I have continued to work part-time with secondary cancer (0 hours contracts, self-employed contracts) but I’m aware that I find it a struggle and also that at some point my health is likely to get worse and I will probably be unable to work at all. It seems like there are a lot of hoops to jump thr in order to claim benefits and £72 per week is not much money to live on.
I’m just wondering how others who might have made this kind of choice have found it?
Hi jenny29
While you are waiting for other members to reply to your post, I’ve attached a link to the macmillan website section on Financial support and benefits. They have some very useful information:
Hope this helps
BCC Moderator
Jenny. I also have sbc and have to decide if i work or go on benefits. You can claim ESA and PIP …formerly called DLA. If anyone looks after you they can claim carers allowance too. I am lucky as i can reduce my hours perhaps and still work but its an awful situation to be in and i really sympathise. My head is spinning and i have to tell my manager tomorrow! Good luck and i hope this has helped
Carol x
Hi jenny. Firstly…who cares if your house is a tip. So is mine!
Secondly…you really need to speak to some one about your finances before you get too stressed. You could phone dwp for advice or speak to citizens advice or welfare rights.
You should get pip at about 500 a month ans esa at about 100 weekly. You mite even qualify for help with council tax or rent reductions.
There is help out there but i agree its not as gd as our wages generally.
It seems so wrong to have financial worries wen we shud be concentrating on our health rite now.
Hope you can get things sorted out soon so you can plan what to do and how to best cope with all of this.
As for money. Dont take this as definite but i think your pip could be approx £500 a month whilst esa should bw about £100 weekly. You may also get help with rent or council tax rebates
Oops didnt realised i had repeated myself!