im hoping to get a sympathetic chairperson.
Cant afford a lawyer and cant find one that will do it on legal aid. Citizens advice areon the case as well.
Anyone out there with any ideas or know of anyone in a similar situation.?
At the very least I will tell the papers if I get no money out of them.
I am going back to work this week, finally, to a place I used to work so at least I will be earning as I am way in debt now through all this.
My advice is toany one, take advice before quitting and then quit and do them for constructive dismissal and discrimmination.